
-cm line|cond|fsm|tgl|obc|path 设定coverage的方式

+define+macro=value+ 预编译宏定义

-f filename RTL文件列表

+incdir+directory+ 添加include 文件夹

-I 进入交互界面

-l logfile文件名

-P 定义PLI的列表(Tab)文件

+v2k 使用推荐的标准

-y 定义verilog的库

-notice 显示详尽的诊断信息

-o 指定输出的可执行文件的名字,缺省是sim.v

  • nospecify 不对 SPECIFY 模块进行时序检查和路径延时计算

  • notimingcheck 不进行时序检查;但是还是把path延时加入仿真中

Summary of vcs compile options:

-ASFLAGS "opts" pass 'opts' to the assembler
-B generate long call instructions in native assembly code (HP only)
-CC "opts" pass 'opts' to C compiler
-CFLAGS "opts" pass 'opts' to C compiler
-LDFLAGS "opts" pass 'opts' to C compiler on load line only
-I enable interactive/postprocessing debugging capabilities
-ID get host identification information
-M enable incremental compilation (see manual)
-Mupdate enable incremental compilation and keep the Makefile up-to-date
-Marchive[=N] create intermediate libs to reduce link line length; N objs per lib
-P plitab compiles user-defined pli definition table 'plitab'
-PP enable optimizer postprocessing capabilities for vcd+
-R after compilation, run simulation executable
-RI after compilation, run simulation under xvcs (Implies -I)
-RIG run simulation under xvcs without compiling (executable has to exist)
-RPP run xvcs in postprocessing mode (requires file created by vcdpluson)
-V[t] verbose mode; with 't', include time information
-as foo use foo as the assembler
-cc foo use foo as the C compiler
-cpp foo use foo as the C++ compiler
-e <new_name> specify the name of your main() routine.
(see manual section 7-11 for more details).
-f file reads 'file' for other options
-gen_c generate C code (for HP and Sun, default is -gen_obj)
-gen_asm generate native assembly code (HP and Sun only)
-gen_obj generate native object code (HP and Sun only)

-ld foo use foo as the linker. (refer vcs manual for compatibility with -cpp option)
-line enable single-stepping/breakpoints for source level debugging
-lmc-swift include lmc swift interface
-lmc-hm include lmc hardware modeler interface

-vera add VERA 4.5+ libraries
-vera_dbind add VERA 4.5+ libraries for dynamic binding
-location display full pathname to vcs installation for this platform
-vhdlobj <name> generate a vhdl obj for simulating in a vhdl design
-mixedhdl include MixedHDL-1.0 interface
-mhdl include MixedHDL-2.0 interface and library
-q quiet mode
-platform display name of vcs installation subdirectory for this platform
-syslib 'libs' specify system libraries (placed last on the link line) eg -lm
-o exec name the executable simulation model 'exec' (default is 'simv')
-u treat all non text string characters as uppercase
-v file search for unresolved module references in 'file'
-y libdir search for unresolved module references in directory 'libdir'
+acc enable pli applications to use acc routines (see manual)
+ad include anlog simulation interface and library
+adfmi="files" ADFMI support for vcs-ace
+cliedit enable command line edit/recall (see doc/
+cli enable command line interactive debugging (see manual)
+cmod Enabling cmodule feature
+cmodext+cmodext Changing cmodule extension to cmodext
+cmodincdir+cmoddir Cmodule Include directory
+cmoddefine+macro define cmodule source 'macro' in the form of XX=YY
+define+macro define hdl source 'macro' to have value "macro"
+plusarg_save hardwire the plusargs, which follow this flag, into simv
+plusarg_ignore turn off +plusarg_save
+prof tells vcs to profile the the design and generate file

+race tells vcs to generate a report of all race conditions during simulation
and write this report in the race.out file
+rad+1 enable level 1 radiant optimizations (See Release Notes)
+rad+2 enable level 2 radiant optimizations (See Release Notes)
+libext+lext use extension 'lext' when searching library directorys
+librescan search from beginning of library list for all undefined mods
+incdir+idir for `include files, search directory 'idir'
+nospecify suppress path delays and timing checks
+notimingchecks suppress timing checks
+optconfigfile+foo use 'foo' as the optimization config file (See Release Notes)
+vcsd enable the VCS Direct sim kernel interface

-cmhelp enable CoverMeter help. CoverMeter should be installed
and environment variable CM_HOME should be set.
-cm enable VCS to first run cmSource to instrument the
Verilog source files on the command line, and then to
compile the instrumented source files
-cm_all enable VCS to link CoverMeter into the VCS executable in a way that enables line, condition, and FSM coverage and establishes the direct link. Enabling all types of coverage and the direct link is the default condition when you include the -cm option so you can omit this option
-cm_lineonly enable VCS to link CoverMeter into the VCS executable in a way that only enables line coverage when it also establishes the direct link. Use this option for faster simulation and when you only need line coverage

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