select s.*,s1.s_score,s2.s_score,c.c_name from student as s
INNER JOIN score as s1 on s.s_id = s1.s_id and s1.c_id='01'
INNER JOIN score as s2 on s.s_id = s2.s_id and s2.c_id='02'
INNER JOIN course as c on s1.c_id = c.c_id
where s1.s_score > s2.s_score
select s.*,s1.s_score,s2.s_score,c.c_name from student as s
INNER JOIN score as s1 on s.s_id = s1.s_id and s1.c_id='01'
INNER JOIN score as s2 on s.s_id = s2.s_id and s2.c_id='02'
INNER JOIN course as c on s1.c_id = c.c_id
where s1.s_score < s2.s_score
select s.s_id,s.s_name, ROUND(AVG(b.s_score),2) from student as s
INNER JOIN score as b on b.s_id = s.s_id
GROUP BY s.s_id,s.s_name HAVING ROUND(AVG(b.s_score),2) > 60
select s.s_id,s.s_name,count(a.c_id),SUM(a.s_score) from student as s
INNER JOIN score as a on a.s_id=s.s_id
GROUP BY s.s_id,s.s_name
-- 6、查询"李"姓老师的数量
select count(t_id) from teacher where t_name like '李%';
- 7、查询学过"张三"老师授课的同学的信息
select s.*,a.*,b.*,c.* from student as s
INNER JOIN score as a on s.s_id = a.s_id
INNER JOIN course as b on a.c_id = b.c_id
INNER JOIN teacher as c on b.t_id = c.t_id
where c.t_name = '张三'
-- 8、查询没学过"张三"老师授课的同学的信息
select * from student as f where f.s_id not in
(select s.s_id from student as s
INNER JOIN score as a on s.s_id = a.s_id
INNER JOIN course as b on a.c_id = b.c_id
INNER JOIN teacher as c on b.t_id = c.t_id
where c.t_name = '张三')
-- 9、查询学过编号为"01"并且也学过编号为"02"的课程的同学的信息
select s.* from student as s
INNER JOIN score as a1 on a1.s_id = s.s_id
AND a1.c_id='01'
INNER JOIN score as a2 on a2.s_id = s.s_id
AND a2.c_id='02'
-- 10、查询学过编号为"01"但是没有学过编号为"02"的课程的同学的信息
SELECT s.* from student as s where s.s_id
in (SELECT s_id from score where c_id = "01")
and s.s_id not in (SELECT s_id from score where c_id = "02")
select * from student as s where s.s_id in (
select score.s_id from score where score.s_id not in(
select a.s_id from score a
join score b on a.s_id = b.s_id and b.c_id='02'
join score c on a.s_id = c.s_id and c.c_id='03'
where a.c_id="01"
-- 12、查询至少有一门课与学号为"01"的同学所学相同的同学的信息
select * from student where s_id in (
select s_id from score where c_id in(
SELECT c_id from score where s_id="01"