常用美国俗语 500 句

常用美国俗语 500 句 

日常英语口语 - 日常交流英语

1. It’up t o you.听你的

2.I envy you.羡慕(不是嫉妒)别人.

3.How can I get  in touch with you?与他人保持联系.

4.Where is the bathroom/ladies’or men’s room?请问洗手间在哪里?

5. What’sthe weather like today?今天天气如何?

6.Where are you headed/going?哪儿去?

7. I wasn’tborn yesterday.我又不是三岁小孩.

8.Whatdo you do for relaxation? 你做什么消遣?

9. It’s a small world.世界真小.

10. It’s myt reat/It’s on methis time.这次由我请客.

11.The sooner,the better.越快越好.

12.When is the most convient time  for you?最合适的时间.

13.Take your  time.别急.

14. I ’ mad/crazy about her.对她着迷死了.

15. I’m mad at him.他把我给气死了.

16.How shall I  address you? 该怎么称呼你更恰当?

17.Would you  care for a cup of coffee/tea?要杯咖啡吗?`

18.She turns meoff.她使我厌烦.

19.So far, so good.目前一切正常.

20.It drives mecrazy/nuts.把我逼得快疯了.

21.She never  showed up.他一直没有露面.

22. That’s not like him/characteris of him.那不象是他平常的作风.

23. I couldn’t get through.电话打不通.

24. I ’m gettin gsick and tired of living out  of a suitcase.厌烦离家太久了.

25.Be myguest.请便.

26.Can you keep an eye on mybag?帮我看一下包好吗?

27. Let’s keep in touch.保持联系.

28. Let’s call it a day.停止工作.

29. I couldn’t help it/myself.我无能为力.

30. Something’s come up.有点事.

31. Let’s get to the point./don’t beat around t he bush.别


32.Keep that  in mind.切记.

33.That was a close call.侥幸.

34. I’ll be looking forward to it.非常期盼.

35.Chances are slim.几率不大,很渺茫.

36.Far from it.绝不!

37. I’m behind in my work.工作速度落后,许多工作待办.

38. It’s a pain in the neck.令人头痛的.

39. We’re in the same boat.同病相怜.

40.Mymouth is watering.嘴谗,想吃.

41.Whatdo you recommend?推荐,建议.

42.I ache all over.全身酸痛.

43.I have a runny nose.流鼻水,伤风感冒.

44. It’s out of the question.不可能的.

45.Do you have any openings?求职,有空缺吗?

46.It doesn’t make any differences.无所差异.

47.I am fed up  with him.我受够了.

48.You can count  on us.信赖

49.It doesn’t work.行不通.

50.It is better  than nothing.总比什么都没有要强.

51.Think nothing of it/don’t mention it.没事儿.

52.I am not myself  today.身心不适.

53.I have a sweet tooth.喜吃甜食.

54. I can’texpress myself  very well in English.不能用英语很好地表达.

55.For the time being.目前.

56.This milk has gone bad.牛奶坏了.

57. It’up in the air.尚无定论.

58. That is beyond me/way over my head.无能为力,无法效劳.对我而言这实在太难了.

59.It slipped mymind.忽略了.

60.You can’tplease everyone.你不可能讨好每一个人.

61. I’m working on it.我正在办理.

62.You bet!当然.

63.Drop mea line.写一两句给我就行了.

64.Are you  pulling myleg?你在开我玩笑吗?

65.Sooner or later.迟早会发生的.

66. I’ll keep myears open.我会留意的.

67.It isn’t much.微不足道.

68.Neck and neck.不分上下.

69. I’m feeling under the weaher.身体不适.

70. Don’tget mewrong.不要误解我.

71. I’m under a lot of pressure.责任很重.

72. You’re the boss.听你的,由你做主.

73.It doesn’t make any sense!讲不通,不合理.

74.If I were  in your shoes.异地而处.

75.Whatdoes this regard!这是甚么?

76.Over mydead body!休想!

77.Can you  give mea hand?你能帮个忙吗?

78.Wehave thirty minut es to kill.我们有三十分钟空闲时间.

79.Whatever you say.随你的便.

