笃学奖-Topic 4-B18319-甘比精读- The living was easy

Day 11



A new fossil, if confirmed, suggests life got started quickly on the ancient Earth.

N-COUNT 可数名词化石 A fossil is the hard remains of a prehistoric animal or plant that are found inside a rock.

2.condensed ; interstellar

it condensed,around 4.6 billion years ago, from the same cloud of dust and interstellar gas that gave birth to the sun and the rest of the solar system.

ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词(液体)浓缩的Condensed liquids have been made thicker by removing some of the water in them.

【搭配模式】:usu ADJ n

...condensed mushroom soup.


ADJ 形容词星际的 Interstellar means between the stars.

【搭配模式】:ADJ n

【语域标签】:FORMAL 正式

...interstellar space.



Now, though, the date of life’s debut may be pushed back even further.

N-COUNT 可数名词(表演者或运动员的)首次登台,初次露面;(歌手的)首次录音Thedebutof a performer or sports player is their first public performance, appearance, or recording.

【搭配模式】:oft with poss

Dundee United's Dave Bowman makes his internationaldebut.


...herdebutalbum 'Sugar Time'.


4.swathe ;shores

The rock in question is a 3-kilometre-long swathe on the eastern shores of the Hudson Bay called the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt.

N-COUNT 可数名词(土地的)一长条,一长片Aswathe ofland is a long strip of land.

【搭配模式】:usu Nofn

On May 1st the army took over anotherswatheof territory...


Year by year greatswathes of this small nation's countryside disappear.


海岸;河岸;湖滨 countable or uncountable the land along the edge of a sea, lake or wide river

You can walk for miles along the shore.

The boat was about a mile from/off (the) shore when the engine suddenly died.


It is mostly composed of pillow-shaped basalt, a type of rock formed when lava cools rapidly in seawater.

N-MASS 物质名词玄武岩 Basalt is a type of black rock that is produced by volcanoes.

6.nodule ; intrigued ; hollow ; tube

Within the veins and nodules of the jasper that intrigued his boss, Mr Dodd found hollow tubes between 2 and 14 microns in diameter and up to 0.5mm long made of haematite, a mineralised form of iron oxide.

N-COUNT 可数名词(植物的)根瘤,根结A nodule is a small round lump which is found on the roots of certain plants.

【搭配模式】:oft n N

...bacteria that live in rootnodules on certain plants.


ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词被吸引住的;被迷住的If you are intrigued bysomething, especially something strange, it interests you and you want to know more about it.

【搭配模式】:usu v-link ADJ

They areintriguedby her story...


I would beintriguedto hear others' views.


N-COUNT 可数名词凹陷处;低洼地A hollow is an area that is lower than the surrounding surface.

【搭配模式】:oft Nof/in/betweenn

Below him the town lay warm in thehollowof the hill.


...where water gathers in ahollowand forms a pond.


N-COUNT 可数名词管子;管;管状物Atubeis a long hollow object that is usually round, like a pipe.

He is fed by atubethat enters his nose.


...a cardboardtube.


7.filament ; anchored ; lump ; haematite ; corkscrew

Some of these filaments form networks anchored to a lump of haematite; others are corkscrew-shaped.

N-COUNT 可数名词细丝;细线;丝状物A filament is a very thin piece or thread of something, for example the piece of wire inside a light bulb.

VERB 动词与…有紧密联系;使扎根;使固守If something is anchored in something or to something, it has strong links with it.



【搭配模式】:usu passive

A united Germany must be firmlyanchored in NATO if Europe is to remain stable...


His basic outlook remainsanchored in the liberal tradition.


N-COUNT 可数名词(一)块A lump of something is a solid piece of it.

【搭配模式】:oft Nofn

The potter shaped and squeezed thelumpof clay into a graceful shape.


...a lump of wood...


They used to buy ten kilos of beef in onelump.


haematite: noun uncountable specialized

a common dark red or grey rock from which iron is obtained

N-COUNT 可数名词瓶塞钻;螺丝开瓶起子A corkscrew is a device for pulling corks out of bottles.

8.resemblance ; hydrothermal ; vent ; crenellated ; tectonic ; laden

The team contends that these bear more than a passing resemblance to the networks of bacteria that live in hydrothermal vents—towering, crenellated structures that form in the deep ocean above the boundaries between tectonic plates, where superheated mineral-laden water spurts up from beneath the seabed.

N-VAR 可变名词相似之处;类似之处If there is a resemblance between two people or things, they are similar to each other.

【搭配模式】:oft adj N

There was a remarkableresemblancebetween him and Pete...


Our tour prices bore littleresemblanceto those in the holiday brochures.


hydrothermal: adjective ,relating to or denoting the action of heated water in the earth's crust.

N-COUNT 可数名词通风孔;排气口A vent is a hole in something through which air can come in and smoke, gas, or smells can go out.

Quite a lot of steam escaped from theventat the front of the machine...


There was a small airventin the ceiling.


