2018-09-24 复盘-Justin直播课《我是怎样写一篇英文随笔的》

   A New Coffee Chain is Making Waves

This nascent coffee brand has gone completely viral and is said to rival Starbucks


Luckin瑞幸咖啡auspicious   ~ linkedin


is makeing waves


go viral火了,talk of tone ,无人不谈/晓

viral rival尾韵 anagram同字母异序词: sementically,visually and aurally fitting


If you asked coffee drinkers in cities a few months ago where they bought coffee, you would most likely have heard "Starbucks", the uncontested go-to spot for the caffeine-dependent. Today, however, a less familiar name may come up more often as it is barging into the coffee retail market in China: Luckin. 


the uncontested go-to spot老地方 for the caffeine-dependent.The+a.一类人


barge into


Unlike Starbucks, the Seattle-born global juggernaut, Luckin is a homegrown novice, despite its English name and sleek design. Barely five months old, this toddler is punching far above its weight. Up until April 11th, its 344 stores dotted 13 cities, with Beijing (81 locations) topping the list. Luckin churns out over 30 stores every week, and by May expects to reach 500 total stores nationwide. The speed and scale are comparable to the Nazi blitzkrieg and the waves are quickly being felt among coffee drinkers. 


s头韵alliteration,pike market,giant巨头,homegrown=domestic,novice=freshman=greenhand,sleek: smooth,shiny,elegent光滑光亮的 线条流畅的 造型优美的(阔气的 衣冠楚楚的 时髦的)

punching above/below one’s weight四两拨千斤,发挥超常/失常

单音节词有:dot/scatter  topping  ,用耳朵写!

churn out:produce sth. in a fast rate

domestically   province-wide ,county-wide ,city-wide

词性转换n. v. a. adv

Nazi blitzkrieg纳粹闪电战外来词用斜体



Luckin comes prepared. It has a clear business model based on a niche market. Its stated goal is to convert Starbucks goers into Luckin lovers. Its prices are carefully set to be about ten yuan lower than the coffee at Starbucks but a few yuan higher than at such alternatives as convenience stores and bakeries. The perfect traction thus would be Starbucks fans who [wish the coffee were slightly cheaper and yet retained the same standard. ]


策略模式有备而来not walk in the door the last minute ,细分小众市场,

stated:announced intended

lovers比goers 更有忠诚度


On its website as well as its paper cups, Luckin seems to fulfill precisely such wishes. It boasts three major highlights: premium Arabica coffee beans, recipes devised by award-winning baristas, and fresh brewing, all signs of high caliber. According to some accounts, its beans are generally 20%-30% pricier than Starbucks’, a testament to its obsession with quality. Well-prepared recipes appeal to coffee aficionados who want more than a cup of drinkable coffee. Freshness serves a similar purpose. 






obsession with苛求,appeal to吸引迎合

coffee aficionados 西语



What truly sets Luckin apart from Starbucks is its delivery-focused approach. Either out of [the difficulty of running its own delivery operation] or [persistence on superb taste], Starbucks does not deliver. Luckin attempts to fill the void by positioning itself first and foremost as a coffee delivery brand. It promises fast delivery; customers who have not received coffee 30 minutes within placing an order automatically qualify for a free coffee on Luckin. For those who are picky about quality, they can order coffee on their Luckin app and pick up the drink at the nearest coffee bar. 


What truly sets A apart from B is ...


Eithor out of A or B   对称/仗

fill the void填补空白,position v.  first and foremost有,可以:qualify

It’s on me.请客

gourmet美食家  picky eater  foodie


Coffee delivery may remind some heavy coffee drinkers of another coffee brand which went out of fashion more rapidly than into fashion: Coffee Box (pictured), formerly known as Lyan Coffee. In 2015, seeing the lack of delivery by big coffee brands like Starbucks and Costa, Lyan got off the ground by jumping on the O2O (or, online to offline) bandwagon. Its initial business rationale is to amass Starbucks users while delivering coffee to them and then monetize them by rolling out its own coffee brand (Coffee Box). It was allegedly bad at managing the burn rate and prematurely launched the program. Fans were said to be lukewarm about it. 


bg回放 自己经历

(pictured)如图所示   formerly known as

got off the ground by jumping on脚离地:开始......

