Cited from Joe Lau. 《An Introduction to Critical Thinking and Creativity》(Wiley,2011)
To follow the method, we make it a habit to ask four basic questions about the ideas we come across:
Question1: What does it mean?
Issues to think about:
Are the keywords and the main concepts clear?
Can the ideas be made more precise?
How is it related to other things?
Any examples to illustrate what is meant?
For example, 2021年7月10日雅思作文ask 2:
The education of young people is a top priority in many countries. However, educating the adult population who cannot read and write is even more important for a society, so more public money should be spent on this.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1.关键词:education priority, young people, adult people who cannot read and write, public money budgets
2.Ideas: education resources should be allocated equally to everyone in our society regardless of their age. ——more precise: while young people should receive education as their obligation, illiterate adults should have the rights to acquire basic literacy skills in order to meet the requirements of daily life.
3. Relevant aspects: The fair distribution of state money relates to the development of a country in terms of economy and democracy.
4.Examples: industrious countries like Korean puts emphasis on fair dispensing of educational opportunities to members of society by constructing a relatively dispersed education system and making sure universities and colleges are accessible to most of people in the country. This country in turn harvested its rapid economic growth owning to the technological industry boom result from sustainable provision of eligible human resources.