Nice sentences of Friends0415

Follow are some useful sentences I learned from Friends0415.

I just came up to say hi.

I can not stand that women.

I thought you are crazy of her.

I am not let you get away this time.

Can you just stop talking for a minute.

It is comming from Joy.

I think it meight be rainning.

You are a tough guy, you are the toughest biologiest I ever know.

Stay away from that huge guy.

Please do me a faver, be easy to Ross.

You are not going to believe it, guess what happened?

I can not believe they are doing that to Ross.

Could you go there and get me some water?

They are killing you out there.

I do not care, I am not quiting this, I will finish it.

I made a man twice as my size cry, I never did it after four when I wash my dad's car with rock.

I guess I got to go.

Do you know how long you will been gone.

I can not believe you are really walking here, it is so far from your apartment.

Can you just stop talking for a second?

You really did not need to help me packing.

I am packing because I am going to move to Yemen.

Why are you doing this?

I will show her how tough I am.

Ross can take care of himself, do not worry.

I really do not know what you are talking about.

You really do not need to take me to the airport.

I am not leaving before you get on the plane.

Are you travaling with a kid?

Is there something happen? do you have to stay?

I can not believe they are doing that to him.

Did you see me? that is pretty good, right?

Tell my son that I love him.

If you insist doing this, at least let me help you.

I know there is no hole there, But I really like that picture.

Are you sure you do not need to see a doctor?

That is because of you, incridible you. It worth the pain.

Joy, can I ask you a quesion? What does this switch doing?

Here is another question for you, do you like this?

What is so funny about that?

I am just getting out a really serious relationship. I know that, I am just getting out of a marriage.

I am only pretend to move to other city, becasue that is the only way I can get rid of her.

I can handle that.

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