然后,有部分小伙伴咨询在“cMAP在线分析——旧版build2的使用”这篇教程中tag list的制作问题,今天就这部分做简要介绍!
tag list: A list of probe sets from the feature set representing either the 'up' genes in a signature (the 'up tag list') or the 'down' genes in a signature (the 'down tag list'). One up tag list and one down tag list together represent a signature and both are required to execute a query using the quick query page or to upload a signature using the load signature page. Note that the total number of probe sets in the up tag list and down tag lists may not together exceed 1000. Text files with the .grp extension are used to contain tag lists. A .grp file has one probe set on each line.
Tag lists may be conveniently constructed from a signature populated with UniGene identifiers, RefSeq identifiers, Genbank identifiers, gene symbols, etc using the 'Batch Query' tool on NetAffx and selecting "HG-U133A" from the 'Select a GeneChip Array' menu. A variety of tools are available for the generation of tag lists from signatures from non-human species. These include GeneCruiser (http://www.genecruiser.org). Our preferred method uses UniGene and HomoloGene from NBCI (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) to obtain human UniGene identifiers for signature genes for submission to NetAffx, as described above.
关键大意:tag list通常分上调基因list和下调基因list,两者的基因总和不能大于1000个,同时要以.grp格式保存。基因名称可以是 UniGene ID, RefSeq ID, Genbank ID, gene symbols等,然后通过NetAffx的Batch Query功能进行转换,得到HG-U133A芯片中基因对应的探针ID。如何是其他物种,需要先通过同源性比较转化为人的基因,然后再提交给NetAffx完成探针ID的转化。至于如何进行同源性比较,官网提及 GeneCruiser(这个网址没打开)和NCBI HomoloGene等方式。
probe set: The collection of match and mismatch oligonucleotides on an Affymetrix GeneChip microarray designed against a given transcript which together allow the relative level of that transcript to be estimated. Probe sets are uniquely identified with a code number that, by convention, ends with "_at" ( eg 200800_s_at). Tag lists and instances are populated with probe sets from the feature set. Detailed descriptions of individual probe sets can be found through NetAffx.
feature set: The universe of probe sets recognized by cmap, defined as the 22,283 probe sets on the HG-U133A array.
HG-U133A: Affymetrix GeneChip Human Genome U133A Array (part number 510681). The probe sets on this array define the feature set.
从GEO Database中检索GPL96,即可获取该芯片的注释信息(如下图),这时候可以通过对应关系,将人的基因名字(可以是官方gene symbols/RefSeq ID )转化为芯片的探针ID。
1. 常规情况下,如何将基因转化为HG-U133A芯片的探针ID?
方式一:根据官方说明,拿到人的基因名字(UniGene ID/RefSeq ID/ Genbank ID/ gene symbols)后,这里采用的是 gene symbols,将基因名字提交给NetAffx(http://www.affymetrix.com/analysis/netaffx/index.affx)的Batch Query,完成基因名字—探针ID的转换(如下图)。
rm(list = ls())
GPL96=read.table("GPL96-57554.txt", header = TRUE,fill = T,sep = "\t",
comment.char = "#",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
quote = "")
colnames(GPL96)#1,11列为探针ID和gene symbol
colnames(data)<- "Gene Symbol"
gene_tran_ID <- GPL96[GPL96$Gene.Symbol %in% data$`Gene Symbol`,c(1,11)]
# ID Gene.Symbol
# 1087 201559_s_at CLIC4
# 1088 201560_at CLIC4
# 1706 202178_at PRKCZ
# 3406 203879_at PIK3CD
# 3702 204175_at ZNF593
# 5154 205627_at CDA
# 8728 209234_at KIF1B
# 10668 211230_s_at PIK3CD
# 11733 212348_s_at KDM1A
# 12649 213268_at CAMTA1
# 17927 218562_s_at TMEM57
# 18495 219131_at UBIAD1
# 19228 219864_s_at RCAN3
# 21150 221790_s_at LDLRAP1
# 21241 221881_s_at CLIC4
# 22116 57082_at LDLRAP1
2. 如何将其它物种的基因转化为HG-U133A芯片的探针ID?
关键步骤在于将其他物种基因通过同源性映射到人的基因,然后再通过NetAffx的Batch Query,完成基因名字—探针ID的转换。那如何进行不同物种之间的同源基因转化呢?
