
91、peri- :周围、外层、靠近

①pericentral 中心周围的:peri周围+central中心的→pericentral 中心周围的

The pericentral objects of earth are affected by great gravity.

②periphrasis 绕圈子的陈述:peri外层+phrasis→periphrasis外层的陈述即绕圈子的陈述

He made a periphrasis of the issue to avoid being blamed.


③perimeter 周长,周边:peri周围+meter米→perimeter 周长,周边

Work out how long the perimeter of the playground.

[if !supportLists]84、[endif]poly- :多

①polyclinic 联合诊所、综合医院:poly多+clinic诊所→polyclinic 由多家诊所共同诊断的即联合诊所、综合医院

In recent years, the parking questions in the polyclinic of the city center area had increasingly emerged in our country.近年来,我国城市中心区综合医院停车问题日益凸显。

②polyfunctional 多功能的:poly多+functional功能的→polyfunctional 多功能的

The polyfunctional wallet wins great favor from customers.

③polydirectional 多方向的:poly多+directional方向的→polydirectional 多方向的

From the correlation with foreland basins abroad it is concluded that Sichuan basin resulted from polydirectional compression stress.在与国外前陆盆地对比的基础上,得出四川盆地是一个受多方向挤压应力综合作用的前陆盆地。

[if !supportLists]85、[endif]post- :after

①postscript 编后记:post(after)+script手稿、手记→postscript 编后记

He added a brief postscript to his speech, giving the latest figures.

②postwar 战后:post(after)+war战争→postwar 战后

They got married in the postwar years.

③postgraduate 研究生、大学毕业后的:post(after)+graduate毕业→大学毕业后的即研究生

She is a postgraduate at the University of Chicago.

[if !supportLists]86、[endif]pre- :前;预先

①premature 未成熟的:pre前+mature成熟→premature在成熟之前的即未成熟的

He feels amused by cheir premature behavior.

②preheat 预热:pre预先+heat加热→preheat 预热

One shall not forget to preheat the components before soldering.焊接前零件别忘了要预热。

[if !supportLists]87、[endif]pro- :向前、在前;代理、代替;拥护、亲、赞成

①progress 前进、发展:pro向前、在前+gress行走→progress向前走即前进、发展

The student is showing rapid progress in his studies.

②prospect 展望:pro向前、在前+spect看→prospect向前看即展望

I see little prospect of an improvement in his condition.

③prologue 前言:pro向前、在前+logue说;话→prologue说在前面的话引申为前言

The prologue of the book is a famous writer.

④procurator 代理人:pro代理、代替+curator监护人、管理者→procurator 代理人

He was arrested for subsidizing the chief procurator.他因向检察长行贿而被警方拘捕。

⑤proslavery 支持奴隶制度:pro拥护、亲、赞成+slavery奴隶制度→proslavery 支持奴隶制度

Proslavery advocates left to join the Democrats and antislavery adherents joined the Republicans.拥护奴隶制的党员留下来参加了民主党,而反对奴隶制的则参加了共和党。

[if !supportLists]88、[endif]proto- :原始

①protohuman 早期原始人:proto原始+human人类→protohuman 早期原始人

Protohuman moms probably fashioned baby slings, too, they suggest, both for ease of transportation and to keep the young warm by holding them close to their bodies.史前的母亲大概也使用背带,因为方便,而且孩子紧贴著母亲容易保持体温。

②prototype 原型:proto原始+type类型→prototype 原型

Designers have built a working prototype of the car.

③protogenic 原生的:proto原始+genic基因的、产生→protogenic 原生的

Results show that the protogenic geological environment of the survey area is quite good.It is a rare and ideal place for investors both home and abroad to fulfill their ambitious plans.结果表明,该区原生地质环境良好,确系海内外投资者不可多得的施展鸿图的理想之地。

[if !supportLists]89、[endif]pseudo- :假的false(在母音前作pseud-)

①pseudoscience 伪科学:pseudo假的+science科学→pseudoscience 伪科学

Measurement is one of the characters that distinguish science from pseudoscience.

②pseudology 谎话:pseudo假的+ology科学、学问→pseudology 谎话

Telling pseudology is amoral.


This passage is proved to be pseudography.

[if !supportLists]90、[endif]quadri- :four(亦作quadru-,在母音前作quadr-)

①quadruple 四倍的,四重的:quadru四+ple→quadruple 四倍的,四重的

Crowding in England is almost double that of Germany and quadruple the population density in France.英国人口密度大约是德国人口密度的两倍,是法国人口密度的四倍。

②quadrilateral 四边的:quadri四+lateral侧面的、横向的→quadrilateral 四边的

A kite is a quadrilateral with one line of symmetry.风筝是个有一条对称线的四边形。

③quadrennial 四年的:quadr四+enn年+ial→quadrennial 四年的

The highlight of international play is the quadrennial world Cup competition.


