今天进入了文章的part II,叙事的人物换成了Mariam 的邻居,Fariba&Babi and their daughter Laila.叙事的主角现在换成了Laila.在读前面的内容的时候,通过Mariam的视觉感觉他们这一家子过得挺幸福的,其实不然,Laila的父母经常吵架,家庭氛围并不好。但是Laila的父亲是一个well-educatied man,是一名被解雇的high school teacher,现在在一家bread factory 做苦力,但是他对女儿的教育却十分重视,说出的都是些金句。Babi had made it clear to Laila from a young age that the most important thing in her life ,after her safety,was her school.
I know you are still young ,but i want you to understand and learn this now,he said.Marriage can wait, education cannot.You are a very very bright girl, truly,you are. You can be anything you want,Laila.I know this about you.And i also know that when this war is over,Afghanistan is going to need you as much as its men, maybe even more.Because a society has no chance of success if its women are uneducated,Laila.No chance.
be caught off guard:出其不意