Leon and Amy:
你想做什么事情?What do you want to do?什么,what.
在我们做一件事情之前,首先要知道自己为什么要做这件事。你为什么要做这件事?Why do you want to do this?
每件事情的发生都有它的原因。Everything has a reason./Everything happens with a reason.发生,happen.
决定做一件事情之后,我们要想清楚怎么样做这件事。你要怎么做?How would you do this? / How are you going to do it?怎么样,how.
你的计划是什么?What is your plan?计划,plan.在《越狱》里面,Michael经常会说到计划。There is a plan. There is no plan.
我们需要一步一步来。We need to do it step by step.步伐、脚步,step.
MJ曾经在访谈节目中觉得对方的问题很尖锐,让他很难受,他说:你为什么要这样对我?Why are you doing this to me?
如果你想要获得成功,无论什么都要去做。If you want to succeed, do whatever it takes.成功,succeed,success.无论什么,whatever.
你确定要这么做吗?Are you sure you want to do this?确定,sure.
电影《美丽心灵》我以前看过几遍,结尾的台词我非常喜欢:I'm only here tonight because of you (his wife, Alicia). You are the reason I am. You are all my reasons.