IxVeriWave WaveApps


The Latency Benchmarking test
The Latency Benchmarking test allows you to present the system under test (SUT) with an intended load (ILOAD) and measure the time that it takes for frames to be forwarded through the SUT (latency). If you have multiple clients, the ILOAD is divided evenly between the clients sourcing traffic into the SUT. For accurate latency measurement, the ILOAD must be at a level that produces no frame loss. Use the throughput test to determine the maximum ILOAD that can be achieved without frame loss.

Latency is measured by taking the difference between the arrival time of a packet at the destination port and the time the packet was sent at the source port. WaveTest allocates each arriving packet into one of sixteen different "latency buckets". Each latency bucket has a maximum latency time boundary, which are setup in ascending order. The arriving packets are placed in the last latency bucket for which their latency value does not exceed the latency bucket boundary. In this way a distribution of latency times can be measured.




maximum client capacity Benchmarking
This test allows the user to calculate the maximum number of clients that can be associated on the SUT at a given time under a given intended load and frame size within an acceptable frame loss tolerance.


The Max Forwarding Rate (MFR) Benchmarking
The Max Forwarding Rate (MFR) Benchmarking test identifies the maximum rate at which the system under test (SUT) can forward packets, regardless of loss. The test determines the MFR by using a modified binary Search algorithm.

The Packet Loss Benchmarking
The Packet Loss Benchmarking test allows you to present the system under test (SUT) with an intended load (ILOAD) and measure the response in terms of forwarding rate and loss packets. If you have multiple clients, the ILOAD is divided evenly between the clients sourcing traffic into the SUT. You can specify a variety of ILOAD conditions and the test will produce the measured results for each ILOAD.

Forwarding rate is measured by counting the number of packets that have been successfully received at the destination port(s) over the course of the test. Packet loss is calculated by taking the difference between the offered packets and the received packets.

The Throughput Benchmarking
The Throughput Benchmarking test identifies the maximum rate at which the system under test (SUT) can forward packets without loss.

This test determines the throughput rate by using a binary search algorithm. The test starts by offering a predetermined starting load to the SUT. Packet loss is then measured. If packet loss is detected the offered load (OLOAD) is cut in half. If there is no packet loss the OLOAD is doubled. This process continues until the difference between OLOAD values is less than the search resolution setting. The process is repeated for each frame size specified in the test.

legacy rate vs. range
This test allows the user to present the system under test (SUT) with a specific intended load (ILOAD in frames/sec) at a given frame size and fixed external attenuation conditions, and measure the forwarded traffic rate as a function of path loss (equivalent to range). The user should input the value of the external attenuation, the desired initial and final transmit power level values for the path loss sweep, and the step size by which the path loss is changed.

The external attenuation (dB) should include the attenuation due to fixed external attenuators, cable losses, splitter losses etc. It should be set such that the AP power level at the WBW-1000 antenna port is between -55 and -45 dBm. For example, with an AP output power of +20 dBm, a 70 dB external attenuation should be used. The external attenuation may have to be modified experimentally in order to center the rate rolloff curve within the path loss sweep

外部衰减(dB)应该包括由于固定的外部衰减器、电缆损耗、分割器损耗等引起的衰减,应该设置在ww-1000天线端口的AP功率级在-55-45 dBm之间。例如,在AP输出功率为+20 dBm时,应该使用70分贝的外部衰减。外部衰减可能需要在实验中进行修改以使路径损失范围内的速率下降曲线为中心

a/b/g/n rate vs. range
This test allows the user to present the system under test (SUT) with a specific intended load (ILOAD in frames/sec) at a given frame size and fixed external attenuation conditions, and measure the forwarded traffic rate as a function of path loss (equivalent to range). The user should input the value of the external attenuation, the desired initial and final transmit power level values for the path loss sweep, and the step size by which the path loss is changed.