O2O线上下单 线下服务

rationale 逻辑 amass v.

monetize 变现

rolling out推出= launch

Burn rate烧钱  prematurely过早地 

were said to be 据说lukewarm about不温不火/不太感冒


Luckin’s genes vary entirely from Lyan's as well as Starbucks’. Though a coffee company and perceived as such, Luckin claims to be an Internet company through and through. All orders, for instance, have to be completed on its proprietary app. This means [great difficulty of user conversion] but [greater ambition of turning users] into loyal fans too. 


perceived as such被认为如此 through and through不折不扣的

proprietary 专属的

[]对仗 对称


Another hallmark of its identity as a tech startup is its startlingly quick scalability, both in terms of user acquisition and store additions. It has adopted the typical growth hacking approach that has long characterized such Silicon Valley titans as Uber, Airbnb, and Dropbox. Users can give away free coffees on their Luckin app, and once their friends redeem the gift they can themselves get free coffees. (To be honest, this is part of my motivation for penning this post 


hallmark feature


pen v.  post:文章


This simple yet classic tactic ensures a persistently high referral rate while keeping costs low. Thanks to the high margin of the coffee business, Luckin's customer acquisition cost (CAC) can be slashed. The cost of acquiring an app user--two free cups of Luckin (one for the new user and one for the existing user)--is 48 at face value. Yet the real cost may well be between 18-25, and by some measure, far lower than the average CAC of an e-commerce app user.


tactic n.

ensure enable entitle

referral rate介绍率 word of mouth口碑


-- ()--破折号: 解释说明补充 主次 视觉

at face value面值

may well be很有可能


The customer lifetime value (CLTV) can further justify its CAC. If its coffee is consistently good, and the brand is getting stronger to fend off other serious contenders, Luckin can benefit from the CLTV in the long run because coffee drinkers consume it repeatedly and are likely to stay with the brand they like. Unlike many other drinks, coffee is addictive and is a necessity. I, for example, drink seven to fourteen cups of coffee per week. A day doesn't really start until I quaff an Americano. 



fend off

A day doesn't really start until......

quaff畅饮 wines


Luckin's growing fan base thanks also to its careful pick of spokespeople. Tang Wei and Zhang Zhen, two likable actors, appeal to the right audience Luckin eagerly seeks to tap into. While Starbucks may consider hiring celebrities unnecessary, Luckin takes them to be the holy grail. Every invite link sent by existing users is accompanied by a charming pose as if by accepting the invitation, a user is welcomed into a high-class club. 


pick地道, drinkable likeable

right + n.目标人群 very,targeted    不会用就是生词!


Invite n.   great read=book   enjoy the listens(Audible)  v.-->n.


Now Luckin is making waves and making Starbucks uncomfortable. But the question is, will the momentum last? Will Luckin the David outcompete Starbucks the Goliath? Will Starbucks wake up to the alarm and take up the challenge? Will coffee enthusiasts remain passionate about it when they are weaned off the freebies? Only time will tell. Until then, why don't you hop on the bandwagon and treat yourself a free and fresh coffee? 


Will?Will?Will?Will?????Only time will tell.         Sheer joy~

last, remain, retain, keep   wake up to:realize  take up:迎接(挑战)

wean off:disconnect戒掉  freebies免费的东西

hop on the bandwagon赶浪头


先结构:Title摘要 每段段首(开门见山)



Adv.莫滥用(画蛇添足)!  google:adv.的Usage注意点



1.语境 打磨小词多造句,提炼句型:仿写 背诵



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