The Answer to the Test of 20171102

Part II Listening Comprehension(25 minutes)

Section A

1. Why did John move out of the castle?

C. It was dangerous to live in.

2. What happened in Scotland last Wednesday?

A. A storm.

3. What does the news reporter say about the miners?

D. They were strapped in an underground elevator.

4. What did the rescue team do?

B. They sent supplies to keep the miners warm.

5. What is the US postal service planning to do?

C. Close some of its post office.

6. What measure has been planned to save costs?

D. Stopping mail delivery on Saturdays.

7. What will happen when the proposed measure comes into effect?

D. Many post office staff will lose their jobs.

Section B

8. What will happen to the press operator who is late for work according to the woman?

A. He will lose part of his pay.

9. What does the man say about John who stands by the time clock?

B. He is a trustworthy guy.

10. Why does the man suggest the woman see the worker who was late?

C. She is better at handling such matters.

11. What does the woman say about Jack Green?

A. He is always trying to stir up trouble.

12. What do foreigners generally think of British People according to the woman?

B. Reserved.

13. What may British people typically do on a train according to the man?

C. They stay quiet.

14. What does the man say about the Italian woman working in Manchester?

B. She was never invited to a colleague’s home.

15. Why do British people prefer houses to flats?

D. Houses provide more privacy.

Section C

16. What does the speaker say about the college students applying for a campus job?

A. They will automatically be given hiring priority.

17. What can students do to find a campus job according to the speaker?

A. Visit the school careers service.

18. What does the speaker say is a library monitor responsibility?

C. Supervising study spaces to ensure a quiet atmosphere.

19. Why have the tea farmers in Kenya decided to grow purple tea?

B. It may be sold at a higher price.

20. What do researchers say about the purple tea?

D. It is healthier than green tea.

21. What is Mr. Combara found about the purple tea?

A. It does not have a stable market.

22. What does the speaker say about today’s consumers?

C. They prefer unique object of high quality.

23. What does the speaker say about good craftsmen in the past?

B. They could only try to create at night.

24. What do craftsmen help consumers do?

B. Make wise choices.

25. Why do state art councils help sponsor local arts and crafts festival?

D. To boost the local economy.

PARTReading Comprehension(40 minutes)

Section A

26. E)challenges

27. J)Searched

28. D)categorizing

29. K)similarities

30. L)slightly

31 G)percentage

32 O)traditional

33. I)regardless

34. H)proving

35. M)suggests

Section B

36-40 IDJFB 41-45 HCKGE

36. It is possible for burglars to make jamming attacks with the necessary equipment and skill.


37. Interfering with a wireless security system is similar to interfering with a conversation.


38. A burglar has to continuously jam the wireless security device to avoid triggering the alarm,both inside and outside the house.


39. SimpliSafe provides devices that are able to distinguish incidental radio interference from targeted jamming attacks.


40. Only a very small proportion of burglaries are committed by technical means.


41. It is difficult to crack SimpliSafe as its system keeps changing.


42. Wireless devices will transmit signals so as to activate the alarm once something wrong is detected.


43. Different measures should be taken to protect one’s home from burglary in addition to the wireless security system.


44. SimpliSafe’s device can send a warning to the house owner’s cellphone.


45. Burglars can easily get a security device’s frequency by Internet search.


Section C

Passage One

46. What can we learn about Bill Perry from the passage?

B)He intends to get rid of tipping practice.

47. What is the main reason why the author hates tipping?

C)It forces the consumers to compensate the waiter.

48. Why do many people love tipping according to the author?

D)They can have some say in how much their servers earn.

49. What have some waiters come to realize according to a survey?

A)Service quality has little effect on tip size.

50. What does the author argue for in the passage?

D)Waiters should be paid by employers instead of customers.

Passage Two

51. What does the author,mainly discuss in the passage?

C)The impact of cheap oil on global economic growth

52. Why do some experts believe cheap oil will stimulate the global economy?

D)Consumers will spend their savings from cheap oil on other commodities

53. What happens in many oil-exporting countries when oil prices go down?

C)They use their money reserves to back up consumption.

54. How does Carl Weinberg view the current oil price plunge?

B)Its negative effects more than cancel cut its positive effects

55. Why haven’t falling oil prices boosted the global economy as they did before?

C)oil importers account for a larger portion of the global economy

Part IV Translation(30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English .You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.

As a symbol of good luck, longevity and happiness in Chinese culture, the colour of red can be seen everywhere on festive occasions such as Chinese New Year. Cash is usually put in red envelopes as gifts to relatives and close friends. Also, red is much-welcomed in China because of its association with Chinese revolutions and the Communist Party. However, red does not always represent good luck and happiness. Red was previously used to write the names of the deceased so it is seen as an offence to write Chinese people’s names in red ink.

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