QAC BET Unit 3-Knowledge Points 知识点

中质盟Unit 3,关于物流及报关课文的知识点。

点击我,你可以看到QAC BET Unit 3-Logistics and Customs Clearance 物流报关的课文


Lesson 5

Commodity Inspection 商品报关检验


1. Opening speech

While talking with foreigners, the followings are my suggestions:和老外交谈时,有以下几点建议。

  1. Don't forget to use your body language. 适时可以用身势语。
  2. Control the speaking rate. Unconsciously our speak rate will become faster when more skillful, but most time we can't make our words understand easily under the fast speed. 控制语速。当我们的口语越来越熟练时,潜意识里语速会变快,但很多时候在更快的速度下,会使得句意更不容易理解。
  3. Gaze at his/her eyes, even if the foreigners are taller, stronger than us.看着他/她的眼睛,即使对方比你高大或者强壮。


2. Could you provide the net weight and gross weight of this batch of products as soon as possible? 你能尽快提供这批产品的净重和毛重吗?

as soon as possible 尽快

  • as quickly as possible
    as quickly as you can
    as fast as you can
    as fast as possible
    as early as you can
    as early as possible
    right away 如同,和...一样

  • He is as brave a solder as any soldier who ever lived. 他的英勇不亚于古今任何军人。
    He is as brave a solder as ever lived. (可以简化成此句)


3 Why do you ask for this so urgently? 你为何要得如此之急?

ask for (not so polite) 索要,讨要

  • I decided to go to the next house and ask for food. 我决定到下一家去讨要些吃的。

  • Who asked for your opinion? (currently nobody asked for your idea.) 谁问你意见啦!?

  • Who asked your opinion? (是谁在问你意见?比较客气的表达 gentle expression)

  • There is a man at the gate asking for you. 门口有个男人想见你。


4 ...will issue the certificate after its making commodity inspection.在进行商检后会发放证明。

issue 发布,issue jointly联合发布

  • a document issued jointly by the two departments 由两个部门联合发布的文件

issue immediately 立即发布

  • He left the company and immediately issued an announcement. 他离开公司,随即发布了声明。


5.Sometimes by any of its branches. 有时由其分支机构。

  • Daphne closed down more than 500 branches in last year. 达芙妮在去年关了500多家门店。

  • Sha-Xian Delicacies is opening more local branches. 沙县小吃开张了更多的本地分店。(delicacy本意指美食,可见沙县小吃定位还是比较高端的)

  • branch chairman 分部主席
    branch manager 分区经理
    branch member 分部成员
    branch office 分部办公室
    branch sales representative 分区销售代表


6. How will the clause of inspection be stipulated in the contract?合同里是如何规定检验条款的?

stipulate 规定

  • The business secret contract stipulates which data and information is confidential.商业机密合同里规定了什么样的数据和信息是保密的。

Usage note 用法说明: How, What does, What is用于询问对方时
How is Susan? - asking about her health 询问其健康状况
What does Susan look like?- want to know about her appearance 想知道对方的长相
What is Susan like? - want to know about her personality 关心其性格


7. The goods under the contract will be inspected by the Commodity Inspection Bureau at the port of loading before they are shipped. 本合同项目下的货物于装船前,在装运港口由商检局进行检验。

The goods will be inspected at...before..., 在...之前,做了...事情。

  • The luggage/baggage will be screed on the X-ray machine before they are carried into the airplane. 在行李/包裹运上飞机之前,都要经过X光机器的检查。
  • The North Korea laughed one missile in the eastern sea of Korean Peninsula before he visited to U.S. 在他访问美国之前,朝鲜在朝鲜半岛东海发射了一枚导弹。


8. And the certificate of quality and quantity/weight issued by the Bureau shall be regarded as final and binding upon parties. 该局签发的质量和数量或重量证书为最后依据,对双方有约束力。

be regarded as 被认为是

  • Linda is regarded as the most successful badminton player of modern times. 林丹被认为是现代最成功的羽毛球运动员。
  • Thomas Edison was regarded as the greatest inventor in the last century. 托马斯·爱迪生被认为是上世纪最伟大的发明家。


