23 Daily Habits Which Separate High Achievers From Everyone Else.23种日常习惯,让你与众不同

                                                                                               ——选自 Inc 网站(吉玛译)

If getting ahead can seem like a struggle, know this: To be highly successful, you need to be highly disciplined. I've asked hundreds of executives and entrepreneurs about the things they do every day which help them succeed, and inevitably they credit simple routines which have been proven over time to give them an edge. Check out these quotes from 23 high-achieving individuals who share the habits which help them get ahead in business and life.  


1.Start your day with intermittent fasting. 


"It's a method that splits your day into eight-hour 'eating periods' and 16-hour 'fasting periods.' Although lots of people talk about the need for a hearty breakfast, new research indicates that intermittent fasting is a great way to lose or maintain weight, as well as heighten concentration. I also start my mornings by hitting the gym with my trainer, drinking large amounts of water, and then having my first meal of the day at noon. This routine has increased my energy and helps keep me motivated throughout the week, so I can tackle whatever comes my way." --George Arison, founder and CEO of Shift, a peer-to-peer car marketplace


2.Welcome criticism.


"Creating an environment where it's a positive thing to provide criticism, and continually asking for feedback is key to long term success. It's great to hear positive feedback but customers, colleagues and friends who truly care will tell you what you're missing, or what you can improve. Sometimes the simplest frustrations for a customer can impede sales and fixing those might be just a simple as the frustration itself." --Liz Kakar, head of operations at Pink Elephant Organics, a girl's clothing line.


3. Talk it out.


"You will have lots of stupid ideas and not know it. Bouncing ideas off a trusted colleague or friend each day will help you refine your ideas before you waste too much time going down the wrong path."--Ben Parr, cofounder and CMO of Octane AI and author of Captivology: The Science of Capturing People's Attention

“你会有很多愚蠢的想法,却不知道。”每天从一个值得信赖的同事或朋友那里获得灵感,可以帮助你在浪费时间走上错误的道路之前完善自己的想法。--本帕我,Octane AI的联合创始人和首席营销官,《魅力学:捕捉人们注意力的科学》一书的作者。

4. Be what you do best.


"Authenticity is powerful. I made the mistake of trying to be the leader that I thought people expected me to be. Over time, I got more comfortable with responsibility and became less afraid to be myself and to create my own personal brand of leadership. This brand is unique, not replicable, and has appreciated in value over time. It belongs to me. All young leaders should gravitate to their strengths and build their brand around qualities that they are proudest of." --Chris Soukup, CEO of Communication Service for the Deaf (CSD)


5. Find a morning routine that works for you.


"I think the key to success is how you start your day. Every morning, I wake up and focus on a routine of prayer, coffee and exercise. I never set an alarm. I'm up with the sunrise and cherish my moments of quiet gratitude, prayer and meditation before the work day begins. Coffee is a must! A good cup of caffeine can help me multitask with calls, the treadmill and watching CNN." --Micki Purcell, founder and president ofWalking With Anthony, an organization with the mission to change the recovery outcome of spinal cord injury


6. Don't wait until it's perfect to get started.


"Just get started and make improvements along the way and continue to evolve. Every great product wasn't perfect when they first launched. Just go for it and be glad you did."--Gina Hoensheid, CEO of Seat Sitters which provides reusable seat covers for use on airplane and theater seats


7. Put yourself in the customer's shoes.


"I constantly critique my own shopping and buying experiences with other stores, brands and companies. I assess the good and the bad and I've realized the Golden Rule is extremely relevant in entrepreneurship and business. I turn it around and think 'what am I looking for in a company, how would I want to be treated, and what would make me return to a brand?' That translates over to our customer service every day."--Jenny Ross, founder of Grateful Bags, a patented handbag line with the ability to customize a wide range of styles with interchangeable monograms in a variety of fonts and patterns


8. Feed your why.


"Meaning, why do we do what we do as entrepreneurs? Each day I continue to identify, feed and cultivate my purpose. I do this by driving through neighborhoods I desire to live in, test drive cars I will have in my garage, listening to and watching leaders I desire to have a relationship with such as Mark Cuban and Barack Obama. I do this exercise even more intensely when I am under the most pressure in business and my personal life. --Cedric Cobb, president and CEO ofBest Wardrobe Solutions, a men's fashion technology company that provides a family of fashion accessories, wardrobe resources and a free mobile app

“意思是,为什么我们要做企业家所做的事?每天我都在继续证明、思考和培养我的目标。我开车穿过我渴望住的社区,试驾将来会在我车库里的车,聆听和观察领导者,我渴望能与马克·库班和巴拉克·奥巴马有交集。当我在商业和个人生活中承受最大的压力时,我锻炼意识就更加强烈了。——塞德里克·科布,Best Wardrobe Solutions公司总裁兼首席执行官。”该公司是一家男士时尚科技公司,提供时尚配饰、衣柜资源和免费手机应用。

