

V-I When time elapses, it passes. (时间) 流逝

•  Forty-eight hours have elapsed since his arrest.



①V-T When someone or something achieves a more important rank or status, you can say that they are elevated to it. 提拔

•  He was elevated to the post of president.



•  The elevation of the assistant coach to the head coaching position within only 9 months was a surprise.


③V-T If you elevate something to a higher status, you consider it to be better or more important than it really is. 抬高 (地位)

•  Don't elevate your superiors to superstar status.


④V-T To elevate something means to increase it in amount or intensity. 提高

•  Emotional stress can elevate blood pressure.


⑤V-T If you elevate something, you raise it higher. 举起; 抬高

•  A few times a day, elevate feet above heart level.


•  I built a platform to elevate the bed.



①V-T If you elicit a response or a reaction, you do or say something that makes other people respond or react. 引起 (反应)

•  Mr. Norris said he was hopeful that his request would elicit a positive response.


②V-T If you elicit a piece of information, you get it by asking the right questions. 探得 (信息)

•  My letters to her have elicited no response.



①ADJ Someone who is eligible to do something is qualified or able to do it, for example, because they are old enough. 有资格的

•  Almost half the population are eligible to vote in today's election.


②N-UNCOUNT 资格; 合格

•  The rules covering eligibility for benefits changed in the 1980s.


③ADJ An eligible man or woman is not yet married and is thought by many people to be a suitable partner. (指结婚对象) 令人中意的

•  He's the most eligible bachelor in Japan.



N-VAR An emission of something such as gas or radiation is the release of it into the atmosphere. 排放

•  The emission of gases such as carbon dioxide should be stabilized at their present level.



V-T To endanger something or someone means to put them in a situation where they might be harmed or destroyed completely. 危害

•  The debate could endanger the proposed Mideast peace talks.



①V-T You say that someone is endowed with a particular desirable ability, characteristic, or possession when they have it by chance or by birth. 天生赋予

•  You are endowed with wealth, good health and a lively intellect.


②V-T If you endow something with a particular feature or quality, you provide it with that feature or quality. 赋予 (某种特征或品质)

•  Herbs have been used for centuries to endow a whole range of foods with subtle flavours.


③V-T If someone endows an institution, scholarship, or project, they provide a large amount of money that will produce the income needed to pay for it. 资助

•  The ambassador has endowed a $1 million public-service fellowships programme.



①V-T If you erase a thought or feeling, you destroy it completely so that you can no longer remember something or no longer feel a particular emotion. 抹去; 消除

•  They are desperate to erase the memory of that last defeat.


②V-T If you erase sound that has been recorded on a tape or information which has been stored in a computer, you completely remove or destroy it. 抹掉; 删除

•  An intruder broke into the campaign headquarters and managed to erase 17,000 names from computer files.


③V-T If you erase something such as writing or a mark, you remove it, usually by rubbing it with a cloth. 擦掉 (字迹)


N-UNCOUNT Exhaustion is the state of being so tired that you have no energy left. 精疲力竭

•  He is suffering from exhaustion.



①ADJ Something that is exquisite is extremely beautiful or pleasant, especially in a delicate way. 精美的

•  The Indians brought in exquisite beadwork to sell.


②ADV 精美地

•  ...exquisitely crafted dollshouses.


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