Lila went around proudly for a while,
with her head bandaged. Then she took off the bandage and showed anyone who
asked the black scar, red at the edges, that stuck out on her forehead under
the hairline. Finally people forgot what had happened and if someone stared
at the whitish mark left on her skin, she made an aggressive gesture that
meant: what are you looking at, mind your own business. To me she never said
anything, not even a word of thanks for the rocks I had handed her, for how I
had dried the blood with the edge of my smock. But from that moment she began
to subject me to proofs of courage that had nothing to do with school.
We saw each other in the courtyard more
and more frequently. We showed off our dolls to each other but without
appearing to, one in the other’s vicinity, as if each of us were alone. At
some point we let the dolls meet, as a test, to see if they got along. And so
came the day when we sat next to the cellar window with the curled grating
and exchanged our dolls, she holding mine and I hers, and Lila abruptly
pushed Tina through the opening in the grating and dropped her.
I felt an unbearable sorrow. I was
attached to my plastic doll; it was the most precious possession I had. I
knew that Lila was mean, but I had never expected her to do something so
spiteful to me. For me the doll was alive, to know that she was on the floor
of the cellar, amid the thousand beasts that lived there, threw me into
despair. But that day I learned a skill at which I later excelled. I held
back my despair, I held it back on the edge of my wet eyes, so that Lila said
to me in dialect:
“You don’t care about her?”
I didn’t answer. I felt a violent pain,
but I sensed that the pain of quarreling with her would be even stronger. I
was as if strangled by two agonies, one already happening, the loss of the
doll, and one possible, the loss of Lila. I said nothing, I only acted,
without spite, as if it were natural, even if it wasn’t natural and I knew I
was taking a great risk. I merely threw into the cellar her Nu, the doll she
had just given me.
Lila looked at me in disbelief.
“What you do, I do,” I recited
immediately, aloud, very frightened.
“Now go and get it for me.”
“If you go and get mine.”
We went together. At the entrance to the
building, on the left, was the door that led to the cellars, we knew it well.
Because it was broken—one of the panels was hanging on just one hinge—the
entrance was blocked by a chain that crudely held the two panels together.
Every child was tempted and at the same time terrified by the possibility of
forcing the door that little bit that would make it possible to go through to
the other side. We did it. We made a space wide enough for our slender,
supple bodies to slip through into the cellar.
Once inside, we descended, Lila in the
lead, five stone steps into a damp space, dimly lit by the narrow openings at
street level.
I was afraid, and tried to stay close behind Lila, but she seemed angry, and intent on finding her doll. I groped my way forward. I felt under the soles of my sandals objects that squeaked, glass, gravel, insects. All around were things not identifiable, dark masses, sharp or square or rounded. The faint light that pierced the darkness sometimes fell on something recognizable: the skeleton of a chair, the pole of a lamp, fruit boxes, the bottoms and sides of wardrobes, iron hinges. I got scared by what seemed to me a soft face, with large glass eyes, that lengthened into a chin shaped like a box. I saw it hanging, with its desolate expression, on a rickety wooden stand, and I cried out to Lila, pointing to it. She turned and slowly approached it, with her back to me, carefully extended one hand, and detached it from the stand. Then she turned around. She had put the face with the glass eyes over hers and now her face was enormous, with round, empty eye sockets and no mouth, only that protruding black chin swinging over her chest.
Those are moments which are stamped into
memory. I’m not sure, but I must have let out a cry of real terror, because
she hurried to say, in an echoing voice, that it was just a mask, an anti-gas
mask: that’s what her father called it, he had one like it in the storeroom
at home. I continued to tremble and moan with fear, which evidently persuaded
her to tear the thing off her face and throw it in a corner, causing a loud
noise and a lot of dust that thickened amid the tongues of light from the
I calmed down. Lila looked around,
identified the opening from which we had dropped Tina and Nu. We went along
the rough bumpy wall, we looked into the shadows. The dolls weren’t there.
Lila repeated in dialect, they’re not there, they’re not there, they’re not
there, and searched along the floor with her hands, something I didn’t have
the courage to do.
Long minutes passed. Once only I seemed
to see Tina and with a tug at my heart I bent over to grab her, but it was
only a crumpled page of old newspaper. They aren’t here, Lila repeated, and
headed toward the door. Then I felt lost, unable to stay there by myself and
keep searching, unable to leave if I hadn’t found my doll.
