2020.04.24 HueYin 分享单词Day114
void 英/vɔɪd/ 美/vɔɪd/
eg:We all know there exists a great void in the public educationalsystem when it comes to exposure to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering andMathematics) courses.
2020.04.25 HueYin 分享单词Day115
sensible 英/ˈsensəbl/ 美/ˈsensəbl/
eg:He observed that people living in green spaces were less stressed,and less stressed people made more sensible decisions and communicated better.
2020.04.26 HueYin 分享单词Day116
grieve 英 /ɡriːv/ 美 /ɡriːv/
eg:When people feel lonely, are grieving the loss of a loved one, orare struggling to make ends meet, their bodies go into threat mode.
2020.04.27 HueYin 分享单词Day117
hamper 英/ˈhæmpə(r)/ 美/ˈhæmpər/
eg:Some greens worry that natural gas could hamper the development ofrenewable energy. But the proponents of natural gas see harmony, notcompetition, with coal and oil the real enemies.
2020.04.28 HueYin 分享单词Day118
denounce 英/dɪˈnaʊns/ 美/dɪˈnaʊns/
eg:No wonder it has become fashionable to denounce many universities aslittle more than elaborate con-tricks.
2020.04.29 HueYin 分享单词Day119
imperative 英/ɪmˈperətɪv/ 美/ɪmˈperətɪv/
eg:That's why it is imperative to know what your rights are at such atime.
2020.04.30 HueYin 分享单词Day120
fuel 英/ˈfjuːəl/ 美/ˈfjuːəl/
eg:Green buildings like this aren't necessarily cost-efficient for theinvestor, but it does produce much less pollution than that caused by energyproduction through fossil fuels.
The flight was voided, but I was toosensible to change it, and the airline changed it for me. I'm not grieve atall. I'm happy. The cancellation of the flight did not hamper me go back toschool.
24. Yesterday is but today's memory,tomorrow is today's dream.
25.We can love completely withoutcomplete understanding.
26.Nothing is too small to know, andnothing is too big to attempt.
-William Van Horne
27.Dost thou love life? Then do notsquander time, for that's the stuff life is made of.
28.Don't cry when the sun is gone,because the tears won't let you see the stars.
-Violeta Parra
29. Itwill never rain roses:when we want to have more roses,we must plant more trees.
玫瑰不会从天而降,如果想要更多的玫瑰,必须自己去种 -George Eliot
30. Love yourself first andeverything else falls into line.
这几句话我最喜欢“Love yourself first and
everything else falls into line.要先爱你自己,这样其他的一切才会步入正轨。-Lucille Ball”,真的我们只有爱自己,才会去爱别人。真正懂得爱自己的人,给出去的爱,别人一定需。一个不懂得爱自己的人,是没有爱跟别人分享的。如果很爱自己,那么爱就是无量无边。
I Do》, 是加拿大歌手BryanAdams的成名曲,
"Everything I Do,I Do It For You";第二天分享的是《You’re
to Me》,演唱者是Donna Lewis ;第四天分享的是《When
I was Your Men》,这首歌比较适合在睡前听,听完有的人会放下一些事,有的人会回忆一些事,有的人会后悔一些事,所谓感触,也就是这样吧;第五天分享的是《Hall
of Fame》,是爱尔兰著名Piano
Rock乐队The Script(手稿乐队)发行于2012年8月的一支单曲;第六天分享的是《Immortals》,是迪士尼电影《超能陆战队》的主题曲,该曲由Fall
Out Boy乐队作曲、编曲、演唱,收录在2014年10月14日发行的同名原声专辑和Fall
Out Boy2015年01月20日发行的第六张录音室专辑《American
Beauty / American Psycho》中;第七天分享的是《Centurise》,由Fall Out Boy 演唱,收录于《Centuries》专辑中。
1. 我自认为自己是一个很自律的人,但是有的时候也会出现小插曲,但是要是有一个人在你后面拿着鞭子,我相信不自律的人也会变得自律起来。
2. 这一期是在家农活农活最忙的时期,每天早上早早就出门干农活,晚上很晚才回来,再加上在山里没有网络,没有及时回复大家的消息,我深表歉意。
3. 迟来的复盘,本可以早早完成,可是因为一天天很累,就是不想写,这样一拖再拖就拖到了今天,以后要记住的一点是在苦再累也要按时完成自己的任务,拒绝拖延,明天就回学校了,回去以后就没有那么累,我相信我一定能做得更好。另外还有一些任务没有按时完成,比如听力,每日互夸。