80. It’ll come to me.我会记起来的.

81.You name  it!随你说,都在内的.

82.Time will t ell.事情终将明朗化的.

83. Let’s play it by ear.见机行事.

84.You should t ake advant age of it.利用机会.

85. Let’s talk over coffee.利用喝咖啡时间谈谈.

86.Take it easy.放轻松点.

87. I’m easy to please.不挑剔,随和.

88. Le t’sgive him a big hand.让我们热烈鼓掌.

89.As far as I’m concerned.就我而言.

90. I’m all mixed.我给搞糊涂了.

91. Let’s get together one of these days.找个机会聚聚.

92.He is behind the times.落伍.

93. I’m pressed for time.没空,太忙了.

94. I’m up to myears in work.忙的不可开交.

95.You can’tdo this t  o me.你不能这么对我.

96.Just to be on the safe side.比较保险的做法.

97.I hope I didn’t offend you.希望没有冒犯你.

98. I won’ttake much time.不会花很多的时间.

99. It’s been a long time.好久了.

100. It’s nothing,没事儿.

101. It’s a long story.说来话长.

102. It’s about time.差不多到时间了,事情该发生了的.

103. It’s incredible.难以置信.

104. It’s hard to say.难说.

105. I can’timagine why.我想不通为什么.

106.That can’t be.不可能.

107. That’s really something.真了不起.

108.Are you sure?肯定?

109.Are you crazy?你疯了?

110.Excuse mefor

  a moment.失陪一会儿.

111.I mean it/I’m serious/I’m not kidding!不是开玩笑的.

112. I’ll consider this matter.会考虑这件事的.

113. I’ll do something about it.会设法处理的.

114. I’m afraid I can’t.恐怕我不能如你所愿.

115. I’m dying t o see you.真想见你.

116. I’m flattered.过奖了.

117. I’m not in the mood.没心情.

118. I’m so scared.怕极了.

119. I can’tmake it.去不了,赶不上,无法达成.

120.You can never  t ell.把不准.

121. I don’tbuy your  story.不信.

122.Ie hurts  like hell!疼死了.

123.It can’tbe helped.无药可救.

124.Sorry to bother you/to have bot herd you.打扰了.

125.He’salways  punctual.准时.

126.Leave it to me.交给我来办.

127.I wish I could.不行(委婉表达法)

128. What’sthe rush?忙啥啊?

129. What’sso funny?什么这么好笑的?

130. I couldn’t agree more.十分同意.

131.Stay out of this  matter,please.请别管这事.

132. Don’tjust shake your head.别光摇头,想想办法.

133. Don’tjump t o conclutions.别光摇头,想想办法.

134.Thay was a lousy  movie.电影糟透了.

135.Have you thought  about staying at home?是否考虑在家呆着. 

136. I’ll be here,I give you my word.向你保证我会来的.

137.I swear I’ll never t e ll anyone.发誓不会告诉任何人.

138. I’ll make it up to you.会补偿的.

139. I’m very/really/t ebbily/awfully/extremely sorry.万分抱歉.

140.Forgive mefor breaking mypromise.原谅食言.

141. Let’s forgive and forget.摒弃前嫌.

142. I’ve heard so much about you!久仰大名.

143. Don’tunderestimat e me.别小看我.

144.She gives mea headache.她让我头疼.

145. It’s very annoying.真烦人.

146.He oft en  fails to keep his words.常常不遵守诺言.

147.You make  mefeel ashamed  of myself.你让我感到羞愧,引以为耻. 

148. I hope it turns out all right.希望后果一切都好.

149. I can’thandle this alone.无法单独处理这事.

150.How long will it  take t o fix this radio?修理这收音机要多久?

151.Come to meif you’re in any difficult y.有困难来找我.

152.Who do you  think you are?你算老几?

153. You’re wasting your breath/energy.你在白费口舌/功夫.

154.It doesn’t seem to be/doesn’t seem like.似乎不象是那样.

155. Don’tget on mynerves!不要搅我心烦.

156.Everying will be fine.不必担心.

