
1)interlocutor [.ɪntər'lɑkjətər] (n.) 提问考官, 问话者 (评分考官是assessor)   e.g. The interlocutor encourages the candidates to give information about themselves and to express personal opinions. 

2)  discourse ['dɪs.kɔrs] (n.) 论述,演说,演讲    e.g. Organising a large unit of discourse. 

3)  be of benefit 有益处  e.g. Any speaking practice should be of benefit, in particular paired and small group work. 

4)  coherent [koʊ'hɪrənt] (a.) 合乎逻辑的,有条理的,清楚易懂的,连贯的,一致的 

5)  cohesive [koʊ'hisɪv] (a.) 凝聚的,有结合力的,结成一个整体的 e.g. They should be given help in building up a range of discourse features to make their speech both coherent and cohesive

6)  endorsement [ɪnˈdɔ:smənt] (n.)  背书; 认可; 担保  e.g. The court's endorsement of executive supervision facilitated the growth of the Reagan oversight program.(法院对行政监督的背书为里根政府的监督计划的发展提供了便利)

7)  intelligible [ɪn'telɪdʒəb(ə)l] (a.) 易懂的,容易理解的 e.g. His book is intelligible to experts and non-experts alike.

8)  phonological [ˌfɒnə'lɒdʒɪkl] (a.) 语音的,音韵学的,语音类的 e.g. Phonological features are used effectively to convey and enhance meaning. 

9)  utterance ['ʌt(ə)rəns] (n.) 话语,说话,发言,言辞 e.g. Organises extended discourse but occasionally produces utterances that lack coherence, and some inaccuracies and inappropriate usage occur. 

10)  lexical ['leksɪk(ə)l] (a.) 词汇的 e.g. lexical resource 词汇资源

11)  Status quo 现状 e.g. I am a person who is quite reconciled with my status quo. 

12)  job hopping 换工作,跳槽.  e.g. Job hopping is one of the best ways to maintain passion and personal growth in your careers.

13)  professional terminology [ˌtɜ:mɪˈnɒlədʒi]  专业术语 

14)  layman’s terms 外行用词  e.g. As a popular reading, I have to say there is too much professional terminology in your book , you'd better write in layman’s terms.

15)  settle for (na.) 满足于 e.g. You'll get a booth seat if you're lucky, but might have to settle for a simple stool.

16)  in excess of (na.) 超过  e.g.The long surge in exports, while still growing in excess of 20 per cent a year, is moderating.

17)  upmarket 高档的 (a.) e.g.Yesterday morning I was in a very upmarket part of London for a client meeting and I saw a young woman sleeping in an alleyway.

18)  niche market 小众市场 e.g.The truth is if you're in a niche market that is over saturated you're going to have too much competition to make a real difference.

19)  discerning clients 挑剔的客户,眼光高的客户 e.g.These people are targeting a relatively small number of discerning clients.

20)  affluent ['æfluənt] (a.) 富足的,富裕的 e.g. For a small and affluent country like Singapore, the lack of a sense of crisis among its people is perhaps the biggest crisis for us.

21)  developer (n.) (房地产)开发商;(新产品的)开发者;显色剂  e.g. "The whole procedure of the government taking over land and selling it to a developer is often illegal, " says Mr. Wang.

22)  cash flow projection 现金流量预测  e.g. Often a cash flow projection for discounted cash flow analysis is referred to as a pro forma cash flow.

23)  factor in 考虑  e.g. Whether or not a student has a scholarship is not now and never has been a determining factor in qualifying for a student visa to the U.S.

24)  axiom ['æksiəm] (n.) 公理  e.g. The belief that "transparency results in responsibility and ethics" seems to be a new axiom for our time.

25)  unrivalled [ʌn'raɪvld] (a.) 无与伦比的  e.g. "The capability to understand risk in this market is probably unrivalled anywhere else in the world" , he said.

26)  plateau [plæˈtoʊ] (n.) (经济上的)平稳期,停滞期。 e.g. Take the snack wrap, which came about when restaurants started to see a plateau in sales volume of its Chicken Selects.

27)  volatile ['vɑlət(ə)l] (a.) 易变的;无定性的;无常性的;可能急剧波动的   e.g. International capital is typically much more volatile than domestic capital and its mobility is often the trigger for financial instability.

