20:30-21:00 吃饭,看朋友圈,热水泡脚
20:10-20:30 跟张航打电话介绍英语学习
19:20-20:00 流利说打卡,做饭,洗澡
18:15-19:20 下班,买水果,坐车
17:30-18:15 整理打印资料并装订,录音(共用1个小时打印资料)
16:30-17:30 去Ella 班听课,book14 party time. 首先,班里小朋友都会在家看碟片,并且老师有要求读书,不读书会有惩罚,读书会有奖励。玩的竞争机制是走三字棋。热身点名分组等10分钟,It's Pluto's birthday.one by one, 用了5分钟。It's time to get ready. one by one. Pluto has to take a bath(super whisper, 没有传好小朋友们不能得星). He doesn't want to. But he has to. 分辨了has to 和want to,并让小朋友们造句子。到一个生词时,Ella会引申一下,比如all clean, his nose is clean, his ears are clean... Here come his friends. (word by word 传),He's in the tree, apple is on the tree, flowers are on the tree. 教小朋友们区分。 Ella说她觉得她说的比较快。小朋友们坚持大概30分钟就会觉得疲倦,的确是的。
14:00-15:00 整理打印东西,整理录音作业。
13:00-14:00 请Lyn去肯德基吃饭。
10:00-13:00, 三个小时的一个班时间。 book12 12-1 Mickey's at the zoo. He's playing with a seal. It's time to go home. Mickey is at home. What's the seal doing? He's taking a bath with Mickey. Mickey and Pluto are at home. They're in the kitchen. This is a basket. What's in the basket? The seal is in the basket. This is a table. The basket and the seal are on the table.
at the zoo. with, seal, go home, at home, take a bath, in the kitchen, basket, table, on the table 算是内容比较多的一次。
1:没听碟片,linda 今天就表现的不错
9:00-10:00 整理桌子及教具,给Tracy 写按图索骥。
8:10-9:00 出门坐车,上班路上买早餐
7:30-8:10 起床,发计划,洗刷,穿衣