荷兰皇家壳牌公司 Royal Dutch Shell
People in the petroleum industry have different views about when the demand is going to peak. Royal Dutch Shell argues that it will only be a little more than a decade, but before that, the oil prices will also be affected.
The oil industry is divided about when to expect peak demand; Royal Dutch Shell says that it could be little more than a decade away. The prospect will weigh on prices long before then.
adj. (of a group or an organization团体或组织) split by disagreements or different opinions分裂的;有分歧的
The government is divided on this issue.政府在这个问题上意见不统一。
a deeply divided society四分五裂的社会
The regime is profoundly divided against itself.这一政体内部彻底分裂了。
造句:The club is divided about whether to get him in.
[ADV: be amount ADV] You use away to talk about future events. For example, if an event is a week away, it will happen after a week.
//...the Washington summit, now only just over two weeks away...
Peace it seemed might at last be no more than a few months away.
👉weigh on sb/ sth
to make sb anxious or worried加重…的思想负担;使焦虑不安;使担忧
The responsibilities weigh heavily on him.他肩负重任,寝食不安。Something was weighing on her mind.她心事重重。