How to Use TPR better in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language for Children



How to Use TPR better in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language for Children

1. Introduction            ............................................................................................................................1

2. Literature Review         ............................................................................................................................2

3. Methodology       ............................................................................................................................5

4. Results        ............................................................................................................................9

5. Conclusion      ..........................................................................................................................12

6. References


How to Use TPR better in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language for Children

1. Introduction

In recent years, with China's national strength enhanced, China's international influence is also increasingly attention by more countries in the world. The resulting agitation "Chinese fever" is gradually expanding the scope of its spread. Around Japan, South Korea and other countries have more to master Chinese as necessary conditions when the choice of talents; More and more European and American countries also aims to develop the Chinese talents, and as the way to improve the international competitiveness.

And then, the local Chinese teaching is to open around or in the west countries, teaching Chinese as a foreign language also arises at the historic moment, and it is becoming heats up issues of the education. Many foreign adults with enthusiasm to come to China, Chinese is revealed to charm, they also feel the Chinese culture and gained a lot when they return to their homeland. But at the same time, also has a group of people, they are aged 8 to 14 years that the mind is not fully mature and have no idea about Chinese culture and Chinese, as they also came to China because of work to mobilize parents, then entered the international school and passively accept the Chinese language teaching. At the same time, their actual situation also brought some unexpected challenge to the instructor.

I am studying in university of Malaysia, but I already have one year experience of teaching Chinese for children , that is my part-time job, these challenges are as follows:

(1)Learning motivation is insufficient, and the range of attention and durability are far less than adults.

(2)Self-control is not strong, easy to deviate from the teaching requirements of teachers.

(3)Self-study ability is weak, their understanding have a deviation, and learning efficiency is not high.

(4) A few students in any discipline is no enthusiasm, more sleep in Chinese  (especially Chinese characters) , and so they produce strong resistance to learning Chinese.

(5)Different nationality lead to different learning characteristics: Such as Malaysian children like quiet, most shy to ask;Western children are active and varied in attention. In the teaching, we use translation method? All in English? Chinese, English and Malay three languages together? It seems can not cover all of the students language, there is no guarantee that all students understand teachers' intentions.

The traditional Chinese teaching and western-style teaching in the collision: Chinese as a foreign language teachers, mostly from Chinese or English teachers for a long time to accept the Chinese education and fixed to affect their way of teaching. The traditional teaching method compare with the western teaching forms, the lively, interesting and diverse has caused many Chinese teachers' reflection.

We are facing these problems, we need think of some way to solve it. We must attract students interest, arouse their enthusiasm of learning Chinese and be looking for a teaching shortcut and break the language barrier to improve teaching efficiency. Now the main way of popular language teaching include Audio-Lingualism, Cognitive-Code, The Direct Method, The Natural Approach, Total Physical Response (T.P.R) and Suggestopedia. Many Chinese teachers turned to use a famous teaching method in a second language of the world : Total Physical Response(T.P.R).

2. Literature Review

Total Physical Response (T.P.R), this is everyone often heard of the famous "Total Physical Response", referred to as T.P.R. "Total Physical Response(T.P.R)" is in the 1960s by the American psychology professor James Asher. In 1965, he wrote, 'The strategy of The total physical response: an application to learning The Russian', mainly used for the immigrant children' English education. He analysis realize the process of studying native language, advocated that "language" and "behavior" together, through the establishment of language thinking about mutual coordination of the brain training, achieve the purpose of mastering a foreign language. He pointed, "People's mind is a biological mechanism can be used to obtain language through the process of the baby learn to watch". Concrete implementation way is: through the language learners to hear a foreign language instruction, use body movements to react accordingly to it, so that the listener is gradually natural language ability is established. The most typical example is when they hear "Stand Up" and stand up from the sitting position, hear "Touch your nose" is to touch your nose.