At the top of the steps she said:
“Don Achille took them, he put them in
his black bag.”
And at that very moment I heard him, Don
Achille: he slithered, he shuffled among the indistinct shapes of things.
Then I abandoned Tina to her fate, and ran away, in order not to lose Lila,
who was already twisting nimbly between the panels of the broken door.
I believed everything she told me. The
shapeless mass of Don Achille running through the underground tunnels, arms
dangling, large fingers grasping Nu’s head in one hand, in the other Tina’s.
I suffered terribly.
I got sick, had fevers, got better, got sick again. I was overcome by a kind of tactile dysfunction; sometimes I had the impression that, while every animated being around me was speeding up the rhythms of its life, solid surfaces turned soft under my fingers or swelled up, leaving empty spaces between their internal mass and the surface skin. It seemed to me that my own body, if you touched it, was distended, and this saddened me. I was sure that I had cheeks like balloons, hands stuffed with sawdust, earlobes like ripe berries, feet in the shape of loaves of bread.
When I returned to the streets and to
school, I felt that the space, too, had changed. It seemed to be chained
between two dark poles: on one side was the underground air bubble that
pressed on the roots of the houses, the threatening cavern the dolls had
fallen into; on the other the upper sphere, on the fourth floor of the
building where Don Achille, who had stolen them, lived. The two balls were as
if screwed to the ends of an iron bar, which in my imagination obliquely
crossed the apartments, the streets, the countryside, the tunnel, the
railroad tracks, and compressed them. I felt squeezed in that vise along with
the mass of everyday things and people, and I had a bad taste in my mouth, a
permanent sense of nausea that exhausted me, as if everything, thus
compacted, and always tighter, were grinding me up, reducing me to a
repulsive cream.
It was an enduring malaise, lasting
perhaps years, beyond early adolescence. But unexpectedly, just when it
began, I received my first declaration of love.
It was before Lila and I had attempted to
climb the stairs to Don Achille’s, and my grief at the loss of Tina was still
unbearable. I had gone reluctantly to buy bread. My mother had sent me and I
was going home, the change clutched in my fist and the loaf still warm
against my chest, when I realized that Nino Sarratore was trudging behind me,
holding his little brother by the hand. On summer days his mother, Lidia,
always sent him out with Pino, who at the time was no more than five, with
the injunction never to leave him. Near a corner, a little past the
Carraccis’ grocery, Nino was about to pass me, but instead of passing he cut
off my path, pushed me against the wall, placed his free hand against the
wall as a bar, to keep me from running away, and with the other pulled up
beside him his brother, a silent witness of his undertaking. Breathlessly he
said something I couldn’t understand. He was pale, and he smiled, then he
became serious, then he smiled again. Finally he said, in school Italian:
“When we grow up I want to marry you.”
Then he asked if in the meantime I would be engaged to him.
He was a little taller than me, very
thin, with a long neck, his ears sticking out a little from his head. He had
rebellious hair, and intense eyes with long lashes. The effort he was making
to restrain his timidity was touching. Although I also wanted to marry him, I
felt like answering:
“No, I can’t.”
He was stunned, Pino gave him a tug. I
ran away.
From that moment I began to sneak into a
side street whenever I saw him. And yet he seemed to me so handsome. How many
times had I hung around his sister Marisa just to be near him and walk part
of the way home with them. But he had made the declaration at the wrong
moment. He couldn’t know how undone I felt, how much anguish Tina’s
disappearance had caused me, how exhausting the effort of keeping up with
Lila was, how the compressed space of the courtyard, the buildings, the
neighborhood cut off my breath.
After giving me many long, frightened glances from a distance, he began to avoid me, too. For a while he must have been afraid that I would tell the other girls, and in particular his sister, about the proposal he had made. Everyone knew that Gigliola Spagnuolo, the daughter of the baker, had done that when Enzo had asked her to be his girlfriend. And Enzo had found out and got angry, he had shouted outside school that she was a liar, he had even threatened to kill her with a knife. I, too, was tempted to tell everything, but then I let it go, I didn’t tell anyone, not even Lila when we became friends. Slowly I forgot about it myself.
