翻译我妈的文 【Memories of My Country Life】Cantonese Opera



Entertainment was rare in Guanghai.  Watching a show meant you had to walk ten miles to Datong City. It was much improved after the Zhu Lineage Temple east of Sup Tse Street was converted into a theator where renowned Cantonese opera “Daan” such as Liming Ma and Zilan Nu from local troupe had performed.  When this venue was overbooked or the rent too high for their budget, however, some troupes would use a bamboo mobile stage set up at a clearing on Mai Chai Street.  Tickets for these shows usually cost a lot less.       — Tianyan Peng, “Guang Hai City”in《Our Beloved Homeland》


I don't remember watching any shows at the theater converted from the Zhu Lineage Temple, but I do recall watching some at the outdoor opera house on Mai Chai street ("Mai Chai" literally means "firewood trading")


What we called Mai Chai street was basically a large clearing about 100 meters down the West Town Road from the front of Guanghai Hospital, just before where the markets were.  Back in those days, the main source of fuel was firewood.  Every morning, village and city folks gathered at this clearing to sell and buy firewood.  Once the two parties agreed on the price, they brought it to the town scale to cross check the weight.  The deal didn't close until after the seller delivered the firewood to the buyer's home and collected payment. In the northwest of this clearing lived a family by the nickname of "Doo Hood".   Their lush garden made the house a landmark of the town with fruitful trees of  guava, longan and wampi, hence the name "Doo Hood Mai Chai street", or "Doo Hood" for short.  


A couple years after The Liberation, a bamboo structure surrounded by fences up to two meters high was set up on Mai Chai street as an outdoor opera house.  Seating was made up of long stools just enough to seat 300-500 people in the front, leaving some space in the back for standing-room patrons.  The stage itself was assembled from bed boards and dinner tables each family contributed.  Before the show started, people would flood the transformed clearing with hawkers selling all sorts of snacks.  Cantonese opera and Marionette puppet shows were the most popular shows at the time.  I was told that people used to walk 50 miles round-trip to watch the performance by Kuang Jianlian (stage name "Hung Sin-nui" or "Red Line Lady" )  when she came to Tai Cheng.   Another recorded story said that opera master artist Sit Gok Sin translated the script into Taishanese to accommodate local audience.   Other renowned artists that had performed in Guang Hai were Liming Ma, Xiaoquan Lin, Xiaohua Chen and more.


Everybody in my village was obsessed with Cantonese opera.  When money was tight,  they would even get up before dawn to sell firewood for tickets. I was only about two or three, and already a fanatic.  I would beg my grandpa and grandma to take me every time there was a show.  At that young age, my admiration for Cantonese opera was limited to those gorgeous costumes, coronets fully decorated with gems, and beautiful pheasant feathers.  Sung conversations always made me wonder how hard it would be to talk like that in ancient times.  Clueless about the story behind the songs and lyrics, I always fell asleep in the middle of the show and had to be carried back home.  For the rest of the audience, however, excitement in the air lingered long after the show ended, and folks sang along all the way home.


The year before I started school, our production team founded a Cantonese Opera troupe.  A Chen Sifu nicknamed "Say Ngyui" (literally "dead fish") from Guan Tang village was hired to provide training to interested team members.  The training location was set at the village guard house with secure attics on top of both the east and west halls connected by a courtyard, perfect for both meetings and storage.  


Every evening after work, folks joined the class gradually for training. Our house was only a courtyard away from the guard house, and I gladly took on the task of  serving Chen Sifu tea just so I could go join them in the evening.  Chen Sifu started with basic skills including Gongche notation, the three major vocal tunes (high pitched, flat and deep), as well as hand and feet movements for various roles (Sang, Daan, Zing, Cau). He then advanced to familiarize them with various titles of Qupai(named tunes), which,  when applied appropriately, could evoke emotions of the audience in different settings.  Chen Sifu's diligence eventually turned these un-educated young farmers and brick-layers into excellent performers that were able to  deliver a sophisticated art like opera with elegance.  


As soon as the music started with the sound of erhu, yangqin, drum, and cymbal, lovely singing filled the air and a spectacular show took stage.  "Man Mou Sang" (male roles) like Uncle Daorui, Uncle Dongyue, Uncle Jinyuan, Uncle Zonghuo, and "Faa Daan" (female roles) Aunt Shaobao and Aunt Rufeng were known for their outstanding skill in acting, singing, and playing of traditional musical instruments.  With voices gifted by Immortals Ditch and heart cleansed by Wedding Room Creek, they all strived to become the greatest performing talents that they truly were of all time in the history of Yangdu Village.  


Among the many performances by the Yangdu Cantonese Opera Troupe, the most impressive show of all was 《Tofu Girl》, starring Uncle Jinyuan as the father and Aunt Shaobao as the daughter.  This heart-warming story talked about the poor yet loving life of a father and daughter who make and sell tofu for a living.  


Gifted with a beautiful voice and a talent for acting, Aunt Shaobao quickly found the trick to leading this role and made it a success with the support of the whole village.  Ladies loaned her dress when her costume was too tight, made her herbal medicine to soothe her sore throat, and greeted her with a big round of applause when she started to appear on stage.  "No time to waste, too busy to delay, turn on the heat and I am coming to father's aid".  This lyric always brings back my memories of her every time I sing it.  


Among these great performers, Uncle Jinyuan was one of the best.  Unbound by his short figure and average voice, he distinguished himself as an excellent actor as well as a savvy composer capable of adopting different Qupai in his signature singing style.  In this particular show, his deliberate practice on Ma Sze Tsang's "beggar" singing and speech style combined with his own interpretation made this tragic yet affectionate character come to life using his skillful hand and feet movements, leaving the audience  a long lasting impression.  After almost 60 years,  I could still recall Uncle Jinyuan's beginning line "Out of bed in middle of the night, I mill the soybeans for I am a tofu guy..."  Because of this character, he earned a respectful nickname "Tofu Guy" from commentators thereafter.


My own uncle too, played a role in this show as a ferryman.  For a character with only two lines, he devoted hours and hours of practice in front of the mirror on the towing movement.  Acting out with him at that time ignited my interest in Cantonese opera that brings me joy all my life.  


Like I said, putting on a Cantonese opera show was a big deal back in the day. It was an exciting event that brought everyone together to form a tight community.  That was how fond memories were made.


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