I found the Asher, j. 1977 ‘learning Another Language Through Actions: The Complete The Teacher 's Guide Book’ by the network. This paper elaborated introduces about the different schools of the TPR teaching experiments and results, at the same time, detailed lists common themes, commonly used Total Physical Response (T.P.R) general teaching steps of tenses and grammar phenomenon.

Total Physical Response (T.P.R) teaching method in foreign are all the rage in the 70s, Ramiro Garcia is among the more famous researchers, and engaged in the teaching for a long time.I found in the library to his ‘Instructor 's Notebook: How to Apply TPR For Best Results’ in 1985. The book collection of his many teaching examples and pictures, and collected a lot of his invention of Total Physical Response (T.P.R) games (TPR BINGO is particularly famous).

Swain was proposed by "comprehensible output theory" in 1985, namely in the output when trying to do something than their current levels of practice. Because the output of the process can encourage students to find the right form to express express the meaning of what they want, when they met some don't know how to express the meaning of difficulty, will go to try, in the process, they can try to summarize some of the new rule, summarize experience from the other side of the feedback and eventually form a relatively stable system.

Abroad for TPR in second language teaching research on dynamic during the end of last century, it is also attracted the attention of many Chinese scholars and teachers. After search China hownet database, I found Total Physical Response (T.P.R) teaching method has caused wide public concern and research in English teaching in China. Wei-jia Wang’s ‘The act of completely body response’(The journal of ‘foreign language teaching’ No.1, 1996), it discussed the theoretical basis for Total Physical Response (T.P.R), TPR teaching principle, and TPR examples in the teaching of English class in China. Yi-min Wang’s ‘The whole body reaction method is applied to the teaching and learning of English in elementary school’(The journal of ‘basic English education’ No.12, 2004), in this paper, combined with ‘English’ (new standard) advocated by the teaching idea of "after the first input, output", discusses how to use TPR to primary school English classroom teaching, and lists some examples of teaching. Xiao-chun Guo’s ‘The TPR teaching method and the English teaching in China’ (The journal of ‘Guilin normal college’ No.1, 2009) this paper focuses on the theoretical basis, practical characteristics of TPR carried on detailed discussion, and lists the problems existing in the implementation of the TPR teaching method in China.

In 2005 the People's Daily reported that the ministry of education in the people's liberation army 306 hospital of cognitive science and learning key experimental fMRI brain imaging center in collaboration with the university of Hong Kong's latest scientific research has revealed that use ideographic as words of using pinyin and Chinese words of westerners in the brain, the language barrier area not in the same place, Chinese people have a unique language area. The study found that people who use alphabetic writing, commonly used is afterbrain will Nick language area; But the use of Chinese people, hardly in this area, commonly used is the forebrain broca's area. Chinese language area is closer to the brain movement function.Because the Chinese language function and motor area is closely linked, to see if you want to learn Chinese well, you must write more, speak more, memory by "movement".

Paul Pimsleur also pointed“Reading has been defined as "decoding the graphic material to the phonemic patterns of spoken language which have already been mastered when reading is begun." To put it another way, reading consists of coming back to speech through the graphics symbols. In short, meanings reside in the sounds of the spoken language. Speaking a language is the necessary first step to acquiring the ability to read a language with meaning.”

Papers related to the TPR almost impossible to find, it seems that TPR teaching in teaching Chinese as a foreign language in the world seems to have not been widely used. But I found the TPRS(Total Physical Response Storytelling, Situational teaching method, is based on the TPR pioneered the teaching theory and practice, by Blaine Rey in 1990) approach a set of teaching material. The text book is by the Shanghai American School in June 2006 by Beijing university press published to assist, called ‘I love to learn Chinese’. A full set of four books, specifically for high school students use TPRS for Chinese as a second language and design, aimed at "to help students in a very short period of time, the extensive use of the conversational language’s accumulation and development, and on this basis to improve students' understanding of Chinese language and reading skills. In the teaching material, each lesson is divided into three parts: TPR Commands, Target Phrases and Personalized Mini - situation. First through TPR training, use frequency is very high in the daily life of the key words with high frequency appeared in the sentence patterns and stories, and then through the students write stories, the vocabulary and sentence patterns to consolidate and strengthen unceasingly, in order to achieve the degree of master.