157. I’ll be ready in a few minutes.再过几分钟就好了.

158.I wonder what  happened to him.不知道他出什么事.

159.You are just trying to save  face.你只是想挽回面子.

160.His argument doesn’t hold wat er.他的论点站不住脚.

161.Your face says it all.你的表情透漏了一切.

162. You’ve got to do somet hing.你一定要想办法.

163.I hope this will teach you a lesson.希望这会给你一个教训.

164.I feel younger than ever.觉得从未如此年轻.

165. Don’tbe a wise  guy.别自作聪明.

168. You’re going t oo far!太过分了!

169. Don’tbury  your head in the sand.不要逃避现实.

170.I have no other  choice.别无选择余地.

171. I don’thave the nerve  t o do it.没胆子去做.

172. It’s a matter of life  and death.事关重大.

173.Nothing works.什么都不行,无效.

174.Money comes  and goes.钱财乃身外之物.

175. He’sbeen behind  bars for almost  30 years.

176. I couldn’t care less.不在乎.

177.You have myword.保证.

178.He hit the ceiling at the news.暴跳如雷,大发雷霆

179. I don’tmind st aying up late.不在乎熬夜.

180. You’re too out spoken.你太直率了.

181. I can’t afford it.负担不起.

182.I think it’s a reasonable price.觉得价钱合理,不太贵.

183. I’d like to try on these hats.想试试这些帽子.

184.He puts  meto shame.他使我不好意思,比他差的太多了.

185.Every dog has his day.每个人都有得意的时候.

186. Don’tgive meany excuse.不要给我任何籍口.

187.Are you out of your  mind?你疯了吗?

188. He’sbeen everywhere.他到处都去过了.

189. What’sbothering you?什么在困扰你?

190.Who is to blame?该怪谁?

191. There’re a lot of rumors  going around.很多谣言流传着.

192. I don’tfeel up to it.觉得不能胜任,愿意接受.

193. I’m mad at myself.生自己的气,非常后悔.

194. It’s pouring out there.外头下着倾盆大雨.

195.The sky is  getting very cloudy.天空的云越来越多了.

196. You won’t get away with this/he ge ts away with murder.逃不掉责任. 

197.Who am I  supposed to see?我应该去见谁?

198.His idea is childish.想法很幼稚.

199.I need some  small change.需要零钱.

200. Don’ttry to  brainwash me.别想说服我.

201. I don’tseem to have  any luck today.今天运气不佳.

202.That reminds  me.那提醒了我.

203.Whatthe hell are you doing?你到底在干什么?

204. I can’tseem to get  to sleep.失眠.

205. You look very serious about something.你似乎心情繁重.

206.I hope I’m not in the way.希望不妨事.

207.Whatare you  so excited about?什么事让你如此兴奋?

208.Tell meabout your troubles.把你的烦恼告诉我.

209.I feel much better now.我感觉好多了.

210.I hope you  will get well  soon.希望你很快复原.

211.She is  sick in bed.卧病在床.

212.I have a slight fever.轻度发烧.

213.A fool never learns.朽木不可雕.

214.This si the schedule for tomorrow.这是明天的日程安排.

215.How lat e are you open?你们营业到多晚?

216. I’m here on business.来这里办公事.

217. What’sHong Kong famous  for?香港是以什么闻名的?

218.Whatbrings you to Beijing?什么风把你吹到北京来的?

219.She looks blue.满脸忧伤.

220.I just don’tknow what t o say.不知道该说什么.

221. Let’s h ave fun tonight.今晚让我们乐一乐.

222.Thank you  for coming to see meoff.谢谢你来为我送行.

223.It dawned  on me.使我警觉到.

224.You can  say that again/ I couldn’t agree you more.同意所言. 

225.On a clear day you can see forever.天空精神爽.

226.Whatgoes up must come down.天理循回,报应难逃.

227.A penny saved is a penny  earned.节俭成富.

228.He is a jerk.混球.

229. I’ll bet/you bet.肯定的.

230.He won the game hands down.轻而易举.

231. Don’thorse around.别胡来乱搞.

232.He is gung-ho on getting the job done.热衷,决心.

233.The dealsmells fishy.疑虑有问题.