It came to mind again when, some time
later, the entire Sarratore family moved. One morning the cart and horse that
belonged to Assunta’s husband, Nicola, appeared in the courtyard: with that
same cart and that same old horse he sold fruit and vegetables with his wife,
going up and down the streets of the neighborhood. Nicola had a broad
handsome face and the same blue eyes, the same blond hair as his son Enzo.
Besides selling fruit and vegetables, he was the mover. And in fact he,
Donato Sarratore, Nino himself, and Lidia, too, began to carry things
downstairs, all sorts of odds and ends, mattresses, furniture, and piled it
on the cart.
As soon as the women heard the sound of wheels in the courtyard, they looked out, including my mother, including me. There was a great curiosity. It seemed that Donato had got a new house directly from the state railroad, in the neighborhood of a square called Piazza Nazionale. Or—said my mother—his wife had obliged him to move to escape the persecutions of Melina, who wanted to take away her husband. Likely. My mother always saw evil where, to my great annoyance, it was sooner or later discovered that evil really was, and her crossed eye seemed made purposely to identify the secret motives of the neighborhood. How would Melina react? Was it true, as I had heard whispered, that she had had a child with Sarratore and then killed it? And was it possible that she would start shouting terrible things, including that?
All the females, big and small, were at
the windows, perhaps to wave goodbye to the family that was leaving, perhaps
to witness the spectacle of rage of that ugly, lean, and widowed woman. I saw
that Lila and her mother, Nunzia, were also watching.
I sought Nino’s gaze, but he seemed to
have other things to do. I was then seized, as usual for no precise reason,
by a weariness that made everything around me faint. I thought that perhaps
he had made that declaration because he already knew that he would be leaving
and wanted to tell me first what he felt for me. I looked at him as he
struggled to carry boxes filled to overflowing, and I felt the guilt, the
sorrow of having said no. Now he was fleeing like a bird.
Finally the procession of furniture and household goods stopped. Nicola and Donato began to tie everything to the cart with ropes. Lidia Sarratore appeared dressed as if to go to a party, she had even put on a summer hat, of blue straw. She pushed the carriage with her youngest boy in it and beside her she had the two girls, Marisa, who was my age, eight or nine, and Clelia, six. Suddenly there was a noise of things breaking on the second floor. Almost at the same moment Melina began screaming. Her cries were so tortured that Lila, I saw, put her hands over her ears. The pained voice of Ada, Melina’s second child, echoed as she cried, Mamma, no, Mamma.
After a moment of uncertainty I, too,
covered my ears. But meanwhile objects began to fly out the window and
curiosity became so strong that I freed my eardrums, as if I needed clear
sounds to understand. Melina, however, wasn’t uttering words but only aaah,
aaah, as if she were wounded. She couldn’t be seen, not even an arm or a hand
that was throwing things could be seen. Copper pots, glasses, bottles, plates
appeared to fly out the window of their own volition, and in the street Lidia
Sarratore walked with her head down, leaning over the baby carriage, her
daughters behind, while Donato climbed up on the cart amid his property, and
Don Nicola guided the horse by the bridle and meanwhile objects hit the
asphalt, bounced, shattered, sending splinters between the nervous hooves of
the beast.
I looked at Lila. Now I saw another face,
a face of bewilderment. She must have realized that I was looking at her, and
she immediately disappeared from the window. Meanwhile the cart started off.
Keeping to the wall, without a goodbye to anyone, Lidia and the four youngest
children slunk toward the gate, while Nino seemed unwilling to leave, as if
hypnotized by the waste of fragile objects against the asphalt.
Last I saw flying out the window a sort
of black spot. It was an iron, pure steel. When I still had Tina and played
in the house, I used my mother’s, which was identical, prow-shaped,
pretending it was a ship in a storm. The object plummeted down and with a
sharp thud made a hole in the ground, a few inches from Nino. It nearly—very
nearly—killed him.
No boy ever declared to Lila that he loved her, and she never told me if it grieved her. Gigliola Spagnuolo received proposals to be someone’s girlfriend continuously and I, too, was much in demand. Lila, on the other hand, wasn’t popular, mostly because she was skinny, dirty, and always had a cut or bruise of some sort, but also because she had a sharp tongue. She invented humiliating nicknames and although in front of the teacher she showed off Italian words that no one knew, with us she spoke a scathing dialect, full of swear words, which cut off at its origin any feeling of love.
