「Twitter」回归时间线排序 网友:微博快安排!




这不,昨天就碰到有位朋友,18号才刷到 @LearnAndRecord 16号发布的抽奖活动微博,也是很难过了。(不过,多和博主互动的话,刷到关注博主微博的机会就会大大提升哦。)


Twitter rolls out ‘sparkle button’ to let users hide the algorithmic feed

Twitter  is giving users the ability to easily switch between seeing the latest tweets first and seeing the company's algorithmically chosen “Top Tweets” when they open the app.


sparkle button

什么是sparkle button?看上图右上角,或者图中央的图标。

sparkle作名词可以表示“闪耀,闪光”,英文解释为“a bright shiny appearance, with small points of flashing light”,作动词时,表示“闪闪发光,闪耀,闪烁”(to shine in small bright flashes),举个🌰:

The sea sparkled in the sun.


The company began testing this feature a few weeks ago, but they are officially rolling it out globally to all iOS users today, with Android and desktop users likely getting access to the feature sometime in January, according to the company.


This is part-resolution and part extended cop-out for Twitter, which has spent the better part of the past couple of years figuring out how to satisfy a need for growth with vocal, loyal users who want the act of opening the app to continue to mean getting the immediate pulse of the internet.


作名词,表示“逃避,回避;借口”,英文解释为“a way of avoiding doing something difficult or unpleasant that you should do, or the excuse that you use to do this”,举个🌰:

She always thought that having a family instead of a career was a cop-out.


cop out作动词,同样表示“逃避,退出,英文解释为:to avoid doing something that you should do or that you have promised to do because you are frightened, shy, or you think it is too difficult举个🌰:

She copped out of the parachute jump at the last minute with some feeble excuse.



除了表示“声音的,使用嗓音的;唱歌的(relating to the voice or to singing)”,也可以表示“激烈地表达意见的,敢于直言的,直言不讳的”,英文解释为“expressing strong opinions publicly, especially about things that you disagree with”,举个🌰:

He has been very vocal in his displeasure over the results.


The algorithmic timeline is probably a better business move for Twitter, something that will ensure that more causal users can get a more encapsulated experience when they open the app rather than a hodgepodge snapshot of their followers’ thoughts.


此处encapsulated为形容词性;encapsulate作动词,表示“概括,压缩”,英文解释为“to express or show something in a short way”,举个🌰:

The words of the song neatly encapsulate the mood of the country at that time.


The company has explicitly said that the “Top Tweets” feature has increased both engagement and conversations on the app.

Twitter’s solution to its algorithmic ails is called the sparkle button and it sits in the top right of your screen allowing users to essentially temporarily disable “Top Tweets” and enjoy a pure reverse chronological Twitter feed. Though the company sees a lot of utility in algorithmic feeds, they also acknowledge that recency is critical to the ethos of Twitter and that in certain instances, like a sporting event or breaking news situation, there’s a lot of value in seeing what’s new immediately.



You don’t necessarily get to set your preference in stone, though.


表示“(思想或规则)固定不变”,英文解释为“Stone is used in expressions such as set in stone and tablets of stone to suggest that an idea or rule is firm and fixed, and cannot be changed. 举个🌰:

He is merely throwing the idea forward for discussion, it is not cast in stone.


In what is likely to be a controversial move, “Top Tweets” is enabled by default and it seems that you will have to re-enable the feature periodically. Twitter says it’s experimenting with how often that is, though it will at least remember your preference for the entirety of your session. So, if you check your mentions and tap on the Home tab you won’t return to “Top Tweets” if you had previously been browsing the reverse-chronological feed.



表示“按时间顺序排列的”,英文解释为“If things are described or shown in chronological order, they are described or shown in the order in which they happened.”,举个🌰:

I have arranged these stories in chronological order.


Though the company has said today's rollout won’t be affecting the volume or frequency of “Top Tweets” postings, it’s clear that this feature launch gives the company a much longer leash to experiment with changing up the core timeline, and in general offers the company a proper means to get reverse-chronological hold-outs people to gradually adapt the algorithmic feed without feeling quite as forced to do so.


表示“首次提供(产品或服务)”,英文解释为“the act of making something, especially a product or serviceavailable for the firsttime”,举个🌰:

Since its rollout in fall of 1999, PayPal has gained millions of members.



表示“顽固坚持者,拒不妥协者”,英文解释为“a person, organization, or country that continues to do something, despite otherpeople trying to force them not to”,举个🌰:

It's time to shame holdouts into signing the treaty.


如果hold out分开,可以表示“ 坚持抵抗”,英文解释为“If you hold out, you manage to resist an enemy or opponent in difficult circumstances and refuse to give in.举个🌰:

One prisoner was still holding out on the roof of the jail. 


还有一个短语hold out for表示“拒绝妥协”,英文解释为“If you hold out for something, you refuse to accept something which you do not think is good enough or large enough, and you continue to demand more.”举个🌰:

I should have held out for a better deal. 


It would have been great if Twitter introduced this months ago, for all the philosophical shifts that the algorithmic timeline signaled, the most annoying part of the change was how users were given mixed messages about being able to choose whether they could keep the old timeline.



熟词僻义,表示“豁达的,达观的”,英文解释为“calmly accepting a difficult or unpleasant situation which cannot be changed”,举个🌰:

He was by nature a philosophical person.


Today’s move is likely to make most users happy, though. Unburying important toggles from the depths of settings is always welcome, and communicating major changes is especially important to a company like Twitter that doesn't often change up its core product dramatically.


表示“(计算机上的)切换键,转换键”,英文解释为“something on a computer that lets you change from one operation to another ”,举个🌰:

Select the function you require by pointing to the toggle (= image of a button on the screen) with the mouse and then clicking.


- END -






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