9. Know your strengths and weaknesses.


"By knowing your strengths, you will be able to focus on those areas and then team up with the right partners and companies that can help you with your weaker areas. I think this enables you to have the right infrastructure in place for the most success."--Ashley Whitman, founder of Romp & Roost, a divided playpen which provides a safe place for children to rest and play

通过了解你的优势,你将能够专注于这些领域,然后与合适的合作伙伴和公司合作,帮助你改善你的弱项。我认为这这使您能够有合适的基础设施来获得最大的成功。——阿什利·惠特曼,Romp & Roost公司的创始人,这是一个游戏围栏,可以为孩子们提供一个安全的休息和玩耍的地方。

10. Laugh a little.


"Laughing and having a good sense of humor keeps us going strong. When something doesn't go our way we find the humor in it. It keeps us optimistic and plowing forward. If someone makes a fumble we don't beat them up, we laugh. Nothing can be that bad. It helps to keep spirits high." --Alita Haytayan, cofounder of Gadgit Girlz, LLC., a household hacks brand

“笑和拥有良好的幽默感能让我们变得更坚强。”当事情没有按照我们的方式发展时,我们就会发现其中的幽默。它使我们保持乐观和向前发展。如果有人笨手笨脚的,我们不会把他们揍扁,我们会笑。没有什么是那么糟糕。它有助于保持精力旺盛。——阿丽塔·海塔安,一个家庭黑客品牌,Gadgit Girlz的联合创始人。

11. Find three things to be grateful for.


"Big or small it doesn't matter. It's the act of lifting out of the daily grind and celebrating the wins as defined by you. You are acknowledging that amidst a day that always feels packed with challenges and too little time to address them, there are also victories."--Rana Lustyan, founder of Edoughble, an edible cookie dough company

“无论大小,都无所谓。这是一种从日常工作中解脱出来,庆祝你所定义的胜利的行为。你了解,在一天中,总是充满挑战,没有时间去解决它们,但是仍然存在胜利。”——Rana Lustyan, Edoughble的创始人,一个生产可食用饼干的公司。

12. Take it one step at a time.


"Set a lofty goal, but remember to take a step at a time. No matter how many floors there are, we can only take one step at a time. Similarly in business, aim for the sky, but remember it's the addition of all the little steps, and the little decisions, that make or break you."--Ashoo Jain (AJ) Founder of ONGO Energy, a multi-use compact oral spray that delivers a more natural, sustainable energy boost as compared to traditional energy drinks

设定一个高目标,但记住要一步一步来。不管层楼有多高,我们一次只能走一步。同样的,在商业上,瞄准目标,但记住,所有的小步骤和小决定,可以让你有所成就,突破自己。——Ashoo Jain (AJ)是ONGO Energy公司的创始人,该公司生产一种多用途的小型口服喷雾,与传统的能量饮料相比,它能提供更自然、更持久的能量。

13. Get out of your comfort zone.


"As a new entrepreneur it is easy to fall into what is comfortable and feels safe. Being able to push yourself into areas that you feel less secure in ensures that you really explore the full potential of where your business can take you. The mindset of stepping beyond your own limitations opens the door for your business to flourish beyond even what you initially envisioned."--Jamie Lawrence, founder of apparel brand Evicii Athletica

“作为一名新企业家,很容易陷入舒适区和感到安全。”能够将自己推进到你觉得不那么安全的领域,从而确保你真正发掘出你的企业可以给与你的全部潜力。超越自我限制的思维模式为你的事业打开了一扇门,甚至超越了你最初的想象。——杰米·劳伦斯,品牌服装Evicii Athletica的创始人。

14. Sleep on it.


"Your first reaction when receiving an email filled with not-so-good news might be to reply immediately. Instead, write your reply immediately (venting without holding back is a form of therapy, after all), then save it to your drafts. The following day, re-read your reply, and edit it, before hitting send. You'll be surprised and thankful how different your response is from one day to the next. Your message will be clear and concise without all the emotional drama."--Wendy Colson, CEO and founder of Boobie Bar, an herbal lactation bar formulated to support a healthy breast-milk supply

当你收到一封不好消息的邮件时,你的第一反应可能是立即回复。相反,你应该立即写你的回复(毕竟,不退缩的发泄是一种治疗方式),然后把它保存在你的草稿上。第二天,重新阅读你的回复,并在发送之前编辑它。你会感到惊讶和感激,你的回应是多么不同,前一天到后一天。你的信息将是清晰简洁的,而不是带有情感。——温迪·科尔森,她是Boobie Bar的首席执行官和创始人,该公司为供应健康的母乳而制定了一种草药配方。

15. Organize your minutes.


"Spend some time each morning going through your to-do list and allow a certain amount of hours per task. Set your timer and when it goes off, set that task aside and work on the next item. The organization actually helps you mentally feel as though you were able to get something done."--Michelle Wolett, founder of Once Upon A Book Club, a subscription based book club