3. Methodology

My research methods of this paper integrated the theory knowledge of many disciplines, and comparison of various teaching methods. First we see the core of the TPR by Asher:

(1) Understanding of the spoken language must be developed in advance of speaking.

(2) Understanding should be developed through movements of the student’s body. The imperative is a powerful aid because the instructor can utter commands to manipulate student behavior. Our research suggests that most of the grammatical structures of the target language and hundreds of vocabulary items can be learned through the skillful-use of the imperative by the instructor.

(3) Do not attempt to force speaking from students. As the students internalize a cognitive map of the target language through understanding what is heard, there will be a point of readiness to speak. The individual will spontaneously begin to produce utterances.

My understanding of the TPR theory core is:

(1) Listening prior to speaking, reading and writing.

(2) Through the systematic teaching design, can help students through the action to improve comprehension.

(3) Imperative verb first, emphasize the sentence to understand.

(4) When listening to the accumulation to a certain amount, students will naturally said. So, don't force the students speak.

Total Physical Response (T.P.R) emphasize understanding prior to speaking, speaking teaching should start after mastering skills, language expression is the result of language understanding. So, TPR followed the principle of "after the first input, and then output".

In the teaching emphasizes the significance of language rather than its form. TPR thinks, real and meaningful language can make language and environment be closely linked. We can get TPR followed the principles of "here".

With previous study on the left brain is different, TPR stressed right brain control action. Speech signal, the right brain first lets the child appears the reaction of the body, which in turn make the left brain produces the final output. And TPR emphasizes the systemic reaction time, any hearing, vision and touch priority that people can get benefit. TPR make full use of the theory of physiology in the "Around the brain work together" and "Integrated use of a variety of senses".

Trace Theory thinks, “Repeating the input signal, a language carved traces in the brain, more often and the more strong memory, the easier it will be to lenovo and memories. Along with physical activity, can improve the rememory’s possibility to succeed. And practice of conscious transition to the unconscious behavior.” TPR teaching is following this principle, repeatedly enter a lot of understandable words and actions, to lay a solid foundation for future output.

Asher thinks, "Adult second language acquisition should be similar to the process of children's acquisition of mother tongue, mostly in the imperative sentence in the language of that for children, children learn to language commonly used first before the body reaction, so adult learning should follow the way of children' acquisition of mother tongue." This is completely in line with the development of psychology in the emphasis on "the stability of the individual in development".

"Represented by Rogers humanism education thought, pays attention to emotional factors in teaching. The idea that learning itself should include two aspects of cognitive and emotional, and emphasizes the personal feelings of love of learning in the importance of learning." TPR takes game course, cultivate the students' learning mood, at the same time effectively shorten the psychological distance between teachers and students. Then a student will believe in teachings only when he gets close to his teacher.

"American psychologist and godson, found that the tension of motive and academic achievements are" inverted U curve ", namely the anxiety level is too low, low motivation does not inspire the enthusiasm of learning, but a strong motivation characterized by high anxiety and tension, cause learning efficiency lower." TPR theory fully takes into consideration the negative effects of anxiety on the learning efficiency, as Asher said, “By focusing on meaning interpreted through movement, rather than on language forms studied in the abstract, the leaner is liberated from self-conscious and stressful situations and is able to devote full energy to learning.”

