When it comes to food, I think we Chinese people are quite adventurous eaters. We eat pretty much anything, like chicken feet, fish head and pork intestine. I mean, all those things, Americans won’t even touch.
Well, that’s because most Americans have never seen such things on the menu their entire life. And if you walk into a Wal-Mart, you’ll notice that their chickens have no feet, fish are headless. And you won’t find anything like pork intestine, pork heart or pig feet.
Americans are quite picky about what they put on their plates, but we don’t waste anything.
And there’s one thing most Americans will definitely not eat, but it’s a delicacy in China and has been eaten for thousands of years. Yes, I’m talking about dog meat.
Many Americans could get offended by the idea of eating dogs, cause they see dogs as pets. But here in China, dog meat can be bought at the market just like chicken and pork.
① 像动物内脏、鸡爪、猪脚之类的东西,在一般的美国超市确实没有。要买的话得去China town了。像鱼的话,通常在超市里卖的就是fish fillet,就是鱼身上两边那两块没有鱼刺的肉,也可以叫鱼排吧。
② 虽然貌似美国的食材远不如中国丰富,但如果你觉得吃货都在中国,那就画面不完整了。老外们对美食的追求也是上升到了文化的程度的。虽然American food除了hamburger, sandwich, pizza 和steak可能也能想不出什么了,但他们有更为广阔跨国界的选择,除了非常流行的Mexican food和Italian food之外, 还有Indian food,Thai food,Mediterranean food等可以选择,所以跟美国人聊Food,就算是水火不容的民主党和共和党,也是可以聊到一块的。所以到了国外,就不要一个心眼去找authentic Chinese restaurants了,大多数已经被Americanized。不妨多去尝尝各国美食,做一个International foodie吧。
③ 狗肉作为食物,对于他们来说确实难以接受。因为,在他们的生活中,狗是作为贴身宠物存在的。当然,你可能也会遇到一些更open-minded的朋友会愿意去尝试。不过,话说回来,他们也会吃一些我们不吃的肉,像turkey和venison (Deer meat)。当然,这也是因为那边的deer很多,经常在路边乱串,像我们这边乡村的土狗一样。所以,我觉得这些只算是文化差异吧。除非你是vegetarian,否则,其实杀害任何动物都是残忍的 。