
EFL learner

EFL is an abbreviation for "English as a Foreign Language". This is mainly used to talk about students (whose first language is not English) learning English while living in their own country. (For example, a Chinese person learning English in China.) ESL is an abbreviation for "English as a Second Language".





一种音频文件的格式,这个格式的名字来源于 1990 年左右的一个叫做 Netrek 中的一种策略:

Ogg was jargon from the computer game Netrek meaning roughly: to put all your resources into an attack to ensure its success, regardless of any negative consequences on the rest of the game.


Back in, I believe, November/December of 1990 I use to play netrek much more than now. At the time, I was probably only Flt Captain Sun Tzu, maybe even just a Captain. A group of us, which included Jay Hui (TheSlug), Byron Sinor (Krang), and Steve Russel (Feakhelek) were playing netrek with Terence. The three of us were Feds, Terence was Orion.

It was a full game, and Terence had come in as Og <== (beginning to get how it happened :> ). At this time, suiciding people with kills NEVER happened. Dogfighting rained supreme, and cloaking was used only for planet taking, that is until Terence decided to teach us CMU boys alesson.

Steve had accumulated a 3, 4 kill ship and had taken Spica (or El Nath, I don't remember) and Terence chased him and tried to mutual with him. Steve killed him, but was left at ~90% internal. As he wiggled towards Fed. space he watched the galactic map as Og reappeared and began to move rapidly in his direction. I will never forget how his voice shattered the calm of the cluster with yells of


His final words were something to the effect of AAAAAAAAAArrrrrrrgggggghhhhhh, Ive been Ogged!!.

Jay and I immediately picked up on the effectiveness of suiciding people, and had Terence show us how to do it better.
That is how Ogging started getting popular, and how the name spread through Netrek History.

While the concept of the suicide attack may have occurred in other games, such as Xpilot, Xtrek or Empire, the term "Ogg" was first used in either the Baker or Wean Hall computer labs at Carnegie Mellon University in the 1990-1991 school year (I do not remember which exact lab or whether it was before or after Xmas break that year).

Myself, Jay Hui and Steve Rancunus (sp?) were playing netrek in the early hours of the morning. Steve was a Fed (F# something) and was scumming against a lone Orion player. The server god at the time (Terence Chang, who brought netrek to CMU from Berkeley the year before), was watching the game and logged in as one of the non-player robot slots (the game is 8x8, so the player slots are 0-9,a,b,c,d,e, and f).

Since he joined the Orions and was the first "robot" in the game, he was "Og". Terence was one of the best players in the game and proceeded to terrorize Steve, such that at one point in the middle of the quiet computer lab, Steve burst out with "Help!! It's 'Oh' 'Gee'!". Followed quickly by additional screams of "Help" and the first uttering of "It's Ogggg! It's Ogggg! Helllppp!!".

Given the hilariousness of the situation, the term followed Steve and quickly was picked up among other netrek players.


移民和海关执法局 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement 的简写

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is an American federal law enforcement agency under the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) responsible for identifying, investigating, and dismantling vulnerabilities regarding the nation's border, economic, transportation, and infrastructure security. ICE has two primary components: Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO). Headquartered in Washington, D.C., ICE is charged with the investigation and enforcement of over 400 federal statutes within the United States, and maintains attachés at major U.S. embassies overseas.


Democratic National Committee(民主党全国委员会),竞选期间的邮件泄露事件主角,用一种「广告转化」的方式为希拉里筹款,饶过个人的捐款上限问题:

DNC 的主席 Debbie Wasserman Schultz 一开始是拒绝辞职的,后来还是奥巴马打电话施压:

After WikiLeaks published Democratic National Committee emails which suggested that DNC staffers had inappropriately backed Hillary Clinton in the primary campaigns while criticizing the Bernie Sanders campaign, Wasserman Schultz tendered her resignation as the head of the DNC, to become effective as of the close of the nominating convention in Philadelphia. According to reports in The Washington Post, Wasserman Schultz strongly resisted suggestions she resign, requiring a phone call from President Barack Obama to finally force her resignation.

Following a speech at the convention before the Florida delegation where Wasserman Schultz was "booed off stage" the DNC announced she would not gavel open the convention. She was subsequently appointed honorary chair of the Clinton campaign's "50 state program".

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