[if !supportLists]91、[endif]quasi- :partly;seemingly;not real

①quasihistorical 带有历史性的:quasi(partly)+historical历史的→quasihistorical部分具有历史性的即带有历史性的

The quasihistorical books are favored by great amounts of readers.

[if !supportLists]92、[endif]quinque- :五(在母音前作quinqu-)

①quinquangular 五角的:quinque五+angular有角的→quinquangular 五角的

②quinquennial 每五年的:quinque五+enn年+ial→quinquennial 每五年的

The success of the quinquennial event was a sign that Byzantine studies are flourishing in almost every corner of the world.这个五年一次的盛会的成功举办,标志着拜占庭研究在全世界几乎各个角落都欣欣向荣。

③quinquesection 五等分:quinque五+section部分→quinquesection 五等分

The big apple was cut into quinquesection and each child got one.

[if !supportLists]93、[endif]re- :回、向后;再、重复、重新;相反、反对

①recollect 回忆,忆起:re回、向后+collect收集→recollect 收集过去的东西以供回忆,忆起

She can recollect meeting the king

②reproduction 繁殖、复制:re再、重复、重新+production生产→reproduction 繁殖、复制

Her description of the meeting is an exact reproduction of the reunion.

③reaction 反应、反作用:re相反、反对+action作用→reaction反作用

Her arrest produced an immediate reaction from the press.102、retro- :back;backward;behind

①retrograde 退化:retro(back;backward;behind)+grade等级→retrograde 等级退后即退化

The closure of the factory is a retrograde step.

②retrospect 回想,回顾:retro(back;backward;behind)+spect→retrospect 往回看即回想,回顾

In retrospect, it's easy to see why we were wrong.

③retrogress 倒退:retro(back;backward;behind)+gress行走→retrogress 往后走即倒退

In its absence China would retrogress into division and chaos, and modernization would become impossible.动摇了中国就要倒退到分裂和混乱,就不可能实现现代化。

[if !supportLists]103、[endif]se- :离开、分开

①select 选择:se离开、分开+lect选择、收集→select把一堆东西分开以收集类似的东西放在一起即选择

She lets her son select his own Christmas present.

②seclude 使隔离:se离开、分开+clude关闭→seclude把人分开起来关闭即使隔离

Moslems seclude their wives in the harem.回教徒隔绝他们的妻子在闺房中。

③segregate 分离:se离开、分开+greg+ate动词后缀→segregate和人群分开即分离

Some societies still segregate men and women.

[if !supportLists]104、[endif]semi- :half

①semiliterate 半文盲的:semi半+literate有读写能力的人、有文化修养的→semiliterate 半文盲的

In addition to the high price, the absence of sensationalism also made newspapers not attractive to thesemiliterate working class.党派报纸不仅价格较高,登载的新闻还缺少轰动效果,难以对仅有初等文化的工人阶级产生吸引力。

②semiconductor 半导体:semi半+conductor导体→semiconductor 半导体

This is a semiconductor integrated circuit. 这是一个半导体集成电路。

③semiofficial 半官方的:semi半official官方的→semiofficial 半官方的

Till now,TD has been the extraordinary industry that has semiofficial quality all the time.“TD成长至今,一向是存在半民间性质的特殊工业。”

[if !supportLists]105、[endif]sept- :七(亦作septi-及septem-)

①septangle 七角形:sept七+angle角度→septangle 七角形

②septennial 每七年的:sept七+enn年+ial形容词后缀→septennial 每七年的

We will hold a septennial conference.

③septempartite 分七部分的:sept七+em使,让+part部分+ite动词后缀→


[if !supportLists]106、[endif]sex- :六(亦作sexi-)

①sexangle 六角形:sex六+angle角度→sexangle 六角形

②sexcentenary 六百年的:sex六+centenary百年间→sexcentenary 六百年的

We had a quite happy sexcentenary anniversary.

③sexdigitism 六指:sex六+digitism→sexdigitism 六指

[if !supportLists]107、[endif]step- :后、继

①stepfather 继父:step后、继+father父亲→stepfather 继父

He lives with his mother and stepfather.

②stepchild 前夫或前妻的孩子:step后、继+child孩子→stepchild 前夫或前妻的孩子

Times soon grew very bad for the poor stepchild.可怜的女孩,她的日子开始不好过了。

③stepbrother 异父(母)兄弟:step后、继+brother兄弟→stepbrother 异父(母)兄弟

Your new stepbrother told me about your problem at school.

