go back, date back ,确切的日期,给物品定年代的,
we'v been friends foe long; we go way back since..
write widely on science ,
It has twice the weight of another, twice as heavy
form a theory to explain what is going on, and then carry on an experiment to see whether the theory works
pick holes in the argument
in orbit around/round the sun,不用the,不是具体的圈 out of shape try to be in shape, in bed 只是一种状态 ,不是具体一张床,
alpha particles bounced back off the paper, step off of the train ,从火车里面出来,由内忧外,step off the wall, 只是远离了这个墙 the pingpang is bouncing on the table
artillery shall 炮弹壳
all the more,
in some degree, in some measure, in some extend ,
an attitude or point of view
expectations for the future, especially with respect to a particular situation
a view seen from a place
an idea about what a situation will be like in the future
your general attitude toward things
前景 观点 人生观 景色 外观
日食;月食an occasion when the moon passes between the earth and the sun so that you cannot see all or part of the sun for a time; an occasion when the earth passes between the moon and the sun so that you cannot see all or part of the moon for a time
(重要性、权势等的)丧失,黯然失色,暗淡a loss of importance, power, etc. especially because sb/sth else has become more important, powerful, etc.
v.~ sth 遮住…的光to cause an eclipse
~ sb/sth 使失色;使相形见绌;使丧失重要性to make sb/sth seem dull or unimportant by comparison
mediterranean 地中海 地中海风格 地中海居民
magnificent 壮观的 富丽堂皇的
ingenious 精巧的 有创意的 巧妙的 机灵的
alchemy 炼金术
flourish 繁荣 兴旺 茁壮成长
Arabic numeral 阿拉伯数字
monopoly 专制
learn 学会 learn of 了解
Belgian anatomist Andreas produced AA, which described his dissections of human corpses with exquisite illustrations.
anatomist 解剖学家 剖析者
dissection 解剖,分类,切割作用,解剖标本,剥离,剖分,切开
corpse 死尸 尸首
exquisite 精美的 精致的 强烈的
illustration 插图 图解 图示 ,illustrator插画家 illustrate 给 配插图
skeptical 怀疑的
laid foundation ,form basis ,
a host of 一大堆的
open up new fields of science ,in to which marched Danish physicist
thermodynamics 热力学的 使用热动力的
geologist 地质学家 strata stratum 的复数 地层 layer 层
proposed 被提出
demonstrate 证明 推演 示范
leapfrog 跳跃式前进
The idea of Big Bang began to take root.
chromosomes 染色体
inheritance 遗传 遗产 继承权 遗传特征
falsify ,disprove, bring an entire theory crushing down,整个理论坍塌,quash ,discredit,
不间断的;持续的;长久的continuing for a long period of time without interruption a perpetual struggle to discover
一再反复的;无尽无休的;没完没了的frequently repeated, in a way that is annoying perpetual quarrel 无休止的争吵
终身的;永久的lasting for the whole of sb's life perpetual imprisonment 终生监禁
2.lay foundations for
date back 感觉一直不被发现
go back we go way back我们是朋友好久了
twice the weight as/of another
form a theory to explain what is going on and then carry out an experiment to see whether the theory works
artillery shall 炮弹壳
is all the more 显然之上的更进一步
Every experiment that gives predicted answers is supporting evidence,but one experiment that fails may bring an entire theory crashing down.
