MKActionSheet 毛玻璃效果底部弹出控件


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多样式 ActionSheet

  • 高斯模糊效果
  • 支持横屏
  • 支持无标题、无取消按钮样式
  • 支持带默认选中模式
  • 支持多选模式
  • 支持带 icon 图片样式
  • 支持多按钮,可设置最大显示数量(支持小数),超过最大数量滚动
  • 支持 Model 或 NSDictionary 数组初始化
  • 支持 block
  • 支持动态添加 button
  • 支持动态 修改 titleView




  • cocoapods
    pod 'MKActionSheet', '~> 2.0.2'

  • Manually (手动导入)
    只需将 MKActionSheet 文件添加到项目中即可

  • 依赖
    Masonry ~> 1.0.2
    SDWebImage ~> 4.0.0

用法 详细用法参见demo

1.4.0 版本之后 化烦为简 去除 delegate 用法, 适配到iOS8。 需要delegate或者想支持iOS7可以使用V1.3.2版本。
2.0.1 版本重构了代码,后支持横屏 和之前版本有较大差异,旧版升级上来的请检查是否需要修改你的代码
有使用者反馈,status bar原来白色会变为黑色,这是由于新建了 window 导致的。 可以将 currentVC 设置为当前 viewController
//单选 block
- (void)showWithBlock:(MKActionSheetBlock)block;
//多选 block
- (void)showWithMultiselectBlock:(MKActionSheetMultiselectBlock)multiselectblock;
  • selectType
 typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, MKActionSheetSelectType) {
    MKActionSheetSelectType_common  = 1,        //default
    MKActionSheetSelectType_selected,           //have a selected button
    MKActionSheetSelectType_multiselect,        //multiselect
  • button title Alignment
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, MKActionSheetButtonTitleAlignment) {
    MKActionSheetButtonTitleAlignment_center    = 1,        //default
  • button image value type
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, MKActionSheetButtonImageValueType) {
   MKActionSheetButtonImageValueType_none      = 1,        //default
  • 普通样式,多参数初始化
   MKActionSheet *sheet = [[MKActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:@"title" buttonTitleArray:@[@"button0", @"button1", @"button2"]];
        [sheet showWithBlock:^(MKActionSheet *actionSheet, NSInteger buttonIndex) {
  • 对象数组初始化,支持 model 和 NSDictionary 数组。titleKey是对象中用来显示按钮title对应的字段。
  MKActionSheet *sheet = [[MKActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:@" titiititititiit " objArray:self.modelArray buttonTitleKey:@"titleStr" selectType:MKActionSheetSelectType_multiselect];
            [sheet showWithMultiselectBlock:^(MKActionSheet *actionSheet, NSArray *array) {
  • 带icon图标的样式
 MKActionSheet *sheet = [[MKActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:nil objArray:self.modelArray buttonTitleKey:@"titleStr" imageKey:@"imageName" imageValueType:MKActionSheetButtonImageValueType_name];
        [sheet showWithBlock:^(MKActionSheet *actionSheet, NSInteger buttonIndex) {

MKActionSheet *sheet = [[MKActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:@"load url image" objArray:self.dicArray buttonTitleKey:@"titleStr" imageKey:@"imageUrl" imageValueType:MKActionSheetButtonImageValueType_url selectType:MKActionSheetSelectType_multiselect];
        [sheet showWithMultiselectBlock:^(MKActionSheet *actionSheet, NSArray *array) {
            [weakSelf.view makeToast:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"array count : %ld ",(unsigned long)array.count]];


/**  custom UI */
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat windowLevel;          /*!< default: UIWindowLevelStatusBar - 1 */
@property (nonatomic, weak) UIViewController *currentVC;    /*!< current viewController, for statusBar keep the same style */
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL enabledForBgTap;         /*!< default: YES */
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL manualDismiss;           /**  [default: NO]. if set 'YES', you need calling the method of 'dismiss' to hide actionSheet by manual */

/** action sheet */
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat animationDuration;            /*!< 动画化时间 [default: 0.3f] */
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat blurOpacity;                  /*!< 毛玻璃透明度 [default: 0.3f] */
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat blackgroundOpacity;           /*!< 灰色背景透明度 [default: 0.3f] */

@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *titleColor;                  /*!< 标题颜色 [default: RGBA(100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 1.0f)]*/
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIFont *titleFont;                    /*!< 标题字体 [default: sys 14] */
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat titleMargin;                  /*!< title side spacee [default: 20] */

@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *buttonTitleColor;            /*!< 按钮 titile 颜色 [default:RBGA(51.0f, 51.0f, 51.0f, 1.0f)] */
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIFont  *buttonTitleFont;             /*!< 按钮 字体 [default: sys 18] */
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat buttonOpacity;                /*!< 按钮透明度 [default: 0.6] */
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat buttonImageRightSpace;        /*!< 带图片样式 图片右边离 title 的距离 [default: 12.f] */

//destructive Button
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger destructiveButtonIndex;     /*!< [default:-1]*/
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *destructiveButtonTitleColor; /*!< [default:RBGA(250.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f, 1.0f)]*/

//cancel Title
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL needCancelButton;                /*!< 是否需要取消按钮 */
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *cancelTitle;                 /*!< cancel button title [dafault:取消] */

@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger selectedIndex;              /*!< selected button index */
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *selectedBtnImageName;         /*!< image name for selected button  */

@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *selectBtnImageNameNormal;     /*!< image name for select button normal state */
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *selectBtnImageNameSelected;   /*!< image name for select button selected state )*/
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *multiselectConfirmButtonTitle;      /*!< confirm button title */
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *multiselectConfirmButtonTitleColor;  /*!< confirm button title color */
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIImage *placeholderImage;


+ (void)sheetWithTitle:(NSString *)title buttonTitleArray:(NSArray *)buttonTitleArray destructiveButtonIndex:(NSInteger)destructiveButtonIndex block:(MKActionSheetBlock)block{
    MKActionSheet *sheet = [[MKActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:title buttonTitleArray:buttonTitleArray];
    sheet.needCancelButton = YES;
    sheet.buttonTitleFont = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:17];
    sheet.buttonTitleColor = [UIColor redColor];
    sheet.buttonOpacity = 1;
    sheet.buttonHeight = 40.0f;
    sheet.destructiveButtonTitleColor = [UIColor grayColor];
    sheet.animationDuration = 0.2f;
    sheet.blackgroundOpacity = 0.0f;
    sheet.blurOpacity = 0.7f;
    sheet.tag = 200;
    [sheet showWithBlock:block];
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