Only Enzo did a thing that, if it wasn’t
exactly a request to be her boyfriend, was nevertheless a sign of admiration
and respect. Some time after he had cut her head with the rock and before, it
seems to me, he was rejected by Gigliola Spagnuolo, he ran into us on the
stradone and, before my incredulous eyes, held out to Lila a garland of sorb
“What do I do with it?”
“You eat them.”
“Let them ripen.”
“I don’t want them.”
“Throw them away.”
That was it. Enzo turned his back and
hurried off to work. Lila and I started laughing. We didn’t talk much, but we
had a laugh at everything that happened to us. I said only, in a tone of
“I like sorb apples.”
I was lying, it was a fruit I didn’t
like. I was attracted by their reddish-yellow color when they were unripe,
their compactness that gleamed on sunny days. But when they ripened on the
balconies and became brown and soft like small wrinkled pears, and the skin
came off easily, displaying a grainy pulp not with a bad taste but spongy in
a way that reminded me of the corpses of rats along the stradone, then I
wouldn’t even touch them. I made that statement almost as a test, hoping that
Lila would offer them to me: here, take them, you have them. I felt that if
she had given me the gift that Enzo had given her I would be happier than if
she had given me something of hers. But she didn’t, and I still recall the
feeling of betrayal when she brought them home. She herself put a nail at the
window. I saw her hang the garland on it.
Enzo didn’t give her any other gifts.
After the fight with Gigliola, who had told everyone about the declaration he
had made to her, we saw him less and less. Although he had proved to be
extremely good at doing sums in his head, he was lazy, so the teacher didn’t
suggest that he take the admissions test for the middle school, and he wasn’t
sorry about it, in fact he was pleased. He enrolled in the trade school, but
in fact he was already working with his parents. He got up very early to go
with his father to the fruitvegetable market or to drive the cart through the
neighborhood, selling produce from the countryside, and so he soon quit
We, instead, toward the end of fifth
grade, were told that it would be suitable for us to continue in school. The
teacher summoned in turn my parents and those of Gigliola and Lila to tell
them that we absolutely had to take not only the test for the elementary
school diploma but also the one for admission to middle school. I did all I
could so that my father would not send my mother, with her limp, her
wandering eye, and her stubborn anger, but would go himself, since he was a
porter and knew how to be polite. I didn’t succeed. She went, she talked to
the teacher, and returned home in a sullen mood.
“The teacher wants money. She says she
has to give some extra lessons because the test is difficult.”
“But what’s the point of this test?” my
father asked.
“To let her study Latin.”
“Because they say she’s clever.”
“But if she’s clever, why does the
teacher have to give her lessons that cost money?”
“So she’ll be better off and we’ll be
They discussed it at length. At first my
mother was against it and my father uncertain; then my father became
cautiously in favor and my mother resigned herself to being a little less
against it; finally they decided to let me take the test, but always provided
that if I did not do well they would immediately take me out of school.
Lila’s parents on the other hand said no.
Nunzia Cerullo made a few somewhat hesitant attempts, but her father wouldn’t
even talk about it, and in fact hit Rino when he told him that he was wrong.
Her parents were inclined not to go and see the teacher, but Maestra Oliviero
had the principal summon them, and then Nunzia had to go. Faced with the
timid but flat refusal of that frightened woman, Maestra Oliviero, stern but
calm, displayed Lila’s marvelous compositions, the brilliant solutions to
difficult problems, and even the beautifully colored drawings that in class,
when she applied herself, enchanted us all, because, pilfering Giotto’s
pastels, she portrayed in a realistic style princesses with hairdos, jewels,
clothes, shoes that had never been seen in any book or even at the parish
cinema. When the refusal persisted, the teacher lost her composure and
dragged Lila’s mother to the principal as if she were a student to be
disciplined. But Nunzia couldn’t yield, she didn’t have permission from her husband.
As a result she kept saying no until she, the teacher, and the principal were
overcome by exhaustion.
