With the new pandapower Version 1.5.1, the cost formulation for the pandapower OPF changes. Basically, you'll be good if you just multiply all your cost functions with -1 and your results will be the same as before. Maybe you already realized yourself, that there was an inconsistency with the costs.
在新的版本pandapower 1.5.1中,pandapower的OPF成本计算公式发生了变化。基本上,如果你只是用-1乘以所有的成本函数,那么你不会收到影响,你的计算结果也将和以前一样。可能你已经意识到了成本之间的矛盾。
This tutorial will explain why we made this change and how you can refactor your old code. It is based on the opf_basic tutorial.
So let's remember one convention in pandapower:
For all bus-based power values, the signing is based on the consumer viewpoint:
positive active power is power consumption, negative active power is power generation
positive reactive power is inductive consumption, negative reactive power is capacitive consumption
Let's say I wan't to define linear costs of 1€ per kW for a generator, then I need to keep this in mind!
The respective cost function has a negative slope:
- pp.create_polynomial_cost(net, 1, 'gen', np.array([-1, 0]))
- pp.create_piecewise_linear_cost(net, 1, "gen", np.array([[p_min_kw, abs(p_min_kw)], [0,0]]))
- pp.create_piecewise_linear_cost(net, 1, "gen", np.array([[-1000, 1000], [0,0]]))
import pandapower as pp
import numpy as np
net = pp.create_empty_network()
#create buses
bus1 = pp.create_bus(net, vn_kv=220.)
bus2 = pp.create_bus(net, vn_kv=110.)
bus3 = pp.create_bus(net, vn_kv=110.)
bus4 = pp.create_bus(net, vn_kv=110.)
#create 220/110 kV transformer
pp.create_transformer(net, bus1, bus2, std_type="100 MVA 220/110 kV")
#create 110 kV lines
pp.create_line(net, bus2, bus3, length_km=70., std_type='149-AL1/24-ST1A 110.0')
pp.create_line(net, bus3, bus4, length_km=50., std_type='149-AL1/24-ST1A 110.0')
pp.create_line(net, bus4, bus2, length_km=40., std_type='149-AL1/24-ST1A 110.0')
#create loads
pp.create_load(net, bus2, p_kw=60e3, controllable = False)
pp.create_load(net, bus3, p_kw=70e3, controllable = False)
pp.create_load(net, bus4, p_kw=10e3, controllable = False)
#create generators
eg = pp.create_ext_grid(net, bus1)
g0 = pp.create_gen(net, bus3, p_kw=-80*1e3, min_p_kw=-80e3, max_p_kw=0,vm_pu=1.01, controllable=True)
g1 = pp.create_gen(net, bus4, p_kw=-100*1e3, min_p_kw=-100e3, max_p_kw=0, vm_pu=1.01, controllable=True)
We specify the same costs for the power at the external grid and all generators to minimize the overall power feed in. This equals an overall loss minimization. With the former pandapower versions, you must've specified the costs like this to get to the goal of having positive costs for high feed in:
- costeg = pp.create_polynomial_cost(net, 0, 'ext_grid', np.array([1, 0]))
- costgen1 = pp.create_polynomial_cost(net, 0, 'gen', np.array([1, 0]))
- costgen2 = pp.create_polynomial_cost(net, 1, 'gen', np.array([1, 0]))
But as we leared above, this is not right! This was due to a mix up in the signs, but from now on, the cost function signing is based on the consumer viewpoint as well.
- costeg = pp.create_polynomial_cost(net, 0, 'ext_grid', np.array([1, 0]))
- costgen1 = pp.create_polynomial_cost(net, 0, 'gen', np.array([1, 0]))
- costgen2 = pp.create_polynomial_cost(net, 1, 'gen', np.array([1, 0]))
costeg = pp.create_polynomial_cost(net, 0, 'ext_grid', np.array([-1, 0]))
costgen1 = pp.create_polynomial_cost(net, 0, 'gen', np.array([-1, 0]))
costgen2 = pp.create_polynomial_cost(net, 1, 'gen', np.array([-1, 0]))
pp.runopp(net, verbose=True)
The OPF cost definition has changed! Please check out the tutorial 'opf_changes-may18.ipynb' or the documentation!
PYPOWER Version 5.1.4, 27-June-2018 -- AC Optimal Power Flow
Python Interior Point Solver - PIPS, Version 1.0, 07-Feb-2011
p_kw q_kvar
0 -56530.133524 -1974.471614
p_kw q_kvar va_degree vm_pu
0 -71313.545821 1969.654618 -3.712804 1.000009
1 -12299.610412 1451.160058 -3.712782 1.000010
Since all costs were specified the same, the OPF minimizes overall power generation, which is equal to a loss minimization in the network. The loads at buses 3 and 4 are supplied by generators at the same bus, the load at Bus 2 is provided by a combination of the other generators so that the power transmission leads to minimal losses.
What about the cost result? We expect costs of 1 for each kW fed into the net. So let's check the overall fed in power:
print(net.res_gen.p_kw.sum() + net.res_ext_grid.p_kw.sum())