[if !supportLists]108、[endif]stereo- :立体

①stereosonic 立体声的:stereo立体+sonic音波的→stereosonic 立体声的

Stereosonic Festival 2012 was hold successfully in Melbourne,Australia.

②stereograph 立体照片:stereo立体+graph→stereograph立体写生即立体照片

I want to research if the idea of Picasso's stereograph school can be apply into Chinese paper-cut animation.我要研究的是毕加索立体画派的概念是否可以被应用到中国剪纸动画中去。

③stereoproject 立体投影:stereo立体+project放映→stereoproject 立体投影

Our company has a stereoproject room. 

[if !supportLists]109、[endif]sub- :下;次、亚、准;稍、略、微;副、分支、下级;接近;更进一层、再;用于化学名词,表示化合物成分含量少的

①subway 地铁:sub下+way道路→subway地下的道路即地铁

She saw us on the subway.

②subtropics 亚热带:sub亚+ tropics热带的→subtropics 亚热带

Evergreen bush or small arbor distributed in subtropics.  常绿灌木或小乔木。

③subcontinent 次大陆:sub次+subcontinent 大陆→subcontinent 次大陆

Beyond this ocean lies the rich subcontinent of India.

④subcollege 准大学程度的:sub准+college大学→subcollege 准大学程度的

The degree of a training school is equal to a subcollege degree.

⑤subacid 略酸的:sub稍、略、微+acid酸的→subacid 略酸的

 subacid remarks.  酸溜溜的话

⑥subeditor 副编辑:sub副+editor编辑→subeditor 副编辑

In the ensuing years, Sam worked for his brother as foreman, subeditor, and feature writer.随后的几年里,塞姆在哥哥手下当过工头,助理编辑和特写记者。

⑦subarea 分区:sub分支+area地区→subarea 分区

On the grounds, homologous subarea management modes were put forward in detail.据此,笔者因地制宜地提出了相应的分区治理模式。

⑧subworker 助手,副手:sub下级+worker工人→subworker 助手,副手

The manager has two subwokers.

⑨subcentral 接近中心的:sub接近+central中心的→subcentral 接近中心的

Award prices for subcentral government civil engineering projects are compared before and after the law went into effect.在法律实施前后,对中央下属政府民用工程项目的合同价格进行了比较

⑩subdivide 再分、细分:sub更进一层、再+divide划分→subdivide 再分、细分

You can use sales organizations to subdivide markets into regions.

⑪suboxide 低氧化物:sub化合物成分含量少的+oxide氧化物→suboxide 低氧化物

In this paper, several methods for preparing titanium suboxide are given and its wide uses in new areas are mentioned.本文介绍了低价氧化钛的各种制备方法及其在各个新开发领域中的应用。

[if !supportLists]110、[endif]super- :超;上;过度、过多

①superspeed 超高速的:super超+speed速度→superspeed 超高速的

She was punished for superspeed.

②superstructure 上层建筑:super上+structure结构→superstructure 上层建筑

Culture and art belong to the realm of the superstructure.

③superheat 过热:super过+heat加热→superheat过热

It will not superheat the floor.

[if !supportLists]111、[endif]supra- :超、上

①suprarenal 肾上腺的:supra超、上+renal肾脏的→suprarenal 肾上腺的

②supramundane 超越世俗的:supra超、上+mundane世俗的→supramundane 超越世俗的

Monks are suporamundane.They do not have the sensation as ordinary people.

③supranational 超国家的:supra超、上+national国家的→supranational 超国家的

He will have to wear a heavy crown as the leader of a supranational organization.

[if !supportLists]112、[endif]sur- :上、外、超

①surrealism 超现实主义:sur超+realism 现实主义→surrealism 超现实主义

My picture was inspired by my favorite style of art surrealism.

②surcoat 外套、外衣:sur外+coat上衣、外套→surcoat外面的衣服即外套、外衣

As the weather gets colder she has to wear a surcoat.

③surmount 在...顶上:sur上+mount山峰→surmount 在...顶上

I think most of these obstacles can be surmounted.

[if !supportLists]113、[endif]sym- :共同、相同

①sympathy 同情:sym共同、相同+pathy感情→sympathy有相同的感情即同情

I felt much sympathy for the blind.

②symphony 交响曲:sym共同、相同+phon声音+y→symphony有共同的声音,声音交织在一起引申为交响曲

This symphony was composed by Beethoven.

