1. 移动端的显示界面特点决定了很多原来在PC端不需要弹窗显示的控件,在移动端囿于分辨率和物理尺寸局限性而不能沿X轴和Y轴横向扩展,只能在Z轴纵向扩展,异化为弹窗展示。
2. 弹窗在移动端的具体分类方式也因操作系统不同而有不同的分类方法。
Alerts convey important information related to the state of your app or the device, and often request feedback. An alert consists of a title, an optional message, one or more buttons, and optional text fields for gathering input. Aside from these configurable elements, the visual appearance of an alert is static and can’t be customized.
当然苹果也意识到了仅从表现层(View)定义Alert弹窗还不够,还从结构层(App Architecture)上定义了模态(Modality)的表现形式,这个是比较贴近我们所说的广义的“弹窗”概念的。
Modality creates focus by preventing people from doing other things until they complete a task or dismiss a message or view. Action sheets, alerts, and activity views provide modal experiences. When a modal view appears onscreen, the user must make a choice by tapping a button or otherwise exiting the modal experience. Some apps implement modal views, such as while editing an event in Calendar or choosing a bookmark in Safari. A modal view can occupy the entire screen, an entire parent view, such as a popover, or a portion of the screen. A modal view typically includes completion and cancel buttons that exit the view.
而安卓系统的Material Design关于弹窗的定义在展现层上更加细碎,Material Design把主要的弹窗展示类型归入“Dialogs”控件,但又有很多特例归入了其他的控件形式如抽屉式导航、Sheets:Bottom、Sheets:side、等其他控件。
Dialogs inform users about a task and can contain critical information, require decisions, or involve multiple tasks.
而在更高的交互层级描述中,Material Design把这些弹窗控件归入了“Confirmation”部分,当然Confirmation部分基本对应了iOS系统的模态分类,但Material Design基本没提模态交互这回事。
When a UI requests confirmation from a user, it asks if they want to proceed with the action they just took. It may be paired with a warning or critical information related to that action.Confirmation isn’t necessary when the consequences of an action are reversible or negligible. For example, if a check mark shows an image has been selected, further confirmation is unnecessary.