I've just finished my f**king second english test today and sitting in front of f**king laptop and got nothing to do, the first test is not bad for me, or i should say a little bit suprised me, i didn't think i did well, but the teacher said "good vacubulary", how come? only god knows, acturally i had totally run out of ideas, i was just talking bullsh*t for an hour.
Christmas is on its way, but i'm not really in mood for that, i mean there are so many homeworks to be done before Chrismas.i got two research assignments to do, both are not so easy. Economics, accounting, statistics and computering mid-term exams diver me crazy. So much to do. But guess what, no worries, mate, good day.I do make a plan to Christmas: going to Melbourne with a bunch of friends, have fun, hopefully, meet some pretty girls there. Albert Park! oh, i got so excited thinking of that, sometimes Adelaide is so rural that i don't know what to do on weekends besides study.Melbourne is quite different, metropolis, night life, cool. Take a nice break during christmas and forget everything.
One day when i was on my way home, a guy abused me, he said "f**k u" to me, and i replied "gui er zi" in sichuan dialect, which i learnt from a friend of mine. Anyway, never mind, they're just a bunch of guys who finished year 12 and got over-excited after some alchol.
I haven't played basketball since i got here, i almost abandoned it, Australians don't like basketball like we do, on the contrary, they play football,oh, horrible, so violent for me. I seldom watch nba now,no sports channel, u have to pay for it.
I send some postcards back home to my dear friends, some have got them, some have not, there must be something wrong with the post office or something, anyway. Sometimes when i listen to some chinese songs, i become homesick, each song remainds me of my frineds and the time we spent together.I know that i should not do so, but it's hard to control sometimes. I have to wait patiently for a whole year until we reunite, from the bottom of my heart, i wish all the best to my friends and families, don't worry about me, i know what to do and how to do it.
i have to comment about my homestay, they r awesome. they try to make me feel home, cook my favourite dish and even take me to their party. i plan to stay here for a long time. they take care of me, when i first got here, i lost some weight, but now it's back, i'm even stronger than before, thanks.
i'm feeling more confidient now, not like a foreigner. people are friendly in general, but like anywhere else in the world, ther r protective, one of friend told me, if a local walks into Mcdonald and ask the manager for a part-time job, most of the time, the answer is yes. but the situation is difficult for our oversea students. it's just natural.
Enjoy my life here, no worries, mate!