One of the most powerful explanations of unforgiveness I have ever heard is that it's like drinking a poison and expecting the other person to die.
Hatred is like a poison which you inject into your veins, before injecting it into your enemy. It is throwing cow dung at another: you dirty your hands first, before you dirty others.
Each time we sip at the poison of unforgiveness, we add a bar to our self-made cage. We reinforce our own captivity and separate ourselves from the healing, deliverance, and blessings that God has available for us. Over and over again, I have heard hearts breaking with the sense of being trapped in the past, of never being able to break free, of having their lives dictated by the tragedy of their abuse. And it’s agonisingly true, because they cannot – or will not – forgive.
The poison of unforgiveness continually judges and condemns those we won’t forgive, thus compounding the problem. But the prison that is forged is our own. Our judgement, condemnation, and refusal to forgive are the raw materials that build our cage.
The real truth is that even if God were to strike that person down with a lightning bolt and declare their sin loudly in public, it wouldn’t change how we feel. We believe that holding onto unforgiveness is what punishes the person, whereas it doesn’t affect them one bit. They live untroubled lives, and we slide deeper into the addiction to the poison of unforgiveness. Hating them is our reason for living. The lie tells us that letting go of the thing that drives and sustains us will leave us with nothing. The lie says that unforgiveness is the only weapon we have.