From: Supervisor
Copy: Boss, PhD D, PhD P, PhD X
Title: Speak English
Hi all,
ENGLISH is the official language of our lab. Pls. speak English all the time.
Copy: Supervisor, PhD D, PhD P, PhD X
Title: Re: Speak English
Send from my Ibromel
Hi all,
ENGLISH is the official language of our lab. Pls. speak English all the time.
PhD P: 你教我一下这个mini UV-VIS怎么用吧。
PhD A: 可以啊。首先你要有个比色皿,我这个是师兄留给我的。先给你演示一下。
PhD A: 然后是打开软件,软件的名字是……(寻找中)是这个,就叫UV-VIS,点这里,然后……
Supervisor: (开门)Hi. A
PhD A: Click tools, then properties. Hi! You can set the save directory. Oper the file folder, create a new folder. Use your name for the test, you can input anything you want after the training. Click Ok, OK, Ok. Then, tools, Parameters...
PhD A: 设置参数,这里是模式,这个是波长……
PhD A: sampling interval, and then……
PhD A: 到哪了?
PhD P: 采样间隔。
PhD A: 那就该确认了。然后……
PhD A: Collect the baseline……
PhD X: 培训哪?
PhD A: 对。把空的比色皿放进这个槽里,然后点……
Supervisor: Hi X, How's you going?
PhD A: Start. Just wait a couple of minutes.
PhD X: Good. Just look around and set a new experiment. Just find a new way...Bala Bala
Supervisor: We can talk about it later. Do you have time? Give me a hand.
PhD X: Sure.
PhD A: Finish! Then.
PhD A: 把你的样品放进去。
PhD P: 好的。