我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写1分钟电影. 把你听到的句子写在评论里, 和我一起坚持. 哪怕你只听懂了几个词, 也可以写下来. 迈出第一步比什么都重要.
My parents always said that I had an overactive imagination.
but I clearly remembered(remember) the baby was delivered in a taxi.
What the...
Tim, look who's here.
Meet your new baby brother.
baby what?
I had a million questions.
Who is this guy?
Why is he here?
What's with that outfit?
Why is he so fat?
Why is he staring at me?
Does he know karate?
What's going on?
1 这篇比较简单, 听写+对答案15分钟.
2 remember从语法上感觉是有ed的, 为什么答案中是没有呢? 再听好像确实是没有.