And as for the state, what could have been more ridiculous than this mob-led, passion-ridden democracy, this government by a debating-society, this precipitate selection and dismissal and execution of generals, this unchoice choice of simple farmers and tradesmen, in alphabetical rotation, as members of the supreme court of the land?
How could a new and natural morality be developed in Athens, and how could the state be saved?
It was his reply to these questions that gave Socrates death and immortality.
The older citizens would have honored him had he tried to restore the ancient polytheistic faith; if he had led his band of emancipated souls to the temples and the sacred groves, and bade them sacrifice again to the gods of their fathers.
But he felt that that was a hopeless and suicidal policy, a progress backward, into and not "over the tombs."
He had his own religious faith: he believed in one God, and hoped in his modest way that death would not quite destroy him; but he knew that a lasting moral code could not be based upon so uncertain a theology.
If one could build a system of morality absolutely independent of religious doctrine, as valid for the atheist as for the pietist, then theologies might come and go without loosening the moral cement that makes of wilful individuals the peaceful citizens of a community.
[ 00’26” ] precipitate (仓促的;降水)
[ 01’13” ] prey (猎物)
[ 01’20” ] unchoice choice (没有任何选择的选择)
[ 01’39” ] ecclesia (古希腊城邦的市民议会)
[ 01’45” ] Supreme Court (最高法院)
[ 02’29” ] leisurely walking in the agora
[ 03’14” ] immortality (不朽;永垂青史)
[ 03’17” ] mortal (凡人的;致死的;终有一死的)
[ 04’40” ] emancipate (解放;释放)
[ 05’02” ] bid sb to do sth (命令某人做某事)
[ 06’09” ] suicidal (自杀性的;自我毁灭的)
[ 06’17” ] a progress backward (历史的倒车)
[ 08’17” ] Bertrand Russell (伯特兰·罗素,1872-1970,英国哲学家、数学家、逻辑学家、历史学家,无神论或者不可知论者。)
[ 08’21” ] Why I Am Not A Christian (《我为什么不是基督教徒》)
[ 08’48” ] patristic philosophy (教父哲学主要是以哲学论证神、三位一体、创世、原罪、救赎、预定、天国等教义。)
[ 08’49” ] empirical philosophy (经验哲学即经验论,它与唯理论是认识论的两个错误的极端,经验哲学片面地注重感性认识而忽略理性认识。)
[ 08’50” ] AureliusAugustinus (圣奥古斯丁,354-430,天主教圣师,古罗马帝国时期天主教思想家,欧洲中世纪天主教神学、教父哲学的重要代表人物。)
[ 08’52” ] Thomas Aquinas (托马斯·阿奎纳,1225年—1274年,是中世纪经院哲学的哲学家和神学家,他把理性引进神学,用 “自然法则”来论证“君权神圣”说。他是自然神学最早的提倡者之一,也是托马斯哲学学派的创立者。)
[ 10’19” ] Everything settled, zero period, that's it.
[ 10’51” ] dogma (教条)
[ 11’10” ] doctrine (教义;信条)
[ 11’48” ] cement (水泥,文中指道德基础)