精读班 Day 8

the Economist

A world upside down


1. issue a Bond villain's laugh

issue: come, go or flow out 出来; 出去; 流出: blood issuing from a wound

The James Bond novels and film series feature a number of villainous characters who serve as primary antagonists. Each story normally features a main villain bent on world domination or destruction who seeks to defeat or kill Bond, often with the assistance of secondary characters. Bond typically confronts the villain during the story's climax and exposes the evil plot.

2. turbine 涡轮机

3. Photovol'taics 太阳能光伏

4. anathem  [əˈnæθəmə]

something that you strongly dislike or strongly disagree with   极其讨厌的人或事物

5. incumbent

person holding an official position, esp in the church 现任者, 在职者(尤指神职)

the present incumbent of the White House, ie the US President 现任美国总统

6. pricey: expensive

7. to date

until now

There have been no reports of the animal being seen to date.

8. Carbon pricing

— the method favored by many economists for reducing global-warming emissions — charges those who emit carbon dioxide (CO2) for their emissions.

That charge, called a carbon price, is the amount that must be paid for the right to emit one tonne of CO2 into the atmosphere.

Carbon pricing usually takes the form either of a carbon tax or a requirement to purchase permits to emit, generally known as cap-and-trade, but also called "allowances".

9. perennial   [pəˈreniəl] adjective

 always existing, or never seeming to change

Money is a perennial source of disagreement among couples.

The Wizard of Oz  is a perennial favourite with children.

10. a revenue-neutral economy-wide carbon tax

11. rebate  [ˈriˌbeɪt] noun [countable]

an amount of money that is officially given back to someone  回扣

a tax/​rent rebate

12. impose

to introduce something such as a new law or new system, and force people to accept it

rules and regulations imposed by national governments

impose something on someone/​something: They have imposed restrictions on trade with foreign companies.

13. glut  供过于求

an available amount of something that is more than people want or need

glut of: a glut of cars on the market

14. the shale-gas revolution 页岩气革命




15. stark 明显的

used for describing a building or scene that is very clear and plain to look at, often in a slightly unpleasant or frightening way

She disliked the stark brick walls and the steel window frames.

The hill formed a stark silhouette against the sky.

16. megawatt  兆瓦

megawatt-hour 兆瓦时

17. havoc [ˈhævək]

a situation in which there is a lot of damage or destruction, or in which something cannot continue in its normal way because of problems  混乱,大破坏

18. write off

say officially that someone does not have to pay an amount of money

The US government agreed to write off debts of $170 billion.

19. deregulate

to take away the rules that control something such as an industry  撤销管制,控制

20. at first blush

when you first think about or see something

At first blush it looks like any other car.

21. intermittent    adjective

happening sometimes but not regularly or often  断断续续的

a dull day with intermittent rain

22. hydroelectricity   水力发电

23. the doldrums  [ˈdɑldrəmz] noun [plural]

a situation in which there is a lack of success, activity, or improvement

He’s just the player the team needs to lift it out of the doldrums.

in the doldrums: After years in the doldrums, the market is finally picking up.

24. cling on

~ (on) to sb/sth; ~ on; ~ together:

hold on tightly to sb/sth 紧抓住或抱住某人[某物]:

They clung to each other/clung together as they said goodbye. 他们告别时, 紧紧地拥抱在一起. Cling on tight! 抓紧!

25. brown coal 褐煤

26. diesel 柴油

27. backup

people or equipment that can be used when extra help is needed

I’ve got my mother as a backup in case the babysitter cancels.

They realized that Sykes was armed, and radioed for backup.

a backup generator/​crew

28. portfolio

set of investments (eg stocks and shares) owned by a person, bank, etc (个人﹑ 银行等所有的)投资组合(如债券和股票):

My stockbroker manages my portfolio for me. 我的证券经纪人替我管理投资组合

29. peg

(economics) to keep prices, salaries, or the amount of something at a particular level, often in relation to something else

peg something to something: The country’s peso is pegged to the dollar.

30. buck

buck the trend/system

to succeed in doing something, even though there is a general tendency for this not to happen

Scottish industry bucked the UK trend with a 5% rise in exports.

31. eat into

if an activity or cost eats into your time or money, it uses more of it than you intended

32. not least

used for emphasizing the importance of a particular aspect of a situation

George is an excellent manager, not least because he is genuinely willing to listen.

Not least among our difficulties is our lack of funding.

33. incipient

just beginning to appear or develop 刚开始的

the incipient signs of economic recovery

34. dromedary 单峰骆驼

35. precipitous

happening more quickly than expected

36. offshore

at sea not far from the land 近海的:

an,offshore oil rig, island, anchorage 近海的石油钻塔﹑ 岛﹑ 锚地

37. slash

reduce something by a large amount

The budget had been slashed by £3 million.

The company has slashed production by 50%

38. all-in

an all-in price includes everything, with no extra charges

an all-in package holiday

39. lucrative

bringing a lot of money

a lucrative business/​deal/​contract

40. bolster 支持

to make something stronger or more effective

The campaign is designed to bolster the government’s image as being tough on crime.

His score will bolster his confidence for the next match.

41. big data/ megadata 大数据

42. liken

compare 把...比做

His works have been likened to those of Beckett.

43. gigawatt 千兆瓦

44. crowdsourcing,群众外包

是互联网带来的新的生产组织形式。《连线》(Wired)杂志记者Jeff Howe于2006年发明的一个专业术语,用来描述一种新的商业模式,即企业利用互联网来将工作分配出去、发现创意或解决技术问题。

45. thermostat   [ˈθɜː(r)məʊstæt]


46. nibble v,啃

to eat something by taking a lot of small bites

Sheep were nibbling the grass.

nibble at/​on: Mel was nibbling at a chocolate biscuit.

47. scream blue murder

British informal phrase

to shout or protest very loudly because you are very angry or feeling a lot of pain

She screamed blue murder when they tried to give her the injection.

48. fitful     a,断断续续的

starting and stopping often

fitful sleep

49. unabated  [ˌʌnəˈbeɪtəd] adjective

unable to be stopped or controlled

Fighting continued unabated for several hours.

或 (of a storm, an argument, a crisis, etc) as strong,violent, serious, etc as before

(指风暴﹑ 论争﹑ 危机等)仍然强烈﹑ 猛烈﹑ 严重等, 并未消减:

The gales continued unabated. 风势毫未稍减

Our enthusiasm remained unabated. 我们的热情一如既往.

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