We mentioned some teaching methods of learning a language, such as Audio-Lingualism (First listen to the tape, students imitate and memory, and then gradually to a single sentence repeated and substitution, transformation of training.),Cognitive-Code(Much like grammar translation method, but has begun in listening, speaking, reading and writing four aspects of, communication skills, but more emphasis on learning and even the grammar study.),The Direct Method(Several branches methods in this name. Teachers through the use of language to show and discuss the new grammar content, students from the instance of speculation and discuss new syntax like now, and try to use the structure of the new session practice a foreign language. The teacher answer questions and points out and corrects students' grammatical errors. Also focuses on comparing the grammar teaching.),The Natural Approach (Teachers use the target language (foreign language) teaching, students can use the mother tongue or foreign language to ask questions. No longer be point out and correct students' errors, more focus on use of foreign language class, grammar exercises are still a lot of homework.). Now let's look at the Total Physical Response (T.P.R), By students listen and guess for foreign language instruction, body makes the corresponding response. Like to hear "Sit Down!" When you really sit down. Difficulty gradually began to increase, and the students began to try to give instructions. Native language completely avoid the process of translation, and everybody was conducted in observation and physically act to establish a conditioned reflex. Intuitively we found that this method is very effective to establish foreign language thinking. So this method is still used around the world.

It follows that TPR is mature in theory arises at the historic moment of the academic disciplines, for the teaching of second language beginning help is understandable. Therefore, TPR should be brought into the children's class about teaching Chinese as a foreign language, will be worth to try and explore the issue.

4. Results

The contrast experiments and tests show that Total Physical Response (T.P.R) efficiency is several times higher than the traditional way of foreign language teaching. TPR also has limitations, to teacher's requirement is also high , because if students acoording to a lot of instruction do wrong action is difficult to understand and thinking of vocabulary is limited (TPR really difficult to express abstract things ).

But we can still play the many advantages of TPR. 10 for used or are using oral surveys conducted TPR teaching method of teachers, the result is all teachers think TPR teaching method easy to learn, and can attract students' interest, arouse the enthusiasm for learning. Seven teachers think TPR teaching method can help students better absorb the teaching difficulties. Four teachers think they will use TPR as a starting point of teaching in the future. At the same time, to 20 received or are receiving TPR teaching method of students also has carried on the questionnaire survey,the resulting is "No pressure, TPR let me learn up feeling relaxed" answer account for 90%. 87% of the students think, "TPR let me in a very short period of time to understand the words with a variety of topics". 70% thought "TPR help deepen their memories." Finally, 100% of the students think "hope in the Chinese class have TPR training". We can found, TPR can fully arouse the enthusiasm of the teenagers learn Chinese, close the distance between teachers and students; Reduces the initial stage of teaching difficulty, across the language barrier, relieves the student's psychological pressure; With the help of body movements, the durability of students memory vocabulary and sentence patterns are also enhanced; Most of the students once a "silent period", will burst than teachers expected more words and sentences; And it is a kind of teaching method of teacher is more easy to imitate and the operation.

In order to strengthen the advantage that TPR, we take a look at some of the TPR teaching design:

The teaching design 1:

Teaching object: Primary school students

Teaching goal: Grasp the "stand, sit, run, jump" and other words related imperative sentence, grasp the meaning of "fast" and "slowly".

The teaching process: Placing the five chairs in the front of the whiteboard in the classroom firstly. Warmly regards to students, I chose four children together with me standing in front of the five chairs. Then, I literally yell: "sit down!" At the same time oneself sit down quickly. The first time, only one of the four children will be imitate I sit down, I use gestures shows he is great. And For the second time I speak instruction and sitting gesture, four children can do. so on, four children have mastered such as "sit down", "stand up", "turn around", after the class is mostly understand the meaning of the meaning and instruction action. So I let four children back to his seat, to do with the class. At this point, the password is sent, no one will do wrong.

The teaching design 2:

Teaching object: Middle school students

Teaching goal: To review the "I" and "your" and "he/she", learning body parts noun and "clap, touch and hold" verbs.

The teaching process:

Step 1: TPR practice I lead the students to do the following: "my hands, my head, my face, my stomach, my legs - your hand - your head, your face, your belly, your legs, clap (my hands and legs, stomach, head, face) - touch (my hands and legs, stomach, head, face) - shake hands".

Step 2: The student two pairs, shout password training each other.

