在“brain”的后面加上一个“y”,就变成了形容词聪明的,如果一个人被称作brainy,就表示He or she is smart and intelligent(很聪明)。比如:Some people are born brainy.有些人天生就聪明。
brains behind something
从字面理解这句话:某个东西背后的头脑。你想想,设计一个东西,或者生产什么东西,都是一群人智慧的结晶。他们就是这个被生产或者被设计出来的产品“背后的头脑”。If you are the brains behind something,you are responsible or organizing or developing something.比如:Bill Gates is the brains behind Microsoft.比尔盖茨创造了微软。
我们知道teaser是指“喜欢戏弄别人的人”。brainteaser不是指专门戏弄别人的人。a brainteaser is a riddle or a puzzle that makes you think.brainteaser是一个难题,脑经急转弯。有一个有趣的brainteaser:what can go all around the world but still stays in one corner?The answer is a stamp.You can share this brainteaser with your friends.
rack one's brain
I have racked my brain but still can't solve this problem.
pick someone's brain
选择别人的脑子?可不是这个意思。它的意思是征求别人的意见。俗话说:三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮。如果你真的冥思苦想,不得要领,不如直接向别人请教:I really need to pick your brain.我真的需要你帮忙了。放心,虚心请假,别人是会帮助你的。
brain头脑,wash洗,brainwash就是洗脑,注意这个单词只能用作被动,因为只能被洗脑。比如:I think you have been brainwashed.我觉得你被洗脑了。
on the brain
如果一件事情,或是一个人on the brain(在你脑子里),就表示你一直在想这件事,或者这个人。对这件事或这个人念念不忘。比如:I have had this tune on the brain all day but I can't remember what it called.我脑子里整天回荡着这个曲子,但我想不起来叫什么了。