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With tears in her eyes, her mother hung Ma Xiao for her children and grandchildren and said to Xu Sheng, "don't cry, either. Clean your father and put on his shroud. After a while, his hands and feet will be stiff."

While wiping his body, Xu Sheng saw that there was only a handful of bones left in his father's whole body. A wrinkled skin was wrapped loosely, and tears welled up again. Think: "This may be the meaning and value of a person's life. People slip out of their mother's belly and grow into this skeleton by relying on the blood and sweat of their parents. Then they rely on this skeleton to struggle and endure hardship. They use their blood and sweat to feed other skeletons, and then let them struggle and endure hardship. There is always a kind of hope that they will live better than themselves. If they feed and hope for this from generation to generation, they will carry this skeleton, Or die on the bed, or fight in a pool of blood, or fall ill in the street. This constitutes the whole of life. If God knew this, what would he do?... "

The mother knew what her son meant, "Your father is right for your children and grandchildren in his life. For you, he wants to spit what he eats in his mouth and peel what he wears off. There is no free day all year round. He said that as long as you are promising, you are worth dying of fatigue and hardship. When you are old and dragged down by several grandchildren, you can't eat all your stomach for several meters a day, saying that they are just the time to grow up..." his mother cried, He choked and told his wife, "Xu Sheng is his father. Xu Sheng wipes your body and changes clothes for you. Your hands and feet should be soft. You can't bear to wear these clothes when you're alive. Now you can wear them as a guest. You've been poor and afraid all your life. Don't forget to join a family where you can eat and wear. You've cultivated virtue all your life, loved your children and grandchildren, suffered a lot for your children and grandchildren, and broke your heart. When you go there, you should take care of the size of the family all the time, and protect your children and grandchildren from everything and peace all the year round..." When the words reached the sad place, he sobbed again.

After his father died, many relatives came to burn incense in succession. When the cousin reported the funeral, they borrowed food. Although they couldn't borrow it, they brought their own rations, some one kilogram and some two kilos. They said they couldn't take this rice, but there was no way to do it at the end of the month. When Xu Sheng opened the rice jar, there were only a few handfuls of rice left. He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He went to the captain for accommodation and asked for the distribution of next month's rations in advance. The captain was very sympathetic and said, "write a report and I'll get it to the brigade for you, and then send the grain to your home. However, this grain is not of much use. Go to your unit and find a way."

According to the regulations at that time, the staff and families of the school will be given certain difficulties and subsidies in case of natural and man-made disasters, birth, old age and death. When Xu Sheng returned home, he wrote several reports and applied for money and grain from the school and grain station. When the report was submitted for approval, the headmaster didn't look at it. He said coldly, "put it away until you explain your problems with Meng ruofen!"

Xu Sheng never expected that the headmaster would stab people at such a time without humming. Knowing that theory was useless, he picked up the report and left.

"Where are you going?" The headmaster was very surprised.

"Go to the county to find the director."

"What are you looking for him for?"

"The lice on the bald head are obvious. People die on the bed board and can't afford to delay. See if there is a way in the Bureau."

The headmaster was surprised when he heard that he was looking for the director. He knew that he was clearly giving people small shoes, and the truth could not be put on the table. If he spread the situation in the Bureau, it would damage his reputation. He turned his face and said, "you don't have to run to the Bureau. Let me tell you, even if the director agrees, I have to sign and seal. I also know that you are in urgent need of money. In this way, I'll give you approval first, and your problem will be dealt with later." He wrote his opinions askew on several reports. Xu Sheng took the report and ran around looking for people for a long time. Finally, he got 50 yuan, 30 kilograms of rice and 2 kilograms of cooking oil. He asked several teachers to help borrow the mutual savings of teaching staff. At first, it went well. Later, the headmaster became vigilant and refused. He said, "it's strange. How come everyone's difficulties are crowded together these days? I'm afraid they will be used by others?" After tossing around for a long time, after the borrower said all the good words and promised again and again, the headmaster slowly picked up his pen in hesitation and warned: "my ugly words are ahead. If they are really used, let me find out, don't say I'm ruthless..."