The next day, as we were going to school,
Lila said to me in her usual tone: I’m going to take the test anyway. I
believed her, to forbid her to do something was pointless, everyone knew it.
She seemed the strongest of us girls, stronger than Enzo, than Alfonso, than
Stefano, stronger than her brother Rino, stronger than our parents, stronger
than all the adults including the teacher and the carabinieri, who could put
you in jail. Although she was fragile in appearance, every prohibition lost
substance in her presence. She knew how to go beyond the limit without ever
truly suffering the consequences. In the end people gave in, and were even,
however unwillingly, compelled to praise her.
We were also forbidden to go to Don
Achille’s, but she decided to go anyway and I followed. In fact, that was
when I became convinced that nothing could stop her, and that every
disobedient act contained breathtaking opportunities.
We wanted Don Achille to give us back our
dolls. So we climbed the stairs: at every step I was on the point of turning
around and going back to the courtyard. I still feel Lila’s hand grasping
mine, and I like to think that she decided to take it not only because she
intuited that I wouldn’t have the courage to get to the top floor but also
because with that gesture she herself sought the force to continue. So, one
beside the other, I on the wall side and she on the banister side, sweaty
palms clasped, we climbed the last flights. At Don Achille’s door my heart
was pounding, I could hear it in my ears, but I was consoled by thinking that
it was also the sound of Lila’s heart. From the apartment came voices,
perhaps of Alfonso or Stefano or Pinuccia. After a very long, silent pause
before the door, Lila rang the bell. There was silence, then a shuffling.
Donna Maria opened the door, wearing a faded green housedress. When she
spoke, I saw a brilliant gold tooth in her mouth. She thought we were looking
for Alfonso, and was a bit bewildered. Lila said to her in dialect:
“No, we want Don Achille.”
“Tell me.”
“We have to speak to him.”
The woman shouted,
More shuffling.
A thickset figure emerged from the
shadows. He had a long torso, short legs, arms that hung to his knees, and a
cigarette in his mouth; you could see the embers. He asked hoarsely:
“Who is it?”
“The daughter of the shoemaker with
Greco’s oldest daughter.”
Don Achille came into the light, and, for
the first time, we saw him clearly. No minerals, no sparkle of glass. His
long face was of flesh, and the hair bristled only around his ears; the top
of his head was shiny. His eyes were bright, the white veined with small red
streams, his mouth wide and thin, his chin heavy, with a crease in the
middle. He seemed to me ugly but not the way I imagined.
“The dolls,” said Lila.
“What dolls?”
“Your dolls are of no use here.”
“You took them down in the cellar.”
Don Achille turned and shouted into the
“Pinù, did you take the doll belonging to
the shoemaker’s daughter?”
“Me, no.”
“Alfò, did you take it?”
Lila said firmly, I don’t know where she
got all that courage:
“You took them, we saw you.”
There was a moment of silence.
“ ‘You’ me?”
“Yes, and you put them in your black
The man, hearing those words, wrinkled
his forehead in annoyance.
I couldn’t believe that we were there, in
front of Don Achille, and Lila was speaking to him like that and he was
staring at her in bewilderment, and in the background could be seen Alfonso
and Stefano and Pinuccia and Donna Maria, who was setting the table for
dinner. I couldn’t believe that he was an ordinary person, a little short, a
little bald, a little out of proportion, but ordinary. So I waited for him to
be abruptly transformed.
Don Achille repeated, as if to understand
clearly the meaning of the words:
“I took your dolls and put them in a
black bag?”
I felt that he was not angry but unexpectedly pained, as if he were receiving confirmation of something he already knew. He said something in dialect that I didn’t understand, Maria cried,
“Achì, it’s ready.”
“I’m coming.”
Don Achille stuck a large, broad hand in
the back pocket of his pants. We clutched each other’s hand tightly, waiting
for him to bring out a knife. Instead he took out his wallet, opened it,
looked inside, and handed Lila some money, I don’t remember how much.
“Go buy yourselves dolls,” he said.
Lila grabbed the money and dragged me
down the stairs. He muttered, leaning over the banister:
“And remember that they were a gift from
I said, in Italian, careful not to trip
on the stairs:
“Good evening and enjoy your meal.”
