1. change lifecycle
2. 个人面对change,personal 和professional的change都会在一个杯子里;有3种策略面对change:
- 不断加change,可能会导致水杯翻掉;
- change inventory list,re-prioritize in the cup;
- change to a bigger cup,然后提升resiliance!resiliance的提高有如下方法:practicing gratitude,excercise,an act of kindness,meditation.
3. FUD - fear uncertainty doubt - reduced productivity
* how to deal with doubt:
1.1 help team to be aware of the fud,and this sebsequent consequence - reduced productivity.
1.2clarify the FUD
- set the properexpectation
- clarify the positive outcomes
- provide the step by step approach
4. 可以用2个方面来驱动change:
heat-》aviod the pain if we don't do
light -》the desire to goto better place
5. thinking —》logic;
emotion —》action