
一个城市如何塑造第一印象?街道上的日常景观绝对不可忽略!想想自身旅游的经验吧!城市地铁的专属计号、路标色彩与呈现形式、空气中的特殊气味、建筑市容、市民的衣著与态度......等,让人一层一层地建构出该城市生活的想像。每个人皆有独一无二的洞察视角,那麼来自德国的摄影师Sebastian Erras是如何组织城市意象呢?

How to shape the first impression a city?On the streets of daily landscape absolutely not ignore!Consider the experience tourism itself!Urban metro and the exclusive meter signposts colour and form, special smell in the air, building city appearance, dress and attitude of residents...Etc, let a person layer by layer to construct the city life's imagination.Everybody has a unique insight into perspective, the photographer from Germany Sebastian Erras is how to organize the city image?

如果你对於这位摄影师的名字不熟悉,那麼给你一点小提示,还记得一张张英国、西班牙的华丽马赛克地砖系列作品吗?Sebastian Erras便是这些摄影的背后创作者!继与义大利印刷公司Pixartprinting合作记录地砖的作品之后,双方再度携手,以古老商店与店主的合照传达城市印象,已踏过巴黎、米兰等传奇城市,Sebastian Erras来到葡萄牙里斯本,拍摄出特色歷史店家的独特韵味!

If you for the name of the photographer is not familiar with, then give you a little tip, remember every England, Spain's gorgeous Mosaic tile series?Sebastian Erras is behind these photography creator!After cooperation with Italian printing company Pixartprinting record floor tile work, after the two sides once again hand in hand, to old shops and photo of the owner to convey city impression, has stepped on legendary cities such as Paris, milan, Sebastian Erras arrived in Lisbon, Portugal, shoot the unique charm of the characteristics of historical shops!

名為《Lisbon Re-Tale》(暂译:里斯本童话),Sebastian Erras透过镜头探索当地文化,并发掘隐藏的风景,各式各样的职人商店也体现欧洲文化裡的古老工艺,以及多元文化艺术风格洗礼的建筑样态,然而,不仅是硬体建设,Sebastian Erras也邀请店主人与其花费毕生心血建构的事业店铺合照,一张张风情万种却又自信的脸庞表露出对於自己生意的信念与骄傲,也在在传递出里斯本的个性与生活样貌。

, called "Lisbon Re - by Tate: Lisbon) fairy Tale, Sebastian Erras explore local culture through the lens, and discover hidden scenery, all kinds of job shop also reflects the European culture in the old process, the building shape of baptism, and multicultural art style, however, is not only the hardware construction, Sebastian Erras also invite the shopkeeper instead of spending a lifetime of work group photo shop, every amorous feelings is confident face show business belief and pride to them, are also in Lisbon, deliver the appearance of personality and life.

在复古当道的现今,Sebastian Erras和Pixartprinting藉由此方式让古老的美学与价值重新获得发声的力量,也传递出现代社会裡融合传统文化的兼容特性,以及城市不可抹灭的歷史涵养!

In restoring ancient ways in power today, Sebastian Erras and Pixartprinting borrow this way let the ancient aesthetics and value to regain the power of the voice, also sent a compatible with the characteristics of integration of traditional culture in modern society, as well as the city's history of self-restraint!

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