234.She is a night owl/an early bird.夜猫子/早起鸟.

235.Playing the role of devil’s advocate can be dangerous.唱反调.

236. Dib’tpamper/spoilyour kids,or you’llbe sorry.宠坏了.

237. I’ll have t o face the music once  the deadline arrives.面对现实.

238. That’s not mycup of tea.喜好.

239.I was lost in thought.丧失了思路.

240.Whatyou see is what you get.真材实料.

241.The buck  stops here.责任所在.

242.He is a black sheep in the family.败家子.

243.She kept  her chin up  during adversity.在逆境中保持昂扬的精神.

244.He is brutally honest about  that.极其诚实.

245. He has discriminating taste.内行,懂得欣赏或分辨好坏口味的能力.

246.Whatin the world came over you?你怎么回事了?

247.Never compromise your principles.绝不牺牲原则.

248.Perception is realit y.人言可畏.

249.The end  justifies the means.不择手段.只问结果,不问过程.

250. Let’s make a deal/that’s a deal!交易/成交.

251.He is full  of baloney.喜欢吹牛,胡言乱语.

252.She is  absolutely gorgeous/adorable/charming!太漂亮/可爱/吸引人了.

253. I’m doomed.完了,惨了.

254.He conked  out after work.累睡了.

255.You are in  great shape/you are in.没问题,身体状况良好/入闱了.

256.He is sophisticated.有涵养,世故的.

257.Is Mr.Zhang available?张先生在/有空吗?

258.Please contact us when you are in town.到此时,请与我们联络.

259.I would like to make  an appointment to see Dr.Li.约见.

260.Weplan to throw a potluck dinner as a surprise farewell part y for Ms.Wang.打算以聚餐方式给王女士一个惊喜的惜别会.

261. May we be excused for a monent ,please?请暂时离开我们一会.

262.Keep your  fingers crossed.祝好运.

263.Can I get  back with you in a couple of days?一两天后回音,行吗?

264.The construction noise goes  on day in  and day out.噪音昼夜不停.

265.Sorry,I have no comments.无可奉告.

266.The plane  will take off  in 15 minut es.起飞.

267.This is not the issure.问题症结.

268.It is a mad house.乱七八糟,一团糟.

269.Wehave been t ogether  through thick and thin.同甘共苦.

270.Weappreciat e your  hospitalit y and kindness.谢谢款待.

271. It’s my pleasure/honor.荣幸受邀.

272. How’sit going/what’s up?如何?

273.Give mea break!别胡扯了,饶了我吧!

274. What’son your  mind?在想什么?

275.I am wondering if it might  rain.不知会否下雨.

276.He was considered a dark horse in the  race for CEO.原以为没希望.逐鹿执行长成功的候选人. 

277. Fly-by-night.不可靠的,不可信任的.

278.Nervous wreck.紧张,激动.

279.Pull thronught.脱险,度过难关.

280.Thumb though.匆匆的翻读.

281. Lose one’s shirt.一文不剩.

282.Mess around  with.瞎搞,胡来.

283.Touch and go.情势危急,不稳.

284.The handwriting is on  the wall.显而易见的结果.

285.Spread oneself t oo thin.过劳.

286. Rundown.精疲力竭,破败不堪.

287.Welook forward  to the dawn of better days.期待好日子的来临.

288.Variety is the spice of life.多姿多彩.

289.Two of a trade  never agree.同行是冤家.

290.You little devil!你这淘气鬼.

291.Oh boy/oh  man!天啊;ouch 好痛啊;buzz off.别喋喋不休了.

292.That makes  sense.可以理解,蛮有道理.

293.You said it.你说对了.

294.I really need  to blow off some  stream!我得松懈一下.

295. Pride feels no cold.人要图俏,冻死不叫/骄者不觉冷,俏人不穿棉.

296.Pride comes befores the fall.骄傲常导致失败.

297.Virtue never grows old.美德永远不会过时.