Step 3: Climax, I teach outdoor pull into a prepared from biological laboratories, the human body skeleton (in order to reduce the fearful, I had to give it put on our uniforms in our group, put on the hat), I put it (named "Mr. X") introduced to the students, and explain it's made of plastic. Subsequently, named students do the action, "hold Mr X hand - patted Mr. X leg - touch Mr. X head, patted his belly - touch his face - with Mr. X's hand touch your face, with his hands clap your belly - with his hands touch the head of the teachers, with his hands clap so-and-so students head..." Students would cry, but at the same time. Then, their "silent period" also be broken soon, ask for his shout password, playing tricks on other students do the action.

Step 4: Use a classic game Simon Says to review all the knowledge.

(3) The teaching design 3:

Teaching object: Middle school students

Teaching goal: To review the TPR imperative sentence, and help students expand the scope of use.

The teaching process:

Step 1: "Shrek" movies clips (remove voice) : Shrek with ordinary people is hard to imagine the way in the forest clean their own scenes. Please remember the action film Shrek, students will be taking notes or graphic.

Step 2: Two pairs, one plays Shrek, a man shout password in action of order, such as: "with the worm brushing your teeth, bathe in mud...". After the completion, can switch roles.

Step 3: students look again movie clips, and then please voluntary students came to power for the film dubbing, for the Shrek do actions before the instructions say, look at the instructions if consistent with the action.

I found that students experienced TPR training has the following features:

(1)High spirits and strong sense of humor.

(2)Learn Chinese vocabulary have enthusiasm, close relationship with the teacher.

(3)Active learning of demand, not resist with new words.

(4)A short time can master the materials about hundreds of vocabulary, dozens of sentences, and forgetting rate is low.

5. Conclusion

According to my observation and practice, I summarized the following questions:

(1)Lead teenagers to do TPR training, should do well the balance between the classroom atmosphere and discipline control. Even though the TPR principle when it comes to "build relaxed classroom atmosphere," but in my opinion, any teaching should be to the good teaching order as a benchmark. After the first week of the discipline of control if I fail, more complex TPR, it's very difficult to continue.

(2)TPR when stressed "hear" is very ignore "parallel" literacy ", especially the particularity of Chinese characters teaching, also TPR difficult to cover. TPR teaching can only as a starting point, therefore, once the students on the track, TPR and transformation for warm-up activity or expand link, to aid or full text teaching.

(3)TPR is a form of means, not purpose, so learn to react to instruction is not the ultimate goal, instead should be as much as possible to expand the scope of use of the words. As a teacher, the scene establishment should be rich and real.

To sum up, the TPR systematically into the children's classroom teaching Chinese as a foreign language is need a process, also need many teachers constantly practice, reflection and practice.

Two years ago I use TPR learning Malay, but until now I still did not forget, and pronunciation is very standard.So, I believe that we can use TPR to teach Chinese well.

In the future, we will continuously research how to make the TPR applied in teaching Chinese as a foreign language more effectively.

6. References

Total Physical Response: essays research papers

Master degree theses of master of Chinese knowledge network, China excellent full-text database:

Zhang Yuehua, Lee Hui, "I love to learn Chinese (middle school teach the first copies) [M], Beijing university press, on June 6, 2006, P6

Asher, Learning Another Language Through Actions: The Complete Teacher’s Guide Book,[J],1977,P13

Source: [Japan] Masayuki Sano, Xiong Xueliang translation, "how to make the whole body reaction method into the teaching of English" [J]. Foreign language teaching, 1, 1989, P35

Guo Xiaochun, TPR teaching and English teaching in China [J], journal of Guilin normal college, in March 2009, P112

He Yali, the paper analyzes the whole body reaction method and the integration of new standard" [J], journal of Sichuan college of education, 2007, the fourth, P22

Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers,1986Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching,P91

Ramiro Garcia,Instructor’s Notebook:How to Apply TPR For Best Results[M],1985,VII-9

Ramiro Garcia,Instructor’s Notebook:How to Apply TPR For Best Results[M],1985,VI-16

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