9. I can assure you that is not likely to happen. 我向你保证这不太可能发生。

I can make sure that is not likely to happen.(同义句)
I guarantee that is not likely to happen.(同义句)
I am sure that is not possible to happen. (possible: 50%的发生机率)
I am sure that is not probably to happen. (probably: 75%的发生机率)


10. ...the Commodity Inspection Bureau enjoys international reputation for impartiality. 商检局以其公正而全球知名。

reputation: to known or remembered for it

  • good reputation 不错的声誉
    considerable reputation 相当大的声誉
    excellent reputation 极好的声誉

  • fine reputation 良好的声誉
    She has built up an enviable reputation as a writer. 作为作家,她已经获得了让人羡慕的声望。

  • bad reputation 糟糕的声誉
    terrible reputation 可怕的声誉

  • poor reputation 不好的声誉
    LiJiang City in YunNan suffered from poor reputation in touring several years ago/ a period of time, but now it restored its tarnished reputation.云南丽江在几年前遭受着不好的名声,但现在恢复了它受损的名声。

impartiality 公正

  • As a chairman, I must remain impartial. 作为主席,我必须保持公正。


11. We have heard about the reputation of both CIB and your products and never doubt them. 我们听说过商品检验局和你们产品的声誉,而且从不怀疑。

hear about

  • I've heard about this sort of thing before. 之前我听过这种事情。
  • On hearing of Zhang Shangwu's plight, the famous businessman Chen Guangbiao offered him a job. But finally Mr. Zhang didn't accept it, and went back to the Metro passage in Beijing and worked as a performer. 听说了张尚武的遭遇,著名商人陈光标提供给他一份工作。但最终张没有接受,他回到了北京的地铁过道,并以卖艺为生。

hear and listen的区别

  • I'm not hearing properly. 我听不清楚。
  • He turned on the radio and listened to the news. 他打开收音机收听广播。
  • Listen to me, please. 请听我说。
  • We hear very little about these issues nowadays.我们现在很少听闻此事。


12. But what in case there is short weight or disqualification? 万一发生了货物短缺或者不合格的情况呢?

in case 在...情况下

  • In case of string of badminton bat is broken, the badminton players always takes two bats in the match. 考虑到羽毛球弦会断裂,羽毛球选手在比赛中总是带两块球拍。
    -Extra boiled water should be kept at hand just in case it is need.身边应多准备一些开水,以备不时之需。


13. Would you tell me whether the buyers have the right to reinspect the goods when goods arrive? Yes, of course. 你能告诉我当货物到达时,买方是否有权利进行复查?是的,当然可以(复查)。

whether: 比较作用

  • I don't know whether he is well or not. 我不知道他的健康状况。(相对中立)
  • I don't know whether he is well. 我不确定他是否健康。(怀疑他身体有恙)
  • I don't know whether he is not well. 我不确定他是否真的身体不好。(怀疑他装病)

whether 让步状语从句

  • Whether you come or not, I am here. 你来或不来,我都在这里。
  • Whether he is young or old, I don't care at all. 无论他年轻或老迈,我都不在乎。


14. Are we entitled to lodge claims? 我们是否有权提出索赔?

entitle to 有权利

  • They are entitled to first class travel. 他们享有头等舱。
  • There are 5 Impluse Gyms throughout Changzhou, and your membership entitles you to enjoy all of them. 常州有五家英派斯健身馆,你的会员权利可以在这几家都进行消费。

lodge claims 提出索赔

  • bring claim 提出索赔
    make claim 提出索赔
    submit claim 提出索赔


  • drop claim 放弃索赔
    withdraw claim 撤销索赔

15. we follow the international practice that...国际惯例

practice: people do regularly

  • Some firms have cut workers' pay below the level set in their contract, a practice that is illegal in Germany. (Minimum life guarantee is euro1100 in Germany.) 有些公司在合同中削减工人薪水至最低工资线以下,这种规定在德国是违法的。(德国最低保障是每月1100欧元)。

  • long-standing practice 长期的做法
    traditional practice 传统做法
    common practice 普通做法
    normal practice 一般做法
    usual practice 一般做法

  • standard practice 标准做法
    It is standard practice not to pay bills until the end of the month. 标准的做法是到月底才结帐。

16. ...if any discrepancies are found... 如果发现任何差异

  • There is some discrepancy (disagreement, noncount) between the result of the two studies. 两项研究结果之间有差异。
  • What are the reasons for the discrepancy between girls' and boys' performance in school?造成在校女生和男生的表现差异的原因是什么?

