- <c- *>
- <c-j> code live templates
- <c-p> see method parameters
- <c-q> see doc
- <c-u> find superClass or superInterface
- <c-h> see Hierarchy
- <c-o> find methods to overwrite
- <c-i> find methods to implement
- <c-[/]> move caret to code block start/end
- <c-F1> error description
- <c-F8> add/remove breakpoint
- <c-F9> make project
- <c-F11> bookmark
- <c-F12> current file structure
- <c-Tab> file switcher , when window use delecte button close this file window
- <c-home/end> move file start/ end
- <a-*>
- <a-L> reformat code
- <a-`> cvs menu
- <a-F1> select in many options , include explorer
- <a-F3> search
- <a-F7> find usages
- <a-F8> In debug Evaluate Expression...
- <a-Enter> quick fix
- <a-insert> Generate
- <a-left/right> switch windows
- <a-[1,2...9] switch windows; 1: project 5. run
- <s-*>
- <s-F6> refactory rename
- <s-Enter> new line
- <s-left chick> close file
- <s-rollershift> 横向滚动
- <ca-*>
- <ca-o> reimport package
- <ca-T> surround with
- <ca-H> hierarchy of callers
- <ca-Y> reload
- <ca-v> quick add varible
- <ca-s> settings
- <ca-F7> show usages
- <ca-Enter> before new line
- <cs-*>
- <cs-U> toggle case
- <cs-t> Generate TestClass
- <cs-c> copy file path
- <cs-b> method declaim
- <cs-enter> Complete Current Statement
- <cs-F12> editor max
- <sc-*>
- <sc-n> task ?
- <sc-c> recent change
- <sc-double left click> select a lot word