Right after Easter, Gigliola Spagnuolo
and I started going to the teacher’s house to prepare for the admissions
test. The teacher lived right next to the parish church of the Holy Family,
and her windows looked out on the public gardens; from there you could see,
beyond the dense countryside, the pylons of the railroad. Gigliola passed by
my window and called me. I was ready, I ran out. I liked those private
lessons, two a week, I think. The teacher, at the end of the lesson, offered
us little heart-shaped cookies and a soft drink.
Lila didn’t come; her parents had not
agreed to pay the teacher. But, since we were now good friends, she continued
to tell me that she would take the test and would enter the first year of
middle school in the same class as me.
“And the books?”
“You’ll lend them to me.”
Meanwhile, however, with the money from
Don Achille, she bought a book: Little Women. She decided to buy it because
she already knew it and liked it hugely. Maestra Oliviero, in fourth grade,
had given the smarter girls books to read. Lila had received Little Women,
along with the following comment: “This is for older girls, but it will be
good for you,” and I got the book Heart, by Edmondo De Amicis, with not a
word of explanation. Lila read both Little Women and Heart, in a very short
time, and said there was no comparison, in her opinion Little Women was
wonderful. I hadn’t managed to read it, I had had a hard time finishing Heart
before the time set by the teacher for returning it. I was a slow reader, I
still am. Lila, when she had to give the book back to Maestra Oliviero,
regretted both not being able to reread Little Women continuously and not
being able to talk about it with me. So one morning she made up her mind. She
called me from the street, we went to the ponds, to the place where we had
buried the money from Don Achille, in a metal box, took it out, and went to
ask Iolanda the stationer, who had had displayed in her window forever a copy
of Little Women, yellowed by the sun, if it was enough. It was. As soon as we
became owners of the book we began to meet in the courtyard to read it,
either silently, one next to the other, or aloud. We read it for months, so
many times that the book became tattered and sweat-stained, it lost its
spine, came unthreaded, sections fell apart. But it was our book, we loved it
dearly. I was the guardian, I kept it at home among the schoolbooks, because
Lila didn’t feel she could keep it in her house. Her father, lately, would
get angry if she merely took it out to read.
But Rino protected her. When the subject
of the admissions test came up, quarrels exploded continuously between him
and his father. Rino was about sixteen at the time, he was a very excitable
boy and had started a battle to be paid for the work he did. His reasoning
was: I get up at six; I come to the shop and work till eight at night; I want
a salary. But those words outraged his father and his mother. Rino had a bed
to sleep in, food to eat, why did he want money? His job was to help the
family, not impoverish it. But he insisted, he found it unjust to work as
hard as his father and not receive a cent. At that point Fernando Cerullo
answered him with apparent patience: “I pay you already, Rino, I pay you
generously by teaching you the whole trade: soon you’ll be able to repair a
heel or an edge or put on a new sole; your father is passing on to you
everything he knows, and you’ll be able to make an entire shoe, with the
skill of a professional.” But that payment by instruction was not enough for
Rino, and so they argued, especially at dinner. They began by talking about
money and ended up quarreling about Lila.
“If you pay me I’ll take care of sending
her to school,” Rino said.
“School? Why, did I go to school?”
“Did you go to school?”
“Then why should your sister, who is a
girl, go to school?”
The matter almost always ended with a
slap in the face for Rino, who, one way or another, even if he didn’t intend
to, had displayed a lack of respect toward his father. The boy, without
crying, apologized in a spiteful tone of voice.
Lila was silent during those discussions.
She never said so, but I had the impression that while I hated my mother,
really hated her, profoundly, she, in spite of everything, wasn’t upset with
her father. She said that he was full of kindnesses, she said that when there
were accounts to do he let her do them, she said that she had heard him say
to his friends that his daughter was the most intelligent person in the
neighborhood, she said that on her name day he brought her warm chocolate in
bed and four biscuits. But what could you do, it didn’t enter into his view
of the world that she should continue to go to school. Nor did it fall within
his economic possibilities: the family was large, they all had to live off
the shoe repair shop, including two unmarried sisters of Fernando and
Nunzia’s parents. So on the matter of school it was like talking to the wall,
and her mother all in all had the same opinion. Only her brother had
different ideas, and fought boldly against his father. And Lila, for reasons
I didn’t understand, seemed certain that Rino would win. He would get his
salary and would send her to school with the money.
