There is a television series of china, since beginning broadcast in 2000, it has been for 16 years, total episode is 3106, named In -Laws Out - Laws. The latest episode is showing on channel Zhujiang, television Guangdong. So far, it is a series which the most episode, the longest and most watched at the same time period and the same type program. It is incredible.
Do you watch or hear it? Any way, I heard of it first time yesterday. I never watch it. Its curiosity aroused, I decided to watch it in Chinese lunar new year.
What the series is told is a light comedy about joys and sorrows of a Kang’s extended family in the Guangdong’s old town.
Form opening to now, The series has won many awards, has created 20 billion yuan benefit of the ad and has sold to US, Malaysia, Singapore.
Maybe you never think that one of many actresses in the series is the hottest start of today, she is actor and a mom with two kids, she is called good daughter in law by men. Yes, she named Liutao.
To play the role after a year, Liutao left the project. Soon she played a role of< princess pearl 3>.