③symmetry 对称:sym共同、相同+metr测量+y→两边测量都一样即对称

These values constitute the symmetry waveform.有这些数据来构成对称波形。

[if !supportLists]114、[endif]syn- :共同、相同

①synonym 同义字:syn共同、相同+onym名字→名字相同→同义词

Don't mix up this pair of synonyms.


The sound on a film must synchronize with the action.

③synthesis 合成、综合:syn共同、相同+thesis→synthesis在两样东西放在一起即合成、综合

His work is a synthesis of several ideas.

[if !supportLists]115、[endif]tetra-:四(在元音字母前作tetr)

①tetracycline 四环素:tetra四+cycline环化素→tetracycline 四环素

②tetrode 四极管:tetr四+ode→tetrode 四极管

high-frequency tetrode高频四极管

③tetragon 四角形:tetr四+agon→tetragon 四角形

an old - fashioned tetragon on a central pivot


[if !supportLists]116、[endif]trans-:越过、横过、超;转移、变换

①transnational 超越国界的:trans越过+national国家的→transnational 超越国界的

Nokia is a famous transnational corporation.

②transcontinental 横穿大陆的:trans横过+continental大陆的→transcontinental 横穿大陆

I wish I could make a transcontinental trip by Grey hound bus.我希望我也能搭灰狗巴士做一次横跨大陆的旅行。

③transnormal 超出常规的:trans超+normal正常的→transnormal 超出常规的

In ancientry,not only did the great people have transnormal brightness,but also with gritty will.古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。

④transform 改变...之外形:trans转移、变换+form形式→transform 改变...之外形

The magician transformed the frog into a princess.魔术师把青蛙变成了公主。

[if !supportLists]117、[endif]tri-:三

①tripod 三角架:tri三+pod→tripod 三角架

Make sure the tripod is stable.

②triangle 三角(形):tri三+angle角度→triangle 三角(形)

He outlined the triangle in red.

③trilogy 三部曲:tri三+logy→trilogy 三部曲

He is best known for his trilogy on working life.


[if !supportLists]118、[endif]twi-:二

①twiformed 有二形的:twi二+formed成形的→twiformed 有二形的

②twifold 两倍:twi二+fold折叠、合拢→twifold折叠两次引申为两倍

The case against is twofold: too risky and too expensive.


③twiforked 有两叉的:twi二+forked叉状的,有叉的→twiforked 有两叉的

[if !supportLists]119、[endif]ultra-:超、以外;极端

①ultrasonic超声的:ultra超+sonic音波的、音速的→ultrasonic 超声的

The doctors gave him an ultrasonic brain scan.医生给他做了脑部超声波扫描检查。

②ultramarine 海外的:ultra以外+marine海的→ultramarine海外的

The horizon beyond is of the deepest ultramarine.远处的天边,则是一片最深的群青。

③ultra-left 极左的:ultra极端+left左→ultra-left 极左的

Ultra-left trend of thought   极左思潮

[if !supportLists]120、[endif]un-:相反动作、取消、除去;不、无、非;未;由...中弄出

①unbind 解放,解开:un相反动作、取消、除去+bind约束→unbind 和约束相反的动作就是不约束即解放,解开

The girl started to unbind her braided hair.女孩开始解开编起来的头发。


She lives in an unreal world.


The bankrupted company was mergered by another bigger one for unconditional reason.


④unofficial 非官方的:un非+official官方的→unofficial 非官方的

This statement is unofficial and not binding on us.

⑤uncorrected 未修正的:un未+corrected修正的→uncorrected 未修正的

An uncorrected manuscript未经修改的手稿

⑥unearth 从地下掘出:un由...中弄出+earth陆地→unearth从陆地中弄出即从地下掘出

They will unearth the buried treasure here.

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  • 序言:老挝万荣一对情侣失踪,失踪者是张志新(化名)和其女友刘颖,没想到半个月后,有当地人在树林里发现了一具尸体,经...
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  • 正文 独居荒郊野岭守林人离奇死亡,尸身上长有42处带血的脓包…… 初始之章·张勋 以下内容为张勋视角 年9月15日...
    茶点故事阅读 35,883评论 2 323
  • 正文 我和宋清朗相恋三年,在试婚纱的时候发现自己被绿了。 大学时的朋友给我发了我未婚夫和他白月光在一起吃饭的照片。...
    茶点故事阅读 37,997评论 1 333
  • 序言:一个原本活蹦乱跳的男人离奇死亡,死状恐怖,灵堂内的尸体忽然破棺而出,到底是诈尸还是另有隐情,我是刑警宁泽,带...
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  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
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  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 30,204评论 0 19
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 45,423评论 2 352
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 42,722评论 2 345