17. Don’t mention it. 不用谢。

  • You are welcome.
    With pleasure.
    It's my pleasure.
    You bet.


18. However, if the claims fall into the responsibility of shipping company, the underwriter shall not be entertained. 然而,如果索赔内容是轮船公司理应承担的,那么保险公司是不会理赔的。

However 然而

  • This was not an easy decision. It is, however, a decision that we feel is dictated by our duty. 这是个为难的决定,然而,这是个基于你职责的决定。
  • Your girlfriend asked you, if your mother and I falled into the water at the same time. Whom will you save first? - This was not an easy decision. However, if you died, I would company you to die. 你女朋友问你:“如果你妈和我同时落水,你救谁?”——“这是个很难回答的问题。然而,如果你出事了,我就陪你一起。”

fall into: belong in that group or category 属于

  • The problems generally fall into two categories. 问题通常属于两种类型。
  • The supporters of Earth-Trisolaris Organization falled into three factions: the Adventists,the Redemptionists,the Survivors. 地球三体组织的支持者分为三派:降临派、拯救派、幸存派。

be entertained: to consider

  • I wouldn't entertain the idea of such an unsociable job. 我不会考虑这种不和人打交道的工作。

19. ...can we appoint any authentic surveyor without your approval?我们可以不经你方同意,指派公正可靠的检验员吗?

authentic: reliable and accurate 可信赖且准确的


20. How the inspection is conducted before shipment and by which agency? 装运前的检验是如何执行的,以及由哪家机构负责检验呢?

conduct: organize or carry out

  • I decided to conduct an experiment. 我决定开展一次试验。
  • Education was conducted separately for males and females in some areas. 在有些地区男性和女性的教育是分开的。
  • We regularly conduct safety inspections in the plant. 我们定期在工厂里开展安全检查。
  • Today, 50% of opinion polls/surveys are conducted online. 当今,50%的调查在网上进行。

21. They always use the standard and method laid down in the contract. 他们总是使用合同中规定的标准及方法。

  • The Labour Law lays down a set of minimum requirements. 《劳动法》里写明了最低要求。


22. What if the results from the two inspections do not coincide with each other? 万一两次检测结果不一致呢?

coincide with 与...一致

  • Her story coincided exactly with her brother's. 她讲的故事与她哥哥的完全一致。

23. I suppose we can resolve the difference through friendly consultations.我想我们可以通过友好协商来解决我们之间的分歧。

friendly consultation 友好协商

  • extensive consultation 广泛的磋商
    full consultation 充分协商
    joint consultation 共同协商
    a joint consultation with doctors and patients 医生和病人之间的共同协商

24. ...either party can submit the case for arbitration. 每一方都可以提请仲裁

submit the report

  • They submitted their reports to the Chancellor yesterday. 他们向财政大臣提交了一份报告。
  • Head teachers yesterday submitted a claim for a 9 percent pay rise. 校长们昨天提出加薪9%的声明。

arbitration 仲裁

  • go to arbitration 进行仲裁
    arbitrator 仲裁者


Lesson 6

Make an Interview about Commodity Inspection 做商品检验的采访


1. Make an interview 进行采访

carry out an interview 开展采访

  • The servey team carried out over 200 interviews with retired people. 调查小组对退休人员进行了200多次的采访。
  • conduct interview 进行采访
  • request interview
    A journalist called requesting an interview. 记者打电话来要求采访。