298. He’salways  punctual.他总是很准时.

299. Don’tbe so modest.别谦虚了.

300. I’m on your side.我支持你.

301. Well,it depends.噢,这得看情况.

302. It’s up in the air.悬而未决.

303. It’s the latest fashion.这是最流行的款式.

304.For old times sake.看在旧日关系的面子上.

305.Knock it off.少来这一套.

306. It’s cool/neat.太酷/棒了.

307.That will be the day.好透了,求之不得.

308. I’m having a swell  time.我玩的很开心.

309. It’s out of the question.这是不可能的.

310.He passed  out.昏倒了.

311. Don’t panic.别着慌.

312.Over mydead body!休想.

313. I decline!拒绝接受.

314.I got a big  kick out of it.令人过瘾.

315. Don’tchicken out,be a man.不要退缩了.

316.His words  carry a lot of weight.他的话很有分量.

317. Don’tdream away your tme.别虚度光阴.

318.Cheer up.振作起来.

319. It’s nothing to be surprised about.别大惊小怪.

320.You asked  for it.自讨苦吃,自己找来的.

321.God helps  those who help themselves.自助人助.

322.You set meup!出卖,设圈套.

323.The most  difficult thing in life  is to know yourself.人贵有自知之明.

324.Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise.塞翁失马,焉知非福.

325. I don’tthink much of the movie.那电影不怎么样.

326.F asten your  seat belt.系好你的安全带.

327.I have a nice sum of money put away.我存了一大笔钱.

328. Don’ttrust  things t o chance.别碰运气.

329. I’m just keeping myhead above water.生活刚够用而已.

330.He stands  out in the crowd.显眼.

331.Work fascinat  es me,Ican  look at it  for hours.工作真有意思,尤其是作为一个旁观者.

332.Clothes  make the man.人要衣穿,佛要金装.

333.Opportunity knocks  but onces.机不可失,时不再来.

334. I’m not good at speaking off the cuff.我不擅长即兴演讲.

335. Shake a leg,or you’ll be left behind.快点,否则赶不上了.

336. I’ve had it with him.我受够他了.

337.His performance of Li Baiis top-notch.他扮演的李白极其出色.

338. I’ll buy it.赞成,同意.

339.I share your  enthusiasm.与你有同感.

340.Could you fill in for him?能替补他吗?

341.I just do it by rule of thumb.我凭常识做的.

342.I fast one day a week.每周绝食一天.

343. He’sfull of hot air/he always talks  big.夸张,雷声大雨点小.

344.He always  goofs off.偷懒.

345. It’s on the house.这是饭店免费赠送的.

346.You should give him a piece of your mind.你该向他表达你的不满. 

347.He is green/greenhorn.没有经验/没有经验的人.

348.Can you  give mea lift?载我一程好吗?

349.I have exam jitters.我一考试就紧张.

350.Only he would  do such a thing.除了他谁会做这种事.

351.Wishful thinking.一厢情愿的想法.

352.His argument doesn’t hold wat er.他的论点站不住脚.

353.Great minds  think alike.英雄所见略同.

354.Keeping myfingers  crossed.希冀如意.

355.He is an operator.他是个老油条/会玩手腕的人.

356. Let’s find a happy medium.觅求折衷办法.

357. You’ve put your finger on it/hit the  nail on the head.你说到点子上了. 

358. He jumped on the bandwagon.随大流.

359. I’m really in a bind.左右为难.

360. It’s selling like hot cakes.非常畅销.

361. you’re laying it on thick.你过奖了.

362.this makes myhairs stand on end.吓了一跳.

363. he’sin  hot water/he fell in the drink.他糟了,有麻烦了.

364. I’m on the wagon.我戒酒了.

365.this is beyond compare.无与伦比.

366.tom always  gets cold feet.汤姆总是裹步不前,却步.

367. I’m fed up.受够了.

368. I’ll see to it.我会留意的.

369.he gets  under the boss’ skin.他惹恼了老板.

370. don’tgo t o pieces,she went to pieces.别慌乱了.

371.stand on your own two feet.不要依靠他人.

372. I’ll try to smooth things over.我会妥善处理.

373.still water  runs deep.大智若愚.

374.it is a hard nut t o crack.这是一件棘手的事情.

375.get out of myface.滚开.