“每天早上花一些时间检查你的待办事项清单,并分配每个任务有一定的时间。设置好你的定时器,当一个任务的时间到了的时候,把它放到一边,开始下一个项目。这个时间分配实际上帮助你在精神上感觉你能够完成一些事情。”— —米歇尔·沃莱特,她是一家订阅式图书俱乐部Once Upon A Book Club的创始人。

16. Align yourself with a strong mentor.


"Push yourself out of your comfort zone and seek out a mentor who is an executive or department head. Networking with your bosses isn't always easy, but finding the right person to champion you and guide you in your career is the key to advancement."--Jessica Hawthorne-Castro, CEO of Hawthorne, a company which combines brand messaging with proprietary analytic systems to create and deliver integrated advertising campaigns


17. Treat employees the way you want your customers to be treated.


"An engaged workforce that cares about the business, product, and service will impact the overall consumer experience." --Ian Small, general manager of Audiobooks.com

“一个专注于业务、产品和服务的敬业的员工将会影响整体的消费者体验。”——斯莫, Audiobooks.com的总经理。

18. Automate everything possible.


"Use self-service automation platforms to reduce the time you spend with routine tasks like copying information between systems. This is critical if you're a solopreneur running your own business, and even more important when you have dozens or hundreds of employees. Automation helps you save time for yourself and others and lets you focus on high-value, innovative thought and problem solving, not routine administrative work."--Andrew Filev, founder and CEO of the work management system Wrike


19. Use your product.


"It doesn't matter what you build, what you sell or how good you are. Be a perfectionist, never stop collecting feedback and always use your product. It will allow you to think like your customers do and see their perspective. Persuading friends to try it and getting real, candid feedback from them is just as useful."--Serban Enache, founder and CEO of stock photo community Dreamstime

“不管你做什么,卖什么,你有多好。”做一个完美主义者,永远不要停止收集反馈,并经常使用你的产品。它会让你站在客户的角度思考,并看到他们的观点。说服朋友尝试并得到真实的、坦诚的反馈同样有用。——Serban Enache,照片社区Dreamstime的创始人兼首席执行官。

20. Allow for free time.


"I always try to keep 20 percent of my time open to serendipitous experiences. It also helps to have entire days where you literally have nothing to do. You want to have mind space to properly reflect.--Brian Wong, cofounder and CEO of Kiip, a moments-based mobile ad and data platform

“我总是努力保持20%的时间来体验偶然。”这也会帮助你有一整天的时间没事可做。你要有足够的思维空间来适当地反映。——Brian Wong, Kiip的联合创始人兼首席执行官,这是一个基于时刻的移动广告和数据平台。

21. Make a sawdust list.


"One of my mentors taught me to make what he calls a 'sawdust list'. I write down my task at hand at the top of a page and on the right I keep my sawdust list. This is where I write everything non-essential to my task that pops into my head. This can be anything from 'order more Post-it notes' to 'add fix bug ticket to Trello'. This keeps me focused on my work by clearing my mind of all the random distractions of the day. Once I've accomplished my task, I go through the sawdust and see what still needs to be done."--Alex Salvator, cofounder and CTO of beam, a social impact app which turns everyday retail experiences into opportunities for social good

“我的一位导师教我做他所谓的“锯屑清单”。我把手头的任务写在一页纸的顶端,在右边列出我的锯屑清单。我写下了所有对我的任务无关紧要的东西。可以是任何东西,从“订购便利贴”到“添加到修正档名到Trello”。通过让我的头脑清醒地意识到一天中所有的随机干扰,让我专注于我的工作,。一旦我完成了任务,我会浏览锯屑清单,看看还需要做什么。”——Alex Salvator, beam的联合创始人和首席技术官,这是一个具有社会影响力的应用,它将日常的零售体验转化为社会公益机会。

22. Get up early.


"With such a hectic work schedule, it is important that I base my daily habits on simplicity. I get up early and meditate, and then I focus with a single mind to complete specific daily goals. I am unwavering once I make a decision, I stick to it and that's what keeps me driving forward."--David Laris, EVP of Cachet Hospitality Group and president of Culinary Development at EDEN Local, a seasonal farm-to-table dining destination

“重要的是,通过忙碌的工作日程,我要把我的日常习惯建立在简单的基础上。”早起,冥想,然后专注于一心一意去完成具体的日常目标。当我做出决定的时候,我毫不动摇,坚持下去,这就是我前进的动力。”——大卫•拉利斯,尊贵酒店集团的执行副总裁,以及EDEN Local(一个季节性的从农场到餐桌的餐饮目的地)的烹饪发展总裁。

23. Sweat.


"Even when you're working 12-hour days, find time to sweat. I do my best creative thinking while running."--Chris Molnar, founder of Goodlife Clothing


Link: 23 Daily Habits Which Separate High Achiever from others

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