- 在线同源基因转化:http://refdic.rcai.riken.jp/tools/matchom.cgi。如下图,提交了一份小鼠的基因名称(gene symbol),想将其转化为同源的人基因名称,最后结果:提交17个小鼠的基因,成功匹配到14个人的同源基因。
- 本地转化—homologene包,该包基于NCBI的homologene数据库开发,旨在用于匹配不同物种之间的同源基因。该包的中包含多个函数,主要使用的是homologene,它的使用方式如下:
Usage:homologene(genes, inTax, outTax, db = homologene::homologeneData)
Arguments(参数) - genes:A vector of gene symbols or NCBI ids
- inTax:taxid of the species that the input genes are coming from
- outTax:taxid of the species that you are seeking homology
db:Homologene database to use.
Examples:homologene(c('Eno2','17441'), inTax = 10090, outTax = 9606)
从上述使用方式来看,只需要准备gene symbols or NCBI ids,然后说清楚,由什么物种(inTax)转化到什么物种(outTax)即可。这里用NCBI的taxid来表示不同物种。NCBI人为的给自然界所有物种都给了一个编号,这个编号就是taxid,比如其中人类的编号是 9606,10090是小鼠。
10090 Mus musculus
10116 Rattus norvegicus
28985 Kluyveromyces lactis
318829 Magnaporthe oryzae
33169 Eremothecium gossypii
3702 Arabidopsis thaliana
4530 Oryza sativa
4896 Schizosaccharomyces pombe
4932 Saccharomyces cerevisiae
5141 Neurospora crassa
6239 Caenorhabditis elegans
7165 Anopheles gambiae
7227 Drosophila melanogaster
7955 Danio rerio
8364 Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis
9031 Gallus gallus
9544 Macaca mulatta
9598 Pan troglodytes
9606 Homo sapiens
9615 Canis lupus familiaris
9913 Bos taurus
rm(list = ls())
options(download.file.method = 'libcurl')
genelist <- dat
# [1] "Prkcz" "Camta1" "Pik3cd" "Kif1b" "Ubiad1" "Fbxo6" "Agtrap" "Rsc1a1" "Cda" "Kdm1a" "Pithd1" "Rcan3" "Clic4"
# [14] "Tmem57" "Ldlrap1" "Pdik1l" "Zfp593"
output <- homologene(genelist, inTax = 10090, outTax = 9606)
# 10090 9606 10090_ID 9606_ID
# 1 Prkcz PRKCZ 18762 5590
# 2 Camta1 CAMTA1 100072 23261
# 3 Pik3cd PIK3CD 18707 5293
# 4 Kif1b KIF1B 16561 23095
# 5 Ubiad1 UBIAD1 71707 29914
# 6 Fbxo6 FBXO6 50762 26270
# 7 Agtrap AGTRAP 11610 57085
# 8 Rsc1a1 RSC1A1 69994 6248
# 9 Cda CDA 72269 978
# 10 Kdm1a KDM1A 99982 23028
# 11 Pithd1 PITHD1 66193 57095
# 12 Rcan3 RCAN3 53902 11123
# 13 Clic4 CLIC4 29876 25932
# 14 Tmem57 TMEM57 66146 55219
# 15 Ldlrap1 LDLRAP1 100017 26119
# 16 Pdik1l PDIK1L 230809 149420
# 17 Zfp593 ZNF593 68040 51042
- 这500个基因可能是其它物种的,如果是其它物种需要转化成人的同源基因,再行转化探针ID。
- 基因名称有很多别名,可能正好你提供的名字和平台注释提供的名字不同而被过滤。但实际操作过程中发现,这个影响因素很小。撇开匹配度的问题,本身HG-U133A芯片收录的基因本身就是不全面的,总共收录的基因也就两万多个。现在很多基因在HG-U133A芯片中就没有涉及相应探针。
- 若是由芯片本身基因设计不足带来的低匹配度,这该怎么办?个人觉得,技术的革新是正常的,基因检测数量的增加也很正常。但cmap分析基于的小分子表达数据库的数据大多是基于HG-U133A这款芯片,是将这个数据库作为比较参照的,所以这就导致我们要做这个分析,那么就要保证咱们的数据最好也是HG-U133A芯片数据,但显然不可能。因此,建议咱们的差异数据结果出来以后,先与HG-U133A芯片中收录的基因取交集,在交集的差异基因基础上,在分别取上调500基因,下调500基因去进行cmap分析。这样可以有效避免由于技术差异带来的低匹配基因,从而避免由于技术革新对cmap分析结果带来的影响。
Connectivity Map(cMap)的探索应用(一)
Connectivity Map(cMap)的探索应用(二)
Connectivity Map(cMap)的探索应用(三)
cMAP新版clue的使用——List Marker
cMAP新版clue的使用——Data Library
cMAP新版clue的使用——CELL APP