in some mesure 某种程度上
Those could not have been found without the vacuum pump and ,in 1799, the invention of the battery 本来可能不会发生 could not have done I could have found him
set up
AD 公元纪年(拉丁语Anno Domini)英语为 CB(Common Ero) BCE/BC 公元前 before common Ero
过去的假设,could not have found her
in the works 某人已经在做这件事了 it is in the works
learn 学会
learn of 听说 了解了
falsify 证伪 overturn 推翻 quash 镇压 证伪 压碎 推翻 discredit 证明。。错 使名誉不再 使人民不再相信 shake 动摇根基 推翻
monopoly n.垄断者 垄断
thereby 因此
quash 镇压 证伪 压碎 推翻
mistical 神秘的 alchemy 炼金术
form the basis for classical physics
leapfrog 跳山羊 越级升职 超越
fleece 动物的毛皮 duck feather /duck down 鸭毛 鸭绒
明确肯定;断言to state clearly and firmly that sth is true assert that
~ yourself 坚持自己的主张;表现坚定to behave in a confident and determined way so that other people pay attention to your opinionsAssert yourself and see what your partner does with that
~ sth 维护自己的权利(或权威)to make other people recognize your right or authority to do sth, by behaving firmly and confidently assert her innocent 坚持声称她是无辜的
~ itself 生效;起作用to start to have an effect
4.astronomer, stargazer, astrophysicist ,space scientist 天文学家
astrolabe 星盘
以实验(或经验)为依据的;经验主义的based on experiments or experience rather than ideas or theories Some of our philosophers would say that they pursue conceptual analysis rather than empirical inquiry.[in'kwairi]有的哲学家会说,他们想要的是概念分析,而不是实证调查。
6.-rical adj. 与..有关的 numerical 数字的 用数字表示的 spherical 球形的 aspherical (尤指光学镜片)非球面的 (northern hemisphere 北半球)centrical 中心的 重要的 hysterical 歇斯底里的 historical 与历史有关的 有关过去事件的 electrical 电动的 发电的
7.Building on the work of the Arab scientist 600 years earlier, and soon to be reinforced by the French philosopher , Bacon's scientific method requires ..
~ sth 加强;充实;使更强烈to make a feeling, an idea, etc. stronger reinforce the prejudice 加深偏见
~ sth 加固;使更结实to make a structure or material stronger, especially by adding another material to it reinforced concrete钢筋混凝土
~ sth 给…加强力量(或装备);使更强大to send more people or equipment in order to make an army, etc. stronger reinforce the front line 增援前线
8 pick holes 挑毛病,pick a hole in 找茬 ,pick and choose 挑挑拣拣 luggage pick up 行李领取, pick up points and times 接站地点和事件,pick sb. out 看中某人 认出某人,pick a pocket 扒窃
9 falsify
to alter something in order to deceive 伪造 falsify evidence 伪造证据 falsify certificates 伪造执照
to prove that something is incorrect 否证 falsify a statement
to misrepresent the facts in order to mislead 篡改
to change something deliberately in order to trick other people窜改
In fact, Science needs to be repeating test, verify and falsify .测试验证再否证 falsify accounts 做假账 falsify the theory 理论遭到驳斥
10 hypothesis 假说
hypo-在…之下 hypogeum 地下室 地窖,hypocrisy 伪善 虚伪hypocrite 伪君子
epi-在…之上 epigone追随者(尤指艺术 )蹩脚的模仿者 episode插曲一段经历 电视剧的一集
11. comet 彗星
12.orbit n&v
the path that an astronomical object such as a planet, moon, or satellite follows around a larger astronomical object such as the Sun轨道
an area in which someone or something has power or influence,a sphere of interest, influence, or activity 活动范围 影响范围
v.move in an orbit(round the earth or some other heavenly body) 沿轨道运行
to move around a large object in space such as a planet围绕…运动
orbit around 围轨道运行
in shape ,out of shape, 不是具体的哪一个形状
come out of the train , bounce back off the train ,
13.speculative 推测的 推断的 投机的 speculative demand 退机型需求
14.deflection n.偏移 移角
15. foil n.锡箔纸 v. 衬托,阻挠
16.artillery n炮火 大炮
artillery shall 炮弹壳
attracting strong interest and attention 引人入胜的 扣人心弦的
necessitating action or belief 强有力的
interesting or exciting enough to keep your attention completely
able to persuade someone to do something or persuade them that something is true 令人信服的
compelling evidence 强有力充分的证据
18. geocentric adj.以地球为中心的
geocentric theory 地心说 heliocentric theory 日心说
19.simultaneously 同时发生的 同步的
simultaneous interpretation 同传 consecutive interpretation 交传
consecutive 连续不断的 不被打断的
20 apparatus 仪器 器官
21.vacuum n.真空 真空吸尘器, vacuum pump 真空泵