1. 催生二孩 encourage families to have a second child
全面二孩政策 universal two-child policy
育龄人群 couples of childbearing age
二孩奖励政策 two children incentive policies
经济负担 economic burden
生育津贴 childbirth allowance
产假 maternity leave
生殖医疗服务 reproductive medical services
产前假 pre-natal leave
延长哺乳假 extended breastfeeding leave
妇产医院 maternity hospital
婴儿潮 baby boom
2. 小学课程primary-school-level lessons
社会培训机构 private training institutions
教师资格证 teaching certificate
学龄儿童 school-age children, children of school age
早期教育 early education
课外培训机构 after-school training institutions
学生减负 reduce students' excessive academic burden
超纲教学 teaching beyond the syllabus
就近入学 be admitted to neighborhood primary schools
3. 黄金签golden visa【一级投资签证(tier 1 investor visa)】
超级富豪 super-rich
政治不确定性(political uncertainty
高净值人士 HNWIs, high net worth individuals
最低投资门槛 minimum investment threshold
签证申请 visa application
申请永久居住权 apply for permanent residency
授予公民身份 grant citizenship
4. 小程序mini program, applet
人工智能图像识别技术 AI image recognition technology
猜画小歌 Guess the Sketch
神经网络技术 neural networking
计算机视觉 computer vision
第三方应用商店 third-party app store
计算机插画艺术家 computer sketch artist
快捷图标 short-cut icon
消息推送 push notifications
5. 最烧钱影片most expensive movie ever made
大制作电影 high-budget film
暂停全国放映 suspend the national release
提高行业门槛 raise the bar for the industry
奇幻片或科幻片 fantasy or sci-fi films
拙劣的营销 poor marketing
观众评分 audience scores
移动售票平台 mobile-ticketing platform
蓄意破坏、捣乱 sabotage