
1.1 第一个里程碑:安装sersync软件

1.1.1 将软件上传到服务器当中并解压

1、上传软件到服务器上 rz -E

为了便于管理上传位置统一设置为 /server/tools 中


[root@backup sersync_installdir_64bit]# tree


└── sersync

    ├── bin

    │  └── sersync

    ├── conf

    │  └── confxml.xml

    └── logs

1.1.2 二进制包安装方法



[root@nfs01 sersync_installdir_64bit]# mv sersync/ /usr/local/

[root@nfs01 tools]# tree /usr/local/sersync/


  ├── bin

  │  └── sersync

  ├── conf

  │  └── confxml.xml

  └── logs

  3 directories, 2 files

1.2 第二个里程碑:编写sersync配置文件

1.2.1 常见的语法格式

rsync 配置文件编写:ini语法


ansible配置文件编写:yml 语法

1.2.2 修改配置文件


[root@backup conf]# ll

total 4

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2214 Oct 26  2011 confxml.xml

[root@backup conf]# cp confxml.xml{,.bak}

6-11行表示排除同步的数据,等价于 --exclude 功能,表示排除

<filter start="false">

        <exclude expression="(.*)\.svn"></exclude>

        <exclude expression="(.*)\.gz"></exclude>

        <exclude expression="^info/*"></exclude>

        <exclude expression="^static/*"></exclude>


12-21行是利用inotify的功能监控指定的事件,等价与 -e create,delete…… 表示指定监控事件信息


    <delete start="true"/>

    <createFolder start="true"/>

    <createFile start="false"/>

    <closeWrite start="true"/>

    <moveFrom start="true"/>

    <moveTo start="true"/>

    <attrib start="false"/>

    <modify start="false"/>


24-28行:推送到哪里 name=模块 是rsync服务器的地址

<localpath watch="/data"> #监控那个目录

    <remote ip="" name="backup"/>

    <!--<remote ip="" name="tongbu"/>-->

    <!--<remote ip="" name="tongbu"/>-->


29-35行 定义rsync推送时的参数信息。

注意:不要有单词拼写错误 (true),否则程序不能正常启动,卡死


    <commonParams params="-az"/>

    <auth start="true" users="rsync_backup" passwordfile="/etc/rsync.password"/>

    <userDefinedPort start="false" port="874"/><!-- port=874 -->

    <timeout start="false" time="100"/><!-- timeout=100 -->

    <ssh start="false"/>



1 [root@nfs01 tools]# cat /usr/local/sersync/conf/confxml.xml

2  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

3  <head version="2.5">

4    <host hostip="localhost" port="8008"></host>

5    <debug start="false"/>

6    <fileSystem xfs="false"/>

7    <filter start="false">

8    <exclude expression="(.*)\.svn"></exclude>

9    <exclude expression="(.*)\.gz"></exclude>

10    <exclude expression="^info/*"></exclude>

11    <exclude expression="^static/*"></exclude>

12    </filter>

13    <inotify>

14    <delete start="true"/>

15    <createFolder start="true"/>

16    <createFile start="false"/>

17    <closeWrite start="true"/>

18    <moveFrom start="true"/>

19    <moveTo start="true"/>

20    <attrib start="false"/>

21    <modify start="false"/>

22    </inotify>


24    <sersync>

25    <localpath watch="/data">

26        <remote ip="" name="nfsbackup"/>

27        <!--<remote ip="" name="tongbu"/>-->

28        <!--<remote ip="" name="tongbu"/>-->

29    </localpath>

30    <rsync>

31        <commonParams params="-az"/>

32        <auth start="true" users="rsync_backup" passwordfile="/etc/rsync.password"/>

33        <userDefinedPort start="false" port="874"/><!-- port=874 -->

34        <timeout start="false" time="100"/><!-- timeout=100 -->

35        <ssh start="false"/>

36    </rsync>

37    <failLog path="/tmp/" timeToExecute="60"/><!--default every 60mins execute once-->

38    <crontab start="false" schedule="600"><!--600mins-->

39        <crontabfilter start="false">

40        <exclude expression="*.php"></exclude>

41        <exclude expression="info/*"></exclude>

42        </crontabfilter>

43    </crontab>

44    <plugin start="false" name="command"/>

45    </sersync>


47    <plugin name="command">

48    <param prefix="/bin/sh" suffix="" ignoreError="true"/>    <!--prefix /opt/tongbu/ suffix-->