376.you piss meoff.你烦死我了.

377. you gave it your best shot,anyway!不管怎样,你已经尽

力了. 378.cut it out.别再扯了.

379. you’ve gone too far.你太过分了.

380. I can’tt ake it anymore.我受不了了.

381. don’tnag me.别在我面前唠叨.

382.I guess so!我想是吧.

383. don’tgive methat song and dance routine!不要找借口. 

384. don’ttry t o pull the woolover myeyes!别欺瞒我了.

385. I’m sick of it.烦腻死了.

386. let’s put everything in blace and white!以书面报告.

387.tom is nobody’s fool!汤姆又不是傻瓜!

388.he is a fast talker.他老是说得天花乱坠.

389. don’tgive mea hard time!别跟我过不取好不好!

390. I don’tlike s plitting hairs.我不爱斤斤计较.

391. don’tsell yourself  short.别看轻自己.

392.try to have a mind of your  own.做个有主见的人.

393. it’s a hit.很受人欢迎.

394. you’ve got a point there.你说得挺有道理的.

395. you’d better wise up.放聪明点.

396.that suits mefine!对我而言,毫无问题.

397.she had a bad cold.他患了重感冒.

398.a knock out.美得让人倾倒.

399.have a short fuse.脾气火爆.

400.watch out/look out!当心.

401. patience is a mark of confidence.耐心是自信心的一种表现. 

402.you owe meone.你欠我一个人情.

403.once in a blue moon.稀罕.

404.have two  left feet.笨手笨脚,不会跳舞.

405.stop and smell the roses.别太匆忙,享受生活.

406.what ever  is wort h doing  is worth doing well.只要你觉得某事值得去做,就一定要把他做好. 

407.early t  o bed,early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.早起有益身心.

408.it rains at intervals this month.这个月不时地下雨.

409.this movie is too realistic,I don’t care for it.这部电影太写实了,我不喜欢.

410.a day is a miniature  of eternity.(Emerson).一天是永恒的缩影.(爱默生)

411.maybe I could  run some errands for you.为你做些琐事.

412.garbage in  ,garbage out.粗工不出细活.

413. what goes up must come down/goes around comes around.怨怨相报,天理不变.

414.what ever!随你!

415.raising eyebrow.惊世骇俗.

416. that’s the rock bottom price.不能更便宜了.

417.this is t he bottom line.最终目的.

418. it’s on myfingertip/on the tip of mytongue.呼之欲出的话.

419.this is a dog-eat-dog world.竞争激烈,人情淡薄的社会.

420. I’m on a shoestring budget.资金微薄.

421.his business flourshed based on word of mouth.口碑相传.

422.he looks,but does not see;hears,but does not listen.视而不见,听而不闻.

423.that is a pirat  e edition of the record/counterfeit.盗版唱片.

424.he is a shrewd businessman.精明的生意人.

425. let’s face it.事实如此,无用多说.

426.a screwy mess.一团糟.

427.go ahead!依此进行.

428.this store si mobbed.店铺里挤满了人.

429. I’ll give it a shot/try.满试一下.

430.when it rains,it pours.屋漏偏逢连夜雨.

431.he is a con man/artist.骗子.

432. don’tgive a  damn.毫不在乎.

433.hit chhiking could be dangerous.搭便车.

434.he is a down-to-earth person.很实在的人.

435.she blew the whole thing out of proportion.言过其实.

436. a hearing-imaired man is a disabled  person.听力不良也属残障的.

437.I did not mean  it that way,implicitly or explicitly.不论明指或暗示,都非此意.

438.the reception of his speech  was lukewarm.反应不佳.

439.misery loves company.同病相怜.

440.lo and behold,it turns just  as expected.真妙,事如所愿.

441.this is a dog-eat-dog world/you are in a shark-infested water.世态险恶.

442.you are pushing  the envelope/limit.逼上梁山,迫使.

443.reaching for the sky/st riving  for excellence.百尺竿头,精益求精.

444. practice more get luckier/practice makes perfect.熟能生巧,努力带来幸运.

445.eat to live,not live to eat.饮食是为生存,活着并不只是为吃喝.