On the morning of the funeral, the sky was gloomy and terrible, as if it was going to rain heavily; The Jackdaw dragged a long sound over and over his head. The coffin was parked on the path in front of the door. On the coffin head sacrifice table, the white candle shed tears, and the candle light swayed in the wind; The rice piled up at the head was strong and towering, which was a special explanation from his mother. He said that the old man was greedy for food all his life and wanted to let him eat enough and go on the road; The sacrificial meat is the one that Xu Sheng entrusted to buy. Now it has been made into three animals together with several thin skinned fish and a rooster. The old man had no fortune before his death. Now let him enjoy it well. It's not worth a lifetime. Facing the cold wind, the mother lay on the head of the coffin, sobbing, crying about her wife's many hardships before her death, and told her to protect her children after returning to the West. The spectators nearby couldn't help crying while persuading them.

The house is having dinner. At the first two tables in the hall sat people carrying coffins. Wearing full filial piety, Xu Sheng dragged his two little nephews to kneel down table by table and did his best to be a filial son. After kneeling down, Xu Sheng burst into tears and said, "thanks to everyone's help, I Xu Sheng is also an unworthy son. My father has to bring food for everyone at the funeral, and I can't afford a meal. It's unprecedented, and I'm ashamed. I'll bear in mind your kindness and kindness. When things get better one day, I'll give it back ten times. If I can't do it, my two nephews should also take the responsibility of their parents..." At this point, I couldn't speak any more. I bowed down and couldn't help sobbing.

"Where is this?" the captain hurried down the table, picked up Xu Sheng and said, "you don't have to blame yourself. Who hasn't had a difficult time. Help your neighbors. You don't have to mention the repayment of grain. Don't mention half a kilo, what if there's more!"

"Yes, it's hard to say about the repayment. When is this? If there aren't more than one thousand eight hundred in the first three or five years, and it's difficult for weddings and funerals, who wants to bring food?"

"Needless to say, I'm just worried that I don't have such a big stomach."

"Don't mention what happened at that time. It was the emperor's daughter who became a wife. Now I still want to..."

The captain looked at everyone's gossip and stopped and said, "well, don't say this. I know crow's mouth won't have good words. Don't ask for trouble without trouble."

"What if you get into trouble? You're thirsty and hungry. You're afraid of this and that when you say a solid word. I think you're also pissed..."

Xu Sheng hastily finished the funeral and is nearing the end of the term. While preparing for the review examination, the school carries out the year-end appraisal of teachers. Before the appraisal, naturally build momentum, stick slogans, hang banners and fight the right; Then start writing big character newspapers and sort them out one by one: those who have no or few problems go first, so that they can put down their burden and go to battle light; Finally, concentrate the fire. Meng ruofen watched more and more of Xu Sheng's big character newspapers, with strips like steel knives and Zhang Zhang like firecrackers. Her heart trembled all day and was very frightened. Quietly said to Xu Sheng, "it seems that you will not be spared this time. You should also be well prepared." Xu Sheng said, "what preparation? The pigs in the fence and the meat on the anvil are just at their disposal."

This day will come eventually. The headmaster looked relaxed and proud. Announced: "Today, we will continue to appraise. We all understand this, and we don't need to follow the rule of self-examination before the people's examination. However, we should pay attention to one thing, that is, we should act according to the principle of" those who speak are innocent, and those who hear are full of caution ", and achieve the principle of" saying everything we know and saying everything we say ". We are like doctors. Medical students should treat and save people and be responsible to patients; as patients, we should be honest and cooperate with doctors, and we must not hide and avoid doctors, which is not good. We should be consistent with each other Believe in doctors, the masses and your eyesight. There are precedents ahead. We don't rank according to the intention of leaders. Anyone can come. We only need to focus on some goals, learn from one, and don't hammer one in the East and one in the West. Well, that's all I say. Who will speak first... "

"I said..." several people made a voice almost at the same time, which looked warm and orderly.

The headmaster smiled and pointed to the side, "OK, you say it first. Be simple and clear."

