【英语语法】副词小品词(adverb particles)详解


小品词就是副、介同形的单词, 由于在句中的作用不同, 词性也就不同。 在没有搞清是介词,还是副词的时候, 就称之为“小品词”。


He walked off in a huff. 这里 off 修饰前面的 walk ,并且后面没有宾语,显然是副词;

He shaved off his mustache. 这里 off 修饰前面的动词 shave ,表示“刮下来(胡子)”,此时 off 并非介词来表达,而起副词的作用,是副词小品词;

The bird hopped off the branch. 这里 off 表示 hop 这个动作与其宾语 branch 之间的关系,即 “(鸟)在(树枝上)跳”,所以是起介词的作用;因为介词作用之一就是在不及物动词与宾语之间使动词能够“及物”(即带宾语);


如果小品词在动词后,且没有宾语,则为副词,如:The car swerved off into a ditch.

如果小品词在动词后,且有宾语,如果小品词挪到宾语后,整个短语意思不变,那么此时小品词做副词,如:She switched off the radio. 与 She switched the radio off. 的意思是一样的;

如果小品词在动词后,且有宾语,如果小品词不能挪到宾语后,否则语句不通,那么此时小品词做介词,如:Take your feet off the table! 此句中的 off 显然不能放到 table 之后;

参考附文 1


※介词、副词形一样, 句中作用不相同, 介词后面要宾语, 副词后面宾不用。

※介词要和动一起, 副词可与动分开; 及物动词加副词; 不及物动词加介词, 加了介词相当于及物动词。

1. 常用介、副同形的单词有:

in on up down off

out over along by through

across round across round near

before behind past since under


in on up out off

down over through along by

2. 介词、副词的区别方法:


He got off the bus /at the corner.(按照意群来划分, bus是off的宾语, 所以这里的off是介词)


He get off /at the corner.(按照意群来划分, off后面没有词, 所以这里的off是副词)


I found him in. (in后没有名词, 它就是副词。 )


I found him /in the room. (按照意群来划分, in是和the room联系在一起构成介词短语的, 所以它是介词。 )


3. 副词的不同使用方法


这种副词两边分, 有的跟动词联系紧; 有的句末单独行。


in on up down off

out over along by through

across round


before behind past since under



They were here/ before six.(介词)


He has done this sort of work before.(副词)


Push the car /across the bridge. (介词)


Put your hands across and tie them together. (副词)

请把双手交叉, 并将它们捆起来。

Peter is /behind us.(介词)


He′s a long way behind.(副词)


The train passed/ through the tunnel. (介词)


Let me pass through, please. (副词)


She climbed/ over the wall.(介词)


You′ll have to climb over too.(副词)


When the meeting was over, the delegates went home.(副词)

会议结束后代表们各自回家了。 (这里over=finished结束)

The shop is just/ round the corner.(介词)


Come round(to my house)any evening.(副词)

The earth moves /around the sun. (介词)


The good news soon got around. (副词)

He is sitting /on a chair. (介词)

Go on! Come on! (副词)

Turn the lights on. (副词)


He ran /up the stairs.(介词)


He went up/ in the lift.(副词)



The plane took off.

飞机起飞了。 (离开了地面)

She put the scarf/ round her neck. (介词)

He came round.(副词)

他恢复知觉了。 (恢复了意识)

4. 固定短语的分类


1)动词类: 动词加其它词构成的短语就叫做动词固定短语

1. 1)不及物动词+副词=不及物动词

不及物动词+副词 词义 例句

break out happen爆发 The Anti-Japanese War broke out in 1937. 抗日战争爆发于1937年。

come over/drop in visit 来访 Come over anytime; we’re always in. 什么时候来访都行, 我们总在家里。

hurry up go quickly赶紧 We must hurry up, or we’ll be late. 我们的赶快走, 不然就要迟到了。

go far spread far走得远, 持续久 The news went far. 这消息传得很远。

This small tin of paint does not go far. 这一小罐油漆用不了多久。

pull in stop aside停靠 The train pulled in two hours late. 火车晚两小时到站。

stop over stay for short中途停留 Because the car broke down, we had to stop over for the night in the nearest town. 由于汽车拔锚, 我们只得在最近得小城镇里留宿。