49    <filter start="false">

50        <include expression="(.*)\.php"/>

51        <include expression="(.*)\.sh"/>

52    </filter>

53    </plugin>


55    <plugin name="socket">

56    <localpath watch="/opt/tongbu">

57        <deshost ip="" port="8009"/>

58    </localpath>

59    </plugin>

60    <plugin name="refreshCDN">

61    <localpath watch="/data0/htdocs/">

62        <cdninfo domainname="" port="80" username="xxxx" passwd="xxxx"/>

63        <sendurl base=""/>

64        <regexurl regex="false" match="[/a-zA-Z0-9]*)"/>

65    </localpath>

66    </plugin>

67 </head>

View Code 配置文件最终内容

1.3 第三里程碑: 启动sersync

1.3.1 修改文件的权限(可执行)


[root@nfs01 bin]# chmod a+x sersync

[root@nfs01 bin]# ll

total 1768

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1810128 Oct 26  2011 sersync

1.3.2 查看软件的帮助信息

[root@nfs01 bin]# ./sersync -h

set the system param

execute:echo 50000000 > /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches

execute:echo 327679 > /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_queued_events

parse the command param




    参数-n: 指定开启守护线程的数量,默认为10个


    参数-m:单独启用其他模块,使用 -m refreshCDN 开启刷新CDN模块

    参数-m:单独启用其他模块,使用 -m socket 开启socket模块

    参数-m:单独启用其他模块,使用 -m http 开启http模块



1.3.3 在程序的bin目录下启动程序

./sersync -dro /usr/local/sersync/conf/confxml.xml

1.3.4 启动方法二


export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin:/usr/local/sersync/bin/


[root@nfs01 scripts]# sersync -dro /usr/local/sersync/conf/confxml.xml

set the system param

execute:echo 50000000 > /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches

execute:echo 327679 > /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_queued_events

parse the command param

option: -d    run as a daemon

option: -r    rsync all the local files to the remote servers before the sersync work

option: -o    config xml name:  /usr/local/sersync/conf/confxml.xml

daemon thread num: 10

parse xml config file

host ip : localhost    host port: 8008

daemon start,sersync run behind the console

use rsync password-file :

user is    rsync_backup

passwordfile is    /etc/rsync.password

config xml parse success

please set /etc/rsyncd.conf max connections=0 Manually

sersync working thread 12  = 1(primary thread) + 1(fail retry thread) + 10(daemon sub threads)

Max threads numbers is: 22 = 12(Thread pool nums) + 10(Sub threads)

please according your cpu ,use -n param to adjust the cpu rate


rsync the directory recursivly to the remote servers once

working please wait...

execute command: cd /data && rsync -az -R --delete ./ rsync_backup@ --password-file=/etc/rsync.password >/dev/null 2>&1

run the sersync:

watch path is: /data

1.4 Inotify与 sersync总结对比

1.4.1 Inotify实时并发:


1.4.2 inotify 优点:


1.4.3 inotify 缺点




1.4.4 serysync功能多:(inotify+rsync命令)






1.4.5 高并发数据实时同步方案小结:

  1)inotify(sersync)+ rsync,是文件级别的。





2.1 man命令的级别


[root@nfs01 ~]# man man

      The standard sections of the manual include:

      1      User Commands                                #用户命令

      2      System Calls                                  #系统调用

      3      C Library Functions                          # Ç库函数

      4      Devices and Special Files                  #设备和特殊文件

      5      File Formats and Conventions                #文件格式和约定

      6      Games et. Al.                                  #游戏等。

      7      Miscellanea                                    #杂记

      8      System Administration tools and Daemons  #系统管理工具和程序

      Distributions  customize  the  manual section to their specifics,

      which often include additional sections.


[root@clsn tuichu]# man ~

1  Executable programs or shell commands

2  System calls (functions provided by the kernel)

3  Library calls (functions within program libraries)

4  Special files (usually found in /dev)

5  File formats and conventions eg /etc/passwd

6  Games

7  Miscellaneous  (including  macro  packages  and conventions), e.g.

    man(7), groff(7)

8  System administration commands (usually only for root)

9  Kernel routines [Non standard]

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