

Zhejiang royal Tibetan cabinet private museum products recommended:


Name:Daming jintong furnace

规格:高13cm      直径12.5cm    重1595g

Specifications: high 13cm diameter 12.5cm weight 1595g


Category: miscellaneous




According to Zhao Xigu "cave, qing lu set ancient Zhong Dingyi device, bian" records: "the ancient Xiao Yi up to god and not burn incense, it has no incense burner. This so-called incense burner, both in the ancient temples phenomena. Jue jue furnace is ancient, lion furnace is the ancient the loneliness beans, incense ball is ancient , its range, or a new cast as ancient. For that but boshan ship furnace is han too the wielder of the uterus, incense burner system began here."


In order to ensure the quality of incense, Lu Zhenzhan and trembling before the emperor, to create a good censer, also have six times of copper refining. Refining again, less, six times down, only half of the raw materials will be left. The Xuande emperor ostentatious, super quality consciousness, he immediately aimed at refining the number of not only reducing, but also doubled smelting twelve times), and add precious metals such as gold and silver. So the craftsmen chose gold and silver and other dozens of precious metals, with copper with carefully cast more than and 10 times. After great efforts, declared three years, the best copper incense burner finally made success.

此香炉规格高为13cm,沿口直径12.5cm ,此件香炉样式来源于明宣德炉,以金铜制成,炉身形制规整。通体光素,尽显铜炉精纯美质。铜质精量,入手沉甸,宝光可比良金,贵得精铜铸炼所致。器表呈鳝鱼黄色,光泽内敛。皮色沉静浑厚,端丽容穆,浑然天成,为宣炉标准皮色之楷模。双耳桥式,三足,其款为“宣德年制”花体字,其包浆色泽凝重,器表莹润,光华内敛,色泽蕴藏于内,映出黯淡奇光,灿烂自然,给人以细腻柔滑之感。敦厚之中不失灵巧精致。“有炉光怪真异绝,肌腻肉好神清和”。然其炉常年供奉于众佛之中,得佛光普照,自当得其庇佑。宣德三年宫廷封炉不铸之后,当时的监造者将原来的工匠再集中起来,另行铸造。由于原料不足,风磨铜已经用完而不复出,铸工只能以黄杂铜代之,虽做工与以前一般极尽精致。形态更为多变,但铜质终于不及。同时底款有了变化。字数增多,为“大明宣德五年监工部官吴邦佐造”和“工部员外臣李澄德监造”等,楷款、篆款均有。

This censer specifications for 13 cm high, the mouth diameter of 12.5 cm, this censer style source next jintong furnace, with gold, copper furnace body shape neat. Perfect optical element, all show pure MeiZhi copper furnace. With precise copper ChenDian, baoguang comparable to fine gold, expensive pure copper smelting. Collect inside the table in eel, yellow luster. Calm though vigorous and graceful RongMu, likes nature itself, as XuanLu standard model of though. Ears bridge, three feet, its for "xuande years" cursive, the wrapped slurry is dignified, the table of jade-like stone embellish, guanghua inside collect, colour and lustre is contained within, glowed with a dark light, bright and natural, give a person the sense with exquisite and silky. Do not break clever delicate and gentle. "Have furnace light strange really different, muscle greasy meat good god ma". But its furnace perennial enshrined in the Buddha, and Buddha's light shines, when its blessing. Jintong court sealing furnace cast not three years later, the supervisor will be the original craftsmen together again, casting separately. Because of a shortage of raw materials, the wind mill copper has been used up and not return, caster only in yellow miscellaneous copper instead of, is to work with the most delicate commonly before. Form a more diverse, but finally than copper. At the same time the bottom has changed. For the increase in the number of words "da Ming xuande five years supervisory department official Wu Bangzuo" and "xiaohong, w I Li Chengde supervision", etc., our, of both.


In the sight of the treasure house, collectors treasure zhaohaifeng copper incense burner in the idea may not be of pure light, his own more bluntly, was originally settle on this will increase, so that the consumption of huge amounts of money to used copper incense burner. In fact, he did not kanzou Yan, this a few years, "Xuande furnace market has been ascendant, from obscure miscellaneous become the new darling of collectors.



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