take off fly up起飞 The pilot took off smoothly. 飞行员平稳地驾机起飞了。

get up arise 起立, 起床 He gets up at 6:00 in the morning every day. 他每天早上6:00起床。

1. 2)不及物动词+介词=及物动词

词例 词义 例句 注解

listen to 听 He is listening to a radio now. 他在听收音机。 listen不能直接接听的对象, 加to就可以了

look for 寻找 She is looking for her pencil now. 她在寻找她的铅笔。 look是看的意思, 加了for就是新的词义“寻找”

look after 照看 My mother looks after my baby. 我母亲照看孩子 look 后面的介词不同, 词义就不同, 但与look有关,

hear from 收到来信(等) Mother hasn’t hear from you for quite some time. 母亲好久没有接到你的来信了。 hear from 成了固定的词义, 表示受到来信, 信函等

hear of 听到, 得知 I’ve never heard of the place. 我从未听说过那个地方。 hear of是听别人谈到过的意思

read of 读到 I have read of Lu Xun. 我读过关于鲁迅的书籍。 read of不是直接读鲁迅, 而是读到过关于鲁迅的资料或书籍

laugh at 嘲笑 They laughed at the young man. 他们嘲笑过那位年轻人。 laugh at 可以带宾语, 而且表示嘲笑, 嘲弄的意思

run after 追赶, 追求 Some boy spend a lot of time and money running after girls. 一些男孩子花去很多的时间和金钱去追求女孩子。 run后加after, 主要是追赶某人或某种时尚:run当及物动词用, 通常是管理或经营的含义

stand for 代表, 象征 What does “PTO” stand for? “PTO”代表什么? stand for 一起使用, 就相当于一个新词, 表示:代表, 象征的含义

1. 3)不及物动词+副词+介词(三个词在一起构成当作一个词来使用)

动+副+介 相当于 例句

cut down on reduce削减 We must all cut down on spending. 我们必须削减消费。

do away with abolish取消 They have done away with the old laws. 他们已经取消了这些就法律。

get out of leave离开 He got out of the car and shook hands with me. 他下车和我握手了。

get through with finish完成 She finally got through with the subject. 她终于完成了这个题目。

go along with agree同意 I can’t go along with you in this matter. 在这件事上我不能同意你。

look forward to expect期待 He is looking forward to seeing his new friend. 他期盼着见到他的新朋友。

put up with tolerate容忍 He puts up with almost anything. 他几乎容忍一切。

walk out on abandon放弃 He walked out on the subject. 他放弃了这个计划。

1. 4)及物动词+副词

及物动词+副词 相当于 例句

bring up

educate 教育, 培养 They have brought their children up well. 他们把孩子教育得很好。

call up summon征召, 打电话 He was called up in 1971. 他在1971年被征召入伍。

Call me up tomorrow morning. 明早给我打电话。

find out discover发现, 理解 Think over. You must find it out for yourself. 想想吧, 你必须自己理解它。

put off postpone延期 The meeting has been put off. 会议延期了。

make out understand理解 It’s not easy to make out his ideas. 弄懂他的种种想法不是容易的。

take in deceive欺骗 You can’t take me in like that. 你不能那样欺骗我。

turn up appear出现 She really turned on the charm on the stage. 她在台上表现得真迷人。

back up support支持 They supported the school a lot. 他们给学校支持很大。

give up quit放弃 He has given up smoking. 他已戒烟。

make down change sth. smaller The clothes are made down for her sisters.


1. 5)及物动词+名词+介词(带介词宾语)

词例 词义 例句

catch(lay, get, take, seize) hold of 抓住, 占有 The boy took hold of the ladder and began to climb.


I’ll explain, and you will soon get hold of the idea.

我要解释一下, 你很快就会懂得这个意思的。

do a favor to/do sb. a favor 给别人帮忙, 给别人恩惠 Will you do me a favor to lend that book to me?