give sb. interview 接受采访

  • He is a very private man and rarely gives journalist interviews. 他是个注重隐私的人,很少接受记者采访。
  • Chen Yufan didn't grant journalist interviews after the revelation[.revə'leɪʃ(ə)n] on some pictures of his wife by paparazzo[ˌpɑːpəˈrɑːtsoʊ] .陈羽凡在他妻子的照片被狗仔队爆料后,拒绝接受记者的采访。

hold interview/do interview 进行面试

  • I have a job interview tomorrow morning. 明早我(工作申请者)有个面试。

arrange an interview 安排面试

  • The company contacted her to arrange an interview. 公司联系她以安排面试。

schedule an interview 安排面试


2. According to the stevedore’s report, damaged cargos have been found in No.1 Hold.根据装卸工的报告,破损货物是在1号货舱发现的。

have been: persent perfect tense 现在完成时

  • I have finished my work. 我已经完成了工作。
  • He has returned from Los Angeles. 他已经返回了洛杉矶。
  • The operators have nearly finished standard output today, so they slow their operating. 操作工几乎完成了今天的标准产量,所以放慢了速度。
  • I have finished my dinner now. 我已经吃了晚饭。

adverb in persent perfect tense 可用于现在完成时的副词

  • already
    He has already left home. 他已经离开了家。
  • just
    Mr. Thoma has just visited the factory site. Thoma先生刚刚参观完工厂。
  • recently
    He has bought a brand new car recently. 他最近买了一部全新的车。
  • lately
    I haven't heard from Jane lately. 我最近没有收到过Jane的来信。


3. We think the damage was due to poor dunnage.

due to 由...而引起

  • The country's economic problems are largely due to the weakness of the recovery. 国家的经济问题主要在于恢复乏力。
  • If the trip is a success, a lot of this will be due to Mr Green's efforts. 如果旅行非常成功,大部分要归因于Green先生的努力。
  • We suppose the high failure rate in products was due to the improper set-up in ultra-sonic welding machine. 我们料想,产品较高的不合格率是不合适的超声波焊接机设置造成的。
  • They consider the customer complaint was due to the difficult relationship with customer.他们确定客户抱怨是由糟糕的客户关系造成的。

4. You may rest assured that we will not make you shoulder the responsibility of others. 你放心,我们不会让你您替别人承担责任的。

rest assured (verb + adj) 请放心

  • You can rest assured that your children are in good hands. 你尽管放心你的孩子们有可靠的人照看。

seem assured = look like assured 看起来确信
very assured 非常确信

  • Although the situation was tense, her voice was calm and very assured. 尽管形势严峻,但她的声音平静而又充满自信。

shoulder the responsibility 承担责任

  • She had to shoulder the burden of children. 她得承担起照料孩子的重担。
  • He must shoulder this responsibilty alone. 他必须独自承担责任

be willing to shoulder 愿意承担

  • As a team leader, I am willing to shoulder the responsibility of the project's mistake. 作为领队,我愿意承担项目过失的责任。

be unwilling to shoulder 不愿承担

  • The other coworkers also made the same mistake, I am unwillng to shoulder the responsibility alone. 其他同事也犯了同样的错误,我不愿意独自承担责任。

5. The facts should speak for themselves.事实胜于雄辩。

  • Facts speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。
    Facts are stronger than arguements. 事实胜于雄辩。

6. Maybe this is pre-shipment damage. 也许在装运前就损坏了呢。

Could be: the slight doubt,could be也可以表示轻微的怀疑

  • Yes, his story could be true, but I hardly think it is. 没错,他的故事可能是真的,但我还是很难相信。
  • Well, I could do the job today, but I'd rather put it off until Saturday. 好吧,我也许可以今天完工,但我宁愿将之延至周六。

pre-shipment 装运前

  • pre-war 战前
  • pre-1979 life 1979年之前的生活
  • pre-industrial 工业化时代前
  • life in pre-industrial life 工业化时代前的生活