28)  buoyant ['bujənt] (a.) 看涨的;保持高价的;(经济)繁荣的;愉快而充满信心的  e.g.  "When the markets become more buoyant, we'll be ready to list, " he said. "We've done everything but file. "  buoyant demand 强劲的需求    buoyant force 浮力

29)  a takeover bid 收购案件,收购行为  e.g. Mr Deripaska's Norilsk Nickel bid now looks to have been a takeover bid too far.

30)  make a bid for 投标争取承包;(拍卖中)出价竞买;企图得到(人望,恩宠等)   e.g. Australia's two leading investment banks will each make a bid for Alinta, the country's biggest energy transmission company.

31)  make an offer for 对…..出价/报价  e.g. If either investor was to take their stakes to 30 percent, he would have to make an offer for the remaining shares in Arsenal Holdings.

32)  interim ['ɪntərɪm] (a.) 暂时的;过渡的;期中的  e.g. The selection of James Cornelius as interim chief executive fuelled speculation that the board is ready to sell the firm.

33)  the sale of a company 出售公司 / the sales of a company 公司销售额度

34)  gauge [ɡeɪdʒ] (n.) 厚度;标准;测量仪器(或仪表);计量器 (v.) 估计;判定;估算;(用仪器)测量  e.g. It is hard to gauge how much Tang has benefited, if at all, from the academic credentials he claimed to possess.His response will help you gauge what you should say next.

35)  impending [ɪm'pendɪŋ] (a.) 即将发生的;迫在眉睫的  e.g. This morning I woke up with a sense of impending disaster.

36)  stand at 达到  e.g. The earnings per share in ISA now stands at $7.65.

37)  prime (n.) 鼎盛时期 (a.) 主要的,最好的,基本的  e.g. When you are 30, you are just into your prime.Political stability is a prime concern. sub-prime crisis 次贷危机

38)  shake up 整顿重组   e.g. The president of the company said a complete department shake-up is needed.

39)  spur [spɜr] (v.) 刺激;激励;促进;鞭策   e.g. be spurred into further action 采取进一步行动 / They will be spurred into further action if they are informed the security.

40)  aptitude (n.) 天资 have an aptitude for 有…才能  e.g. ① The result shows that you have an aptitude for music.He drifted into publishing and discovered an aptitude for working with accounts.

41)  keep abreast of  赶上…的发展,跟着(时代)跑,了解….的最新情况  e.g. However, many of you who keep abreast of what is happening all around the world, are picking up the clues to what is about to happen.

42)  herd [hɜrd] (n.) 牧群;兽群;人群;芸芸众生   e.g. stand out from the herd 脱颖而出 ,The training makes him stand out from the herd.

43)  idiosyncratic [.ɪdiəsɪŋ'krætɪk] (a.) 特质;特殊物质的;特异体质的;特异反应的   e.g. He has a highly idiosyncratic personality.

44)  eccentric [ɪk'sentrɪk] (a.) 古怪的;异乎寻常的 (n.) 怪人;偏心圆;【机】偏心器;【天】离心圈   e.g. He is an eccentric who always wears a pair of dark glasses.

45)  run-of-the-mill  一般化的,不突出的,平平的   e.g. Michael is no run-of-the-mill kind of guy. He is always happy and always has something positive to say.

46)  charisma (n.) 魅力,非凡的领导力,领袖气质  charismata (charisma 的复数形式)  e.g. enterprise charisma 企业风采

47)  odds [ɑdz] (n.) 可能性;胜算;不和;不平等(的东西)  e.g. Against the odds, it will not be turned into one of the vast palm-oil plantations that are eating up so much of the country.

48)  foregone salary 应计工资,指已提供产品、劳务,在会计期间已经获得或实现收入,但尚未收到款项

49)  overdraft (n.) 透支额度 (v.) 透支  e.g. This overdraft is agreed by the bank up to a maximum of $500, but we pay quite a high interest rate on it.