Can you do a favor to me? 劳驾, 可以帮我一下吗?

have confidence in 信人 I have perfect confidence in them. 我完全信任他们。

have an edge on 占优势, 胜过 I can’t beat you at tennis, but I have an edge on you in ping-pong. 打网球我无法赢你, 但是打乒乓球我比你强。

lay emphasis on 强调, 着重 Some schools lay special emphasis on language study.


make a fool of 愚弄, 欺骗 Enough! , Don’t make a fool of me! 够了! 不要捉弄我了。

make use of 利用, 使用 You must make good use of any opportunities you have of practicing English. 你必须利用好你所有的练习英语的机会。

pay attention to 注意 Pay attention to it. 请注意

take part in 参加, 参与 I have a meeting to take part in this afternoon. 今天下午我要参加一个会议。 会议

take account of 考虑, 重视 Have you taken account of possible shift in demand? 需求有可能变化, 你考虑到了吗?

5. 学习和考试注意事项



1. 不及物动词后加适当介词可以构成相当于及物动词的动词短语:

Wait for sb. 就是典型的例子:

常有人说 I will wait you here. 还不知道错了。 应该说成 I will wait for you here. 因为wait 是不及物动词, 不能带宾语。


look at look for look after , listen to 等等, 并且注意类似于: read of 和hear of 这样的短语的区别。

2. 介词后面的名词, 或者相当于名词的词就是介词宾语, 既然是宾语就要用宾格, 特别要注意的代词宾格。

He is looking at me.

She is looking after her sister.

We waited for him for a long time.

I heard of him before.

3. 同一动词后加不同介词/副词就会有不同的含义, 要当作一个新词来记:

look at look about look ahead look around

look as if look away look back look down upon

look for look forward to look in look down

look into look like look on /look upon look up to

look on with look out look out ofr look over

look round look through look to look to be

4. 及物动词带有副词后接宾语与不及物动词后接介词再加宾语是不同的。

1) 不及物动词后接宾语时, 动词和介词是不可分开的, 两者成为一个整体。

2) 及物动词后接副词, 该副词可以和动词分开, 特别是宾语为代词宾格的时候, 这个代词就要放在动词和副词之间。

He is always looking for his shoes. (不能分开)

He always forgets to turn the lights off. He always forgets to turn off the lights.

He always forgets to turn them off. (这个句子中的them指的是等, 不能放在off的后面, 因为它是代词宾格)


1) 考词义

这是最难的, 任何人只要是学英语的, 都认为这是最难的, 即使是把英语用作母语的人们也认为这是最难的。 解决的方法就是:多读, 多背, 多分析, 多理解。


Take after 像, 模仿 Take away拿走, 减去 Take back回收, 取消 Take down取下, 记录

Take from减少, 缩小 Take in吸收, 欺骗 Take off起飞, 免除 Take out取出, 摘录

Take over接收, 接任 Take to喜爱, 从事 Take up开始, 占用 Take…for. .把…当着…

2) 考结构

主要是会判断小品词是介词还是副词, 代词宾格是否可以放在动词和小品词之间。 任何考试都会有这一项, 即使博士生考试, 也会考到这一项。 这是一项既考语法也考习惯用法的题目。 实际上还是检查单词量, 如果我们把它当着一个单词记住了, 什么考试都不怕。

参考附文 2

What are Adverb Particles?

Words like in, out, up, down etc., are not always prepositions. Read the sentences given below.

He was driving down the street.

Please sit down.

He climbed up the stairs.

She is not up yet.

He is in the room.

You can come in.

In the expressions ‘down the street’, ‘up the stairs’ and ‘in the room’, the words down, up and in are prepositions. Note that prepositions are always followed by nouns which act as their objects. For example, in the sequence ‘down the street’, the noun street is the object of the preposition down.

In the expressions ‘sit down’, ‘she is not up’ and ‘come in’, the words down, up and in have no objects. They are adverbs and not prepositions.

Small adverbs like these are often called adverb particles or adverbial particles. Examples are: above, about, in, out, up, down, before, across, off, on, below, behind etc.

Note that many words of this kind can be used as both adverb particles and prepositions.

Phrasal verbs

Adverb particles are sometimes used together with verbs to form two-word verbs. These are often called phrasal verbs. Examples are: break down, put off, work out, give up etc.

Could you please switch on the lights?

Note that the meaning of a phrasal verb is not always guessable from the meanings of the individual words in it.

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