7. I'm unable to inspect all the cargo piece by piece or case by case. 我不可能将货物一件件、一箱箱地逐一检查吧。

piece by piece, case by case, side by side

  • The boots were neatly placed side by side. 靴子整齐地排列着。

shoulder to shoulder

  • The guard of honor fell into step, walking shoulder to shoulder. 仪仗队开始迈着一致的步伐,并肩而行。

face to face

  • It was first face to face meeting between the two state leader.(see and talk to each other directly) 这是两国领导人首次面对面的会晤。

back to back

  • The basketball team will play two away games back to back in three days. 篮球队将在三天内打两场背靠背的客场比赛。

8. I stick to my point. 我坚持我的观点。

stick to: to continue doing or using especially when it is difficult

  • If you want to succeed, you've got to stick to it! 如果你要取得成功,就坚持吧!
  • I intend to stick to my promise. 我倾向于坚守承诺。
  • The government official in North Korea sticked to the leadership of Kim Jong-un. 朝鲜政府官员支持金正恩的领导。

9. ...but that of No. 1 was poorly placed

place carefully
place randomly

  • The books were placed randomly on the shelf. 书被随意放置在书架上。

place firmly 稳稳放置

  • She produced a long silver whistle and placed it firmly between her lips. 她拿出一个银哨子,稳稳地放在嘴里。

place centrally 放在中间

  • The table was placed centrally. 桌子放置在中央。

well place

  • The hotel is well placed for restaurants, bars and clubs. 这家酒店位置适中,适宜经营餐馆、酒吧和俱乐部。

10. It seems to me that you're right. 看起来你是对的。

  • It seems that this subject is very difficult to study. 看上去这门学科非常难学。
  • It seems that I have stomach problem. 似乎我有胃病。


Part 2: Make an Interview about Commodity Inspection


11. Shall we get down to the delivery procedure..? 我们可以开始探讨发货流程了吗?

get down to:

  • After the kick-off meeting on new project, we can get down to the sample building. 在新项目首次会议开始后,我们就开展了样品试制工作。
  • It's time to stop delaying and get down to work. 是时候停止拖延、开始行动了。
  • Let's get down to business. 让我们开始干正事吧。

get down: to play music or dance with skill and enthusiasm 带有技巧及热情的演奏或跳舞

  • She likes to get down on the dance floor. 她喜欢在舞池里表演。
    -《get down》, famous work of "Backstreet Boy"

12. including the packing list, proforma invoice and delivery note.

proforma invoice: 形式发票
proforma 形式上的

  • The meeting was strictly proforma, since the decision had already been made. 会议严格来说是形式上的,既然早已作出决定。
  • a proforma conference 形式会议
    a proforma election 形式选举
    a proforma debate 形式辩论

13. Then it performs its obligation. 然后它履行了义务。

perform task 执行任务
perform duty 执行职责

  • The prince is no longer able to perform his duties. 王子不再执行他的职责。

obligation 义务

  • moral obligation 道德义务
    social obligation 社会责任

  • family obligation 家庭责任
    I can't travel next month because of family obligations. 出于对家庭的责任,我下个月无法去旅行了。

  • I can't join in your team from now on because of family obligations. 出于对家庭的责任,我不能加入你们团队了。(《The Fast and The Furious 7》, said by Brian)

在支付宝的淘票票App里,将“速度与激情”翻译成The Fate of the Furious不妥,有种宿命感。

  • When teachers assign homework, student usually feel an obligation to do it. 当老师布置作业时,学生通常都认为做作业是一种义务。

14. ...the seller shall take charge of shipment to customer. 卖方承担发货责任

charge of 管理、负责

  • A few years ago Barcyl took charge of the company. 几年前Barcyl接手公司业务。
  • I have been given charge of this class. 我负责管理这个班级。
  • They would never forget their time in his charge. 他们永远忘不了在他经营的那段时间。

in charge

  • Who's in charge here? 这儿谁管?


