How to accomplish a weak delegate,and the protocol in swift How to inherit ?
The way to accomplish a weak delegate,and that protocol‘s inheritance in swift ?
A smaple:
protocol ProtocolNameDelegate { // Protocol stuff goes here } class SomeClass { weak var delegate: ProtocolNameDelegate? \\ error occured }
'weak' may only be applied to class and class-bound protocol types, not 'MyImageCellDelegate'
Why did this error occur?
- 因为在swift中协议是不仅可以被引用类型实现,也可以被值类型引用,但是weak只能用来修饰引用类型,所以在使用weak修饰没有加任何限定词的协议时报错,我们将如何使用weak修饰协议定义的类型属性呢
protocol ProtocolNameDelegate: class { // Protocol stuff goes here } or protocol ProtocolNameDelegate: NSObjectProtocol { // Protocol stuff goes here } or @objc protocol ProtocolNameDelegate { // Protocol stuff goes here } Although, under code is successed to build, but which one is the best? class SomeClass { weak var delegate: ProtocolNameDelegate? }
which one is the best way to use the weak keywords with Protocol Type Parameter ?
- NSObjectProtocol is equal to NSObject Protrocol in Objective-C
- @objc keyword is define the type as objective-c types
- class keyword limit the protocol only used for reference type in swift
All in all , NSObjectProtocol > class > @objc
- 因为在swift中协议是不仅可以被引用类型实现,也可以被值类型引用,但是weak只能用来修饰引用类型,所以在使用weak修饰没有加任何限定词的协议时报错,我们将如何使用weak修饰协议定义的类型属性呢