50)  venture capitalist 风险投资人

51)  portfolio career 组合式职业,指同时拥有一种以上收入来源的工作方式。这样的人曾经做过多种不同类型的工作并掌握多种技巧,例如:做咨询工作的同时还在做自由撰稿人等。

52)  flexible worker  弹性工作员工,指可以很快地从一种工作任务转向另一种工作任务的具有多技能水平的员工。

53)  make provision for 为….做好准备  e.g. You should save up money to make provision for the future.

54)  coax sb into doing sth 劝诱某人做某事  e.g. After lunch, she watched, listened and coaxed Bobby into talking about himself.

55)  go by sb. 忽略某人,从身边经过  e.g. It is one thing that goes by the parents.

56)  dissuade [dɪ'sweɪd] (v.) 劝(某人)勿做(某事);劝阻 (from) 劝阻某人做某事

57)  cynical ['sɪnɪk(ə)l] (a.) 认为人皆自私的;愤世嫉俗的;悲观的;怀疑的  e.g. What are we to make of all this? Well, you could say that it demonstrates how cynical the media and society as a whole have become.

58)  divulge [dɪ'vʌldʒ] (v.) 泄露  e.g. Let me divulge a little-known fact that most chefs would rather I did not mention: very few of them bake their own bread.

59)  latter ['lætə(r)] (n.) (刚提及的两者中)后者;(系列中)最后一位 (a.) (刚提及的两者中)后者的;末尾的;后半期的;后面的

60)  corporate memory 企业记忆力,即在裁员或员工离职时,采取措施来保持技术技能的连贯性,从而防止断层。


take over     |  收购  |  A+B=AB  | takeover (n.)     

acquire        |  收购  |  A+B=AB  | acquisition (n.)  

merge          |  兼并  |  A+B=A    | merger              

consolidate  |  合并  |  A+B=C    | consolidation    


horizontal acquisition  |  横向收购  |  同一产业之间的收购行为(都为生产同一产品的公司)                           

vertical acquisition      |  纵向收购  |  生产过程和经营环节相关的收购行为(同一产品不同生产阶段的公司)  

hybrid acquisition        |  混合收购  |  生产和经营彼此没有关联的产品或服务的收购                                        

63)  paramount ['perə.maʊnt] (n.) 最高;有最高权力的人;元首;首长 (a.) 至为重要的;首要的;至高无上的;至尊的  e.g. ① "If it wasn't ready to countenance such steps under the paramount leader, it surely won't do it immediately after his death, " he said.This easy to use overview is paramount for simplifying the troubleshooting of Dynamic Query Mode query performance.

64)  toiletries (n.) 洗漱用品

65)  outward appearance 外观,外表

66)  loaf (n.) (面包的)一条

67)  premium price 溢价,即指交易价格超过证券票面的价格。

68)  lend oneself to doing 适合做….   e.g. It sometimes doesn’t lend itself to being called a classic.

69)  blue chips 蓝筹股,可引申为业绩好的企业

70)  secondment (n.) 临时调任,暂调,借调 (v.) 同意  e.g. Under certain conditions, the partnership may involve the secondment of corporate personnel as well.

71)  sideways move 侧向运动,横向运动

72)  high flyer 成功人士,有野心的人

73)  vocation [vəʊˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] (n.) 使命感,天职  e.g. But it would be the proper vocation of political leadership; and the United Nations would live up to its name. So we should do it.

74)  transitory ['trænzɪ.tɔri] (a.) 暂时的;片刻的;转瞬即逝的  e.g. However, we must take into account the transitory and partial character of this change for the better on the enemy's side.

75)  anthropology [.ænθrə'pɑlədʒi] (n.) 人类学   e.g. Anthropology able to provide the knowledge resource and theoretical support for building the harmonious society at the moment.

76)  tug of war  拔河比赛,两派间的激烈竞争

77)  rapport [ræ'pɔr] (n.) 融洽,和睦关系  e.g. Establish a rapport with a candidate.

78)  kudos [ˈkuːdoʊs] (n.) 荣誉,称赞   e.g. A new hotel chain that has a won kudos for the way it treats guests.

79)  identify with 与….一致,跟….产生共鸣   e.g. I believe that most readers will identify with the author.

80)  RSVP 〈正式(=reply, if you please)敬请回复,(个人经验)现在已经广泛应用于商务邀请函,e.g. Please RSVP your attendance via sending email to Tom.

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