我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 好久不练听力了, 感觉有些生锈, 我打算每天早上做1分钟听写, 看看自己能坚持多久. 把你听到的句子写在评论里, 哪怕你只听懂了一个句子. 当你开始行动时, 你就超过了大多数只看只想而不去做的人.
And I can make the world a better place.
I am going to be...
A police officer.
A bunny cop?
That is the most stupid(stupidest) thing I ever heard.
It may seem impossible to small minds.
I'm looking at you, Gideon Green(Grey).
But just 211 miles away, stands the great city of Zootopia, where our ancestors first joined together in peace and declared that anyone can be anything.
Thank you and good night.
1 Giddeon这个名字在Criminal minds中碰到过, Grey听成了Green, 结尾的鼻音.
2 我听到的是the most stupidest, 但是觉得语法不对, 就改成the most stupid, 看答案发现确实是most stupidest.
你能听懂大概多少? 哪怕只听懂了一个句子, 也把它写在评论中. 迈出第一步是最重要的也是最难的.