1、戏精(drama queen/king)
【西译】stage/public chameleon
2、尬聊(small talk)
【西译】awkward talk
3、求锤得锤(they want it, they have it)
【西译】want nothing bad, get something worse
4、扎心了老铁(hit close to home)
【西译】You hurt me, buddy/honey
5、嘴上笑嘻嘻,心里mmp(fine, thank you)
【西译】smile on face, cures in mouth
6、无FUCK可说(fucking speechless)
【西译】tongue-tied 【注:这里的fuck是模仿南方人(福建人)“话”的发音。】
7、惊不惊喜,意不意外(surprise motherfucker)
【西译】surprise out of surprise
8、大吉大利,晚上吃鸡(winner winner, chicken dinner)
9、还有这种操作(are you even human)
【西译】Is that, that Ok?