ADJ 形容词(城墙)有雉堞的In a castle, a crenellated wall has gaps in the top or openings through which to fire at attackers.

【搭配模式】:usu ADJ n


...crenellated turrets.


ADJ 形容词地质构造的;地壳构造的 Tectonic means relating to the structure of the earth's surface or crust.

【搭配模式】:ADJ n


...the tectonic plates of the Pacific region.


ADJ 形容词装满的;满载的 If someone or something is laden with a lot of heavy things, they are holding or carrying them.

【搭配模式】:oft ADJ with n


I came homeladenwith cardboard boxes...


The following summer the peach tree wasladenwith fruit...




9.remnants ; microbes ; coiled

Well-preserved fossil remnants of these microbes have been found at many sites younger than Nuvvuagittuq, and they closely resemble the coiled and branching tubes that Dr Papineau and his colleagues have found.

N-COUNT 可数名词剩余部分;残余部分;残迹;残存物The remnants ofsomething are small parts of it that are left over when the main part has disappeared or been destroyed.

【搭配模式】:usu Nofn

After twenty-four hours of fighting, theremnants of the force were fleeing...


Beneath the present church wereremnants of Roman flooring...


Obedience by women towards men is aremnantof religious teaching.


N-COUNT 可数名词微生物A microbe is a very small living thing, which you can only see if you use a microscope.

ADJ 形容词卷着的;盘绕的 Coiled means in the form of a series of loops.

【搭配模式】:ADJ n

...a heavy coiled spring.


...special coiled kettle flexes.


10.intriguing ; hydrothermal ; plausible ; cradle

Such a find is doubly intriguing because hydrothermal vents are seen as a plausible candidate for the cradle of life.

ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词有趣的;引人入胜的;奇怪的If you describe something as intriguing, you mean that it is interesting or strange.

【搭配模式】:usu ADJ n

Thisintriguingbook is both thoughtful and informative.


hydrothermal:adjective,relating to or denoting the action of heated water in the earth's crust.

ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词(解释或说法)似乎真实的,貌似合理的An explanation or statement that is  plausible seems likely to be true or valid.

A more  plausible explanation would seem to be that people are fed up with the Conservative government...


That explanation seems entirelyplausibleto me.


N-COUNT 可数名词发源地;发祥地A place that is referred to as the cradle of something is the place where it began.

【搭配模式】:usu sing

Mali is the cradle of some of Africa's richest civilizations.


...New York, the cradle of capitalism.


11.pore ; gradient

Microscopic pores in the rock might have served as natural cell walls, and the chemistry of the water could provide exactly the sort of energy gradient that a primitive living cell would have needed to go about its bio-chemical business.

N-COUNT 可数名词(植物表面的)气孔The pores of a plant are the tiny holes on its surface.

【搭配模式】:usu pl

A plant's lungs are the microscopic pores in its leaves.


N-COUNT 可数名词变化率The gradient of a graph or series of measurements is the rate at which one set of amounts changes in relation to another.

【搭配模式】:with supp


12.scrutiny; implication

The find—which will face fierce scrutiny from other palaeobiologists—has other implications, too.

N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词详细的检查(或审查);仔细的观察If a person or thing is underscrutiny, they are being studied or observed very carefully.

【搭配模式】:oft prep N

His private life came under mediascrutiny...


The President promised a government open to publicscrutiny.


N-COUNT 可数名词暗示;暗指;含意The implication of a statement, event, or situation is what it implies or suggests is the case.

【搭配模式】:PHR with cl/group

The implication was obvious: vote for us or it will be very embarrassing for you...


The implication that marital infidelity enhances a leader's credibility is preposterous.


13.well up from the crust

well up: (of a liquid) rise up to the surface and spill or be about to spill.

N-COUNT 可数名词地壳The earth's crust is its outer layer.

【搭配模式】:with supp

Earthquakes leave scars in the earth's crust.


Day 12



1.The team contends that these bear more than a passing resemblance tothe networks of bacteria that live in hydrothermal vents--towering, crenellatedstructures that form in the deep ocean above the boundaries between tectonicplates, where superheated mineral-laden water spurts up from beneath the seabed.

该团队认为, 这些和生活在深海热泉的细菌群落极为相似----深海热泉指的是: 深海中构造板块交界边缘上方高耸锯齿型的部分,富含矿物质的水从海底喷涌而出。

Bear more than a passing resemblance to: passing指的是过关,及格线,

more than a passing resemblance指远超及格线,非常相似。

2.Such a find isdoubly intriguingbecause hydrothermal vents are seen asa plausible candidate for the cradle of life.


Plausible:有两种意思,一个偏褒义,另一个偏贬义,此处指appearing worthy of belief:eg. the argument was both powerful and plausible 褒义

3.Although the sorts of bacteria apparently found by Dr. Papineau and his colleagues are too complicated to reveal much about the very earliest organisms, the suggestion that hydrothermal vents have played host to life for so long is a strike in the theory’s favor.


Too....to...太......以致不能......You are too young to drive. 你太年轻,还不能开车。

Day 13





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