  • You shall pay me at your earlies convenience. 你必须尽早付钱。
  • You shall never deceive others. 你不得欺骗众人。
  • If you do this again, you shall be punished. 如果再犯,你必须受到惩罚。

should + 原形: 现在及未来应该做
should + have + 过去分词:过去应该做而未做

  • He should study more.( But he does not.) 他原本应该学得更多(但他没有)。
  • I should have finished my work. 我其实应该能完成功课。


  • If he should come, hand him this parcel. 万一他来了,把包裹给他。
  • If you should decide to buy a car, please tell me. 如果你决定买这辆车,请告诉我。

15. well as the risk.也包括风险。

as well as

  • It is in his best interests as well as yours. 这是他的最佳利益,也是你的。
  • Wearing the right shoes and clothes as well as being fit can make all the difference. 穿合适的鞋子和衣服,并保持健康,这能带来完全的改变。

16. We must declare to CIB and provide more comprehensive documents. 我们必须向CIB提出申请,并提供更为详尽的文件。

declare 声明

  • You can also decare an attitude or intenion. 你可以表明态度或意图。
  • Speaking outside the Ten Downing Street, she declared that she would fight on. 她在英国首相官邸(唐宁街10号)外发表讲话时,宣称她将继续斗争下去。
  • He declared his intention to become the best golfer in the world. 他表示自己想要成为世界上最好的高尔夫球手。

comprehensive 综合的

  • a comprehensive list 综合清单
    comprehensive insurance 全面保险

17. And spot check ratio in reinspection will be a little higher in some festivals. 逢年过节时,抽查比例会略有升高。

spot check 抽查
sample v. experience,sample作动词时,强调尝试过

  • We sampled a selection of different bottled waters. 我们尝试了一系列不同的瓶装水。
  • the chance to sample a different way of life 尝试过不同生活的机会

selection n. 选拔

  • The children have to sit a tough selection test. 孩子们必须参加一次严格的选拔测试。

selective a. 挑剔的

  • Sales still happen, but buyers are more selective. 销量仍在,但购买者更加挑剔。

18. I appreciate it. 非常感谢。

  • Peter stood by me when I most needed it. I'll always appericate that. 当我非常需要时Peter支持着我,我非常感激。


Part 3:

19. ...but you have to pay a certain amount as a processing fee. ...但你们得付一定的手续费

pay & buy 区别

  • pay them money: I paid the taxi driver. 我付钱给的士司机。

  • I need some money to pay the window cleaner. 我需要钱以支付给窗户清洁员。

  • He payed his bill and left. 他结完账后就离开了

  • We were paying 50 bucks for a single room. 每个单间我们要付50美元。

  • If you help me, I'll pay you anything. 如果你帮助我,要多少钱我都给。(这里不代表要付出我的一切。)

pay for 付出代价,带有惩罚性质的

  • You will pay for what you have done to me! 你会为对我的所作所为付出代价的!

buy 购买

  • Tom bought a new bicycle. Tom买了辆新自行车。
  • Now you can buy fresh in supermarkets. 现在你可以在超市买到生鲜。


20. I'm concerned about the possible jolting and squeezing that may take place when these cases are moved about. 我担心这些箱子在搬运中可能产生碰撞和挤压。

  • The leader is quite concerned to his staff informed about what they were doing. 领导非常在意让下属报告他们正在做的事情。
  • jolting and squeezing 撞击与挤压

21. All our cartons are lined with shockproof cardboards. 我们所有的纸箱都垫有防撞纸板。

shockproof 防撞的

  • bomb-proof aircraft 防弹飞机
    microwave-proof dish 微波炉专用盘
    bullet-proof vest 防弹背心
    damp-proof 防冲撞
    soundproof 隔音
    waterproof 防水
    oil-proof 防油
    ovenproof 适用于烤箱的(不能理解成“防烤箱”)
    inflation-proofed 防通货膨胀的
    draught-proofing 防漏气的


22. ...but wouldn't it be safer to use wooden cases? 难道使用木箱不是更加安全吗?


  • Would you tell me the way to the station? 你可以告诉我去车站的路吗?
  • Would you mind lending me that book? 你可以借给我那本书吗?
  • Would you like to join us for tea tomorrow? 明天你可以来和我们一起喝茶吗?
  • Would you be kind enough to do this for me? 你愿意为我做这件事吗?

Would not 坚决地拒绝

  • The professor would not let me take the examination. 教授不让我参加考试。
  • He would not let me enter the classroom. 他不许我进入教室。
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