每天跟Kelly 学英语-世界建筑奇观-Machu Picchu

Kelly 自言自语:马丘比丘在秘鲁,“远远观望马丘比丘便可轻易被其壮观所震撼,而我走进它的石墙里,穿过一道又一道的门,心里产生更多的疑问:印加人究竟如何将这些石头搬运上山?为何要在隐秘的山里建造城市?我问了当地导游,也找遍了网络资料,就连书籍都没有一个准确的答案。答案都是被推测出来的,我想,这些推测造就了马丘比丘的神秘。印加文明没有文字,马丘比丘相信会是一座永远的迷城。”这是一段去过那里的人的描述,我也觉得不可思议这些石头如何搬运到如此的高山的,而且石头间连一个刀片都放不进去,这样精准的粘度在几百年前就可以做到,真的是不可思议。

Despite this, the stones fit together so well that 500 years later, you can't fit a knife blade between them.

Machu Picchu


It's been called the Lost City of the Incas.

Machu Picchu, hidden atop a mountain in the Andes Mountains of Peru, lay abandoned for centuries before its rediscovery in 1911.

Today, Machu Picchu has been voted one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.

Machu Picchu was constructed at the height of the Inca Empire, some time around 1450, and represents one of the greatest achievements of architecture and engineering in the history of the Inca civilization.

It stands 7,970 feet or 2,430 meters above sea level, in the middle of a tropical mountain forest.

The site is made up of more than 600 terraces and over 3,000 stone steps, with approximately 200 structures including temples, tombs, palaces, plazas, fountains, and even an astronomical observatory.

Archaeologists believe that Machu Picchu was built for the Inca emperor, as a religious site high in the mountains that the Inca worshiped, but also as a retreat from the hustle and bustle of the capital city, Cusco, only 50 miles or 80 kilometers away.

At one point, between 500 and 1000 people likely lived there.

Although the Inca had no written language, the city they built was well-planned and very sophisticated.

They constructed terraces on the hillsides, a detail which served the double duty of providing flat land for farming and stabilizing the mountainside to guard against erosion and landslides.

They channeled water from mountain springs into stone-lined canals that fed a series of fountains down the levels of the city, ensuring that clean fresh water was available to all.

The city was built using hundreds of thousands of stones:

for the most part, placed without any kind of mortar holding them together, and all shaped without the use of iron tools.

Despite this, the stones fit together so well that 500 years later, you can't fit a knife blade between them.

The lack of mortar allows the stones to move slightly, protecting the structures from earthquake damage.

Although Machu Picchu was cleverly designed, it was not inhabited for very long.

Just over 100 years after its construction, the Inca city in the clouds began to be deserted.

Archaeologists do not know exactly what caused the Inca to leave their mountain city:

there is no evidence that the conquering Spanish attacked or ever even found the settlement.

It is possible that sickness brought by the Europeans, like smallpox, killed the inhabitants and forced the abandonment of the site.

Once the people had gone, it did not take very long at all for the jungle to overtake the city and hide it from the passing years.

It was not until 1911 when the American archaeologist Hiram Bingham visited the site that it became known to the wider world.

Machu Picchu immediately became a sensation, and thousands flocked to see the lost city.

Today Machu Picchu is the most famous tourist attraction in Peru, drawing hundreds of thousands of visitors each year.

It was declared a World Heritage Site in 1983 and one of the New Seven Wonders of the World in 2007.

Machu Picchu is the best preserved Inca archaeological site in Peru and gives an unparalleled look into Inca civilization, technology and daily life.

tropical热带的 forest 森林 jungle 丛林,密林;丛林的,垃圾的

terrace 阶地;阳台;门廊;

approximately 近似地,大约

temple寺庙; plaza露天广场;购物中心


archaeologist 考古学

worshiped 崇拜;礼拜;尊敬






landslides滑坡 blade刀刃,刀锋;桨叶






Machu Picchu是在印加帝国的鼎盛时期建造的,大约在1450年左右,代表了印加文明历史上最伟大的建筑和工程成就之一。



考古学家认为,Machu Picchu是为印加皇帝建造的,作为印加人崇拜的山区的一个宗教场所,但也作为一个远离首都的城市,库斯科,距离50英里或80公里远的地方。









尽管Machu Picchu的设计很巧妙,但它并没有人居住很长时间。






直到1911年,美国考古学家Hiram Bingham来到这个地方,它才被广泛的世界所知。

Machu Picchu立即成为了一种轰动的感觉,成千上万的人涌向这座失去的城市。

今天,Machu Picchu是秘鲁最著名的旅游景点,每年吸引成千上万的游客。



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