“If there’s a fee to pay, he’ll pay it
for me,” she explained.
She was sure that her brother would also
give her money for the school books and even for pens, pen case, pastels,
globe, the smock and the ribbon. She adored him. She said that, after she
went to school, she wanted to earn a lot of money for the sole purpose of
making her brother the wealthiest person in the neighborhood.
In that last year of elementary school,
wealth became our obsession. We talked about it the way characters in novels
talk about searching for treasure. We said, when we’re rich we’ll do this,
we’ll do that. To listen to us, you might think that the wealth was hidden
somewhere in the neighborhood, in treasure chests that, when opened, would be
gleaming with gold, and were waiting only for us to find them. Then, I don’t
know why, things changed and we began to link school to wealth. We thought
that if we studied hard we would be able to write books and that the books
would make us rich. Wealth was still the glitter of gold coins stored in
countless chests, but to get there all you had to do was go to school and
write a book.
“Let’s write one together,” Lila said
once, and that filled me with joy.
Maybe the idea took root when she
discovered that the author of Little Women had made so much money that she
had given some of it to her family. But I wouldn’t promise. We argued about
it, I said we could start right after the admission test. She agreed, but
then she couldn’t wait. While I had a lot to study because of the afternoon
lessons with Spagnuolo and the teacher, she was freer, she set to work and
wrote a novel without me.
I was hurt when she brought it to me to
read, but I didn’t say anything, in fact I held in check my disappointment
and was full of congratulations. There were ten sheets of graph paper, folded
and held together with a dressmaker’s pin. It had a cover drawn in pastels,
and the title, I remember, was The Blue Fairy. How exciting it was, how many
difficult words there were. I told her to let the teacher read it. She didn’t
want to. I begged her, I offered to give it to her. Although she wasn’t sure,
she agreed.
One day when I was at Maestra Oliviero’s
house for our lesson, I took advantage of Gigliola being in the bathroom to
take out The Blue Fairy. I said it was a wonderful novel written by Lila and
that Lila wanted her to read it. But the teacher, who for five years had been
enthusiastic about everything Lila did, except when she was bad, replied
“Tell Cerullo that she would do well to
study for the diploma, instead of wasting time.” And although she kept Lila’s
novel, she left it on the table without even giving it a glance.
That attitude confused me. What had
happened? Was she angry with Lila’s mother? Had her rage extended to Lila
herself? Was she upset about the money that the parents of my friend wouldn’t
give her? I didn’t understand. A few days later I cautiously asked her if she
had read The Blue Fairy. She answered in an unusual tone, obscurely, as if
only she and I could truly understand.
“Do you know what the plebs are, Greco?”
“Yes, the people, the tribunes of the
plebs are the Gracchi.”
“The plebs are quite a nasty thing.”
“And if one wishes to remain a plebeian,
he, his children, the children of his children deserve nothing. Forget
Cerullo and think of yourself.”
Maestra Oliviero never said anything
about The Blue Fairy. Lila asked about it a couple of times, then she let it
go. She said grimly:
“As soon as I have time I’ll write
another, that one wasn’t good.”
“It was wonderful.”
“It was terrible.”
But she became less lively, especially in class, probably because she realized that the teacher had stopped praising her, and sometimes seemed irritated by her excesses of virtuosity.
When it came time for the competition at
the end of the year she was still the best, but without her old impudence. At
the end of the day, the principal presented to those remaining in
competition—Lila, Gigliola, and me—an extremely difficult problem that he had
invented himself. Gigliola and I struggled in vain. Lila, narrowing her eyes
to cracks, applied herself. She was the last to give up. She said, with a
timidity unusual for her, that the problem couldn’t be solved, because there
was a mistake in the premise, but she didn’t know what it was. Maestra
Oliviero scolded her harshly. I saw Lila standing at the blackboard, chalk in
hand, very small and pale, assaulted by volleys of cruel phrases. I felt her
suffering, I couldn’t bear the trembling of her lower lip and nearly burst
into tears.
“When one cannot solve a problem,” the
teacher concluded coldly, “one does not say, There is a mistake in the
problem, one says, I am not capable of solving it.”
The principal was silent. As far as I
remember, the day ended there.