A funny man stood up and said to the ceiling, "I ask you, the floor trembles at night. What are you doing?"

"Who are you asking?" The headmaster's face darkened.

"Ask who, ask Xu Sheng..."

"That's unreasonable! People have names and spoons with handles. You may have drunk ignorant soup." Everyone roared with laughter. The headmaster stopped at once, knocked on the table and said, "serious! Come on -"

"Excuse me, Mr. Xu. I heard you took the female teacher out in the middle of the night. Why?" A thin and tall teacher said.

"What happened today?" The headmaster stood up angrily, "You should also have a sense of propriety in your use of words, such as" excuse me "and" I heard ". What's the stress? Is it a dinner treat? Is it a woman's embroidery? This is healing and saving people, okay?! when acupuncture and moxibustion is acupuncture and moxibustion, when the knife is open, dodging, is it responsible for the patient? Our Communists' yes' is' yes' and 'no' is' no ', which is straight to the point and unambiguous. Here I mention to Xu Sheng, and I'll give a big character newspaper on this There's no time to write. Didn't you write three reports when your father died? One money, one grain, one oil. I don't understand why you wrote in your application report: 'the family is as poor as a rag. It's time to auction rags for the burial of your father.' The oil report also said, "there is no oil for spiritual illumination at home.". What's the meaning of this? Who are you complaining about? What is the position of socialism in your mind? Why do you hate the leadership of the Communist Party so much? Answer! " The headmaster sat down with dignity.

"Answer!" A few people helped the chamber and listened to the sound as if sparks were about to appear inside.

Xu Sheng stood up, Take it easy to say: "The headmaster's opening remarks made it clear that everyone is a doctor in order to cure the disease and save people. In that case, as a patient, please allow me to talk about my illness. I don't have the diseases you said. In my mind, the Communist Party is better than my parents, and communism is my ideal. As for what I said and did, the facts naturally allow me no sophistry. My only request now is to ask the headmaster to take out my three reports and put them in the light Next, let's look at it. I firmly believe in the party's spirit of seeking truth from facts. "

The headmaster's face changed colors and looked a little like a needle on pins and needles.

"I think you are cunning. So, the headmaster wronged you?!" That funny face is not funny now. Its eyes are wide open. It seems that two knives are going to be killed in it.

"Change what you have and encourage what you don't have. Are you a perfect person without any shortcomings and mistakes?" The tall, thin voice was a little astringent.

The headmaster was very annoyed that his intention failed. Since someone helped, he patted the table and said, "Xu Sheng is an old athlete. He is very old and has a very bad attitude. He doesn't shed tears when he doesn't see the coffin, and we don't have to waste more words. Well, the appraisal of Xu Sheng will be here tonight. Don't be complacent. It's no good to be stubborn. Now you can leave the venue."

After Xu Sheng left the meeting, he aimed at Meng ruofen. The headmaster doesn't mean to punish her - what's a substitute who has to roll if he asks to roll—— I just want to open a gap in her body and dig out some things of Xu Sheng. Even if you find a clue. He said: "Let's see clearly. I don't need to elaborate on what kind of person Xu Sheng is. Everyone will see more and more clearly. Obviously, it's impossible for him to accept and explain problems honestly, and we have to lose our illusions; but it doesn't matter. Democratic opinions don't care about his personal attitude. He's bad, he confronts, we're afraid? Let him go? No! I've seen many such people. He's tough on the surface and empty in the heart. He has many problems, political, ideological, working, ideological and style, and some are views and positions. We must not take it lightly. It's strange that some people clearly know Xu Sheng very well. Why don't they stand up and say a few words and stand on that side?!... "

The headmaster's guidance is well understood


闻讯hear the news

当头一棒a head-on blow; deal a direct blow at

跌跌撞撞dodder along; stagger along; stumbling along; totteringly


纸钱paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead

香烟缭绕The smoke of incense rose in volutes; coiling incense smoke; Incense smoke curls up; The air was heavy with the aromatic perfumes which rose on all sides in spirals of smoke from censers



钻心core-bit; web



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