The external attenuation (dB) should include the attenuation due to fixed external attenuators, cable losses, splitter losses etc. It should be set such that the AP power level at the WBW-1000 antenna port is between -55 and -45 dBm. For example, with an AP output power of +20 dBm, a 70 dB external attenuation should be used. The external attenuation may have to be modified experimentally in order to center the rate rolloff curve within the path loss sweep

a / b / g / n比率与范围

外部衰减(dB)应该包括由于固定的外部衰减器、电缆损耗、分割器损耗等引起的衰减,应该设置在ww-1000天线端口的AP功率级在-55-45 dBm之间。例如,在AP输出功率为+20 dBm时,应该使用70分贝的外部衰减。外部衰减可能需要在实验中进行修改以使路径损失范围内的速率下降曲线为中心

The TCP Goodput
The TCP Goodput test measures the number of TCP payload bytes per second that the system under test (SUT) can transfer between its ports and the maximum segment size (MSS).

TCP Goodput
TCP Goodput测试度量在测试的系统(SUT)可以在其端口和最大段大小(MSS)之间传输的每秒TCP有效负载字节数。

WLAN roaming

roaming delays
The test measures the roaming delays and packet loss of the clients roaming when the SUT is stressed with a specified roam pattern and each client configured with certian dwell time(s). Client roam pattern can be tuned with the option of clients' starting points distributed among the AP's.

The test works by creating the configured number of wireless clients on the Wireless test ports and one Ethernet client on the Ethernet port of the VeriWave system. Once these clients are created and assigned the necessary attributes (security, data flows, etc.), the Wireless clients are bound to their initial target test ports, and associated with the SUT (i.e., the APs). The test then begins to move (roam) the Wireless clients between the APs at the desired interval and in user specified pattern which is defined in the roam profile. When each roam operation is performed,the test measures the time taken to roam and the number of data packets (from Ethernet to Wireless) lost during the roam. At the end of the test duration, the script reports the minimum, maximum and average roam delays for each test client, the number of roams performed, and the average number of packets lost per roam for each client.


The Roaming Benchmark
The Roaming Benchmark test determines the number of roams per unit of time that the WLAN controller can support. The test reports the roam delay, failed roams and packet loss for a particular roam rate for the specified configuration. Unique roaming patterns can be specified for each network (SSID). Within the network, the client groups follow a predefined roaming pattern.




service capacity
The VoIP QoS Service Capacity test determines the maximum number of VoIP calls the System Under Test (SUT) can maintain at a specified Service Level Agreement (SLA) in the presence of best effort traffic load. The SLA can be specified as an R-value or as a combination of maximum latency, packet loss and jitter.


service assurance
The test determines the maximum amount of low priority traffic that the System Under Test (SUT) can sustain without breaking the Service Level Agreement (SLA) for a specified number of VoIP calls. The Service Level Agreement can be specified as a minimum R-value or a combination of maximum Packet Loss, Latency and Jitter of the VoIP calls.


The Roaming Service Quality
The Roaming Service Quality test determines the effect of roaming on call quality as measured by the R-value and dropped calls. The test measures the anticipated drop in call quality when wireless clients begin to roam from one AP to another.

wireless mesh

Latency Per Hop
The Latency Per Hop test determines the latency of each hop through the mesh network for the system under test (SUT). The test allows you to present the SUT with an intended load (ILOAD) and measures the time that it takes for frames to be forwarded through each node in the SUT (latency).



The Aggregate Latency
The Aggregate Latency test determines the overall latency of the mesh network for the system under test (SUT). The test presents the SUT with an intended load (ILOAD) and measures the time that it takes for frames to be forwarded through the SUT (latency) across all the nodes in the mesh network.


The Throughput Per Hop
The Throughput Per Hop test identifies the maximum rate at which the system under test (SUT) can forward packets without loss through each node. The throughput is measured on a per hop-basis, starting from the nearest node to the gateway and ending with the node furthest away from the gateway.


The Aggregate Throughput mesh
The Aggregate Throughput mesh test identifies the maximum rate at which the system under test (SUT) can forward packets without loss across all the nodes in the mesh network.



The Maximum Forwarding Rate
The Maximum Forwarding Rate Per Hop test determines the maximum rate at which a single mesh hop can transfer frames between its ports, regardless of frame loss. The test measures the ultimate traffic handling capacity of the system under test (SUT). Significant differences between the results of this test and the Throughput Per Hop test may indicate potential SUT data path problems.


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