446.the salespeople are t old to  wear a smile  all the time.面带笑容.

447.fail to plan is planning to fail.不预作计划,必遭失败.

448. finger pointing.指控,卸责.

449.scapegoat/sacrificial lamb.替罪羊,whistle blower.发布内部黑幕的人.

450.we must  fight for our right.争取权益.

451.take it easy!别太紧张,放轻松点.

452.be good!别惹祸,安分点.

453.when it rains,it pours.屋漏偏逢连夜雨.

454.logo 标识.brand 品牌.trademark 商标.

455.how do you  like that/how  about that!不错吧!

456.no way/forget it!不行.

457.read bdt ween  the lines.话中有话,法规中的漏洞.

458.bron with a silver  spoon in his/her mouth.天之娇子.

459.rag to riches.赤贫致富.

460.dime a dozen.不值钱的东西.

461.penny saved  is a penny  earned.节俭是美德.

462.an eye for  an eye and a t ooth for a  tooth.以牙还牙.

463.he wouldn’t give you t he time of a day.吝于帮助人的家伙.

464.a good samaritan.乐于助人的陌生人.

465.comparing apples  t o oranges.牛马不相及.

466.a square peg in a round  hole.牛马不相及,格格不入.

467.unconscionable act/person.没良心.

468. may I bother/interrupt/impose upon you,please?打搅,麻烦人.

469.window-shopping is a popular way to kill time.逛街打发时间.

470. traffic jams during rush hours are common on the beltway.尖峰时间环城公路堵车.

471. talk show host. 交 谈 节 目 主 持 人 ,news reporter/correspondent.新闻记者,news anchorperson.新闻主持播报人.

472. shooting the breeze.闲聊.

473.Fresh breeze/fresh breath of air.新作风.

474. don’tbehave  like/act like a pest.别做令人讨厌的人.

475.walk the talk/put the money  where your mouth is.说话算数,以身作则.

476.bite the bullet/lick your wounds.打破门牙含血吞,坚忍.

477. hit/bite the dust.到了末日。

478.on the line.存亡关头。

479.eat your  heart out!让人羡慕死了。

480.give mesome  pocket money.零用钱。

481.jew down the price.讨价还价。

482.square deal.公平的买卖。

483.he is a bean counter.管财务的人。

484. ask for it/t rouble.自讨苦吃,自找麻烦。

485.shy away from.避免。

486. don’tget carried away.丧失自制。

487.he conked  out at sht show.睡着了。

488. her sheer det ermination brought her t he result  she want ed at last.坚定不移的决心。

489.do the dirty work.做没人爱做的事。

490.root for the underdog.支持弱者。

491.get down  to the nitt y-gritty.处理细节。

492.hang in there.不放弃。

493.jaywalking can be downright dangerous.违规穿越马路是极其危险的。

494.book a flight.订机票。

495.make an appointment.约时间。

496.schedule a meeting.定会期。

497.reserve a room.订房间。

498.settle a dispute.解决纷争。

499.take a break.小休。

500.run an errand.办杂务。

501.have fun.乐乐。

502.flag a cab.打的。

503.visit e a doctor.看医生。

504.call a cop.找警察。

505.commit suicide.自杀。

506.commit a crime.犯罪。

507.learn a lesson.学了乖。

508.catch a cold.着凉。

509.beg your  pardon.请原谅。

510.make a move.行动。

511.go figure.去想想吧。

512.lend a hand.帮助。

513.place an order.订货。

514.take a seat.入座。

515.pay a visite.造访。

516.flush the t oilet.放冲马桶。

517.buy some  time.拖延。

518.seize the opport unity.掌握机会。

519.feed the need.提供所需。

520.mind your  own business.别管闲事。

521.break  t he law.犯法。

522.shoot movies.拍电影。

523.cut your  losses.减少损失。

524.weight the cost.衡量得失。

525.gather information.收集资讯。

526.ride a bike.骑自行车。

527.board a bus.上公车。

528.hit ch a ride.搭便车。

529.catch a taxi.